Listeners, welcome to the morning news. According to relevant media reports, a giant lion zombie appeared in a zoo in the United States. This giant lion zombie is tall, extremely powerful, and has higher defense than ordinary zombies. It can even withstand bullets. It’s hard to do harm to them.”

According to reports from citizens, giant zombies have also appeared in mountain cities in our country. To ensure the safety of citizens, the army has been dispatched to suppress them!

Yesterday, a mysterious person appeared in Suzhou City. According to the mayor of Suzhou City, Su Tianxiang, the mysterious person not only owned a humanoid robot, but also had a large amount of food. Now that the country is facing a national crisis, I hope that people from all walks of life can come forward and the whole people can unite as one. , to tide over the difficulties together.”

Early in the morning, Li Shiyi played the morning news. Now if he wants to grasp the news from the outside world, the news is the best choice.

Not only can you know the situation in Xia Kingdom, but you can also know the situation in other countries.

Giant zombies? When did the giant zombies appear? I don't even know.

Listening to the news, Li Shiyi frowned and muttered.

He has dealt with zombies many times, but he has never seen any giant zombies?

Li Shiyi began to search on the Internet.

It didn't take long for Li Shiyi to find the giant lion zombies in the American zoo, as well as some unknown large zombies.


Looking at the zombie pictures that appeared on his phone, Li Shiyi said.

However, he soon discovered that among these zombie pictures, there was a zombie that seemed very familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Different people have different views on these zombies.

Senior game fans believe that these large zombies are the mother body, the original body of the zombie virus.

Some people also believe that these zombies may have existed for a long time, but they only appeared in people's sight after the zombies completely broke out.

There is also a view that they believe that zombies may have learned a certain evolutionary pattern, and as they evolve, these zombies will become stronger and stronger.

Regarding these views, Li Shiyi agrees more with the third one, which is that zombies may have learned some kind of evolutionary method.

After all, the first two are not very convincing.

Forget it, these are not what I need to consider now. I'd better think about how to improve my strength first!

After guessing for a moment, Li Shiyi stopped guessing.

No matter how much he speculates now, it's useless. He might as well spend more time improving his strength.

As long as one's own strength improves, no matter what kind of large zombies or giant zombies it is, it's just a trivial matter.

After thinking clearly, Li Shiyi turned off the morning news and went to another dimension to make breakfast.

At the same time, the wheat seeds in the fine soil matured.

Li Shiyi ordered the robot to start harvesting wheat while chewing steak.

Li Shiyi can't wait to know the effectiveness of refined wheat.

You know, he spent 100,000 energy reserves to buy such a piece of fine soil.

If the food grown does not work well, then Li Shiyi will definitely scold his mother!

It took more than half an hour, and the robots finally harvested all the wheat in the delicate soil.

Not to mention anything else, the yield of this refined wheat alone is several times that of high-quality wheat, which makes Li Shiyi quite satisfied.

Then, Li Shiyi took some wheat and made it into steamed buns to try the taste.

The first basket of steamed buns has been steamed, and the aroma of malt fills the entire space.

Even though Li Shiyi had already had breakfast, he couldn't help drooling.

Soon, Li Shiyi took out the steamed buns and started to eat them.

To be honest, there seemed to be some magic power in this steamed bun, which made Li Shiyi want to eat more and more, and he couldn't stop at all.

This was the first time that Li Shiyi felt that steamed buns could be so delicious.

Not only that, after eating the steamed buns, Li Shiyi felt that his strength had improved a bit.


After eating the last steamed bun, Li Shiyi burped with satisfaction.

Sure enough, the wheat grown in fine soil did not disappoint him.

Li Shiyi patted his belly and returned to the driver's seat.

After eating and drinking, it’s time to go out and look for zombies.

The energy crystal was still a little short of redeemable for a bottle of enhancer, and Li Shiyi really wanted to feel the taste of the enhancer.

As a result, Li Shiyi began to get busy, looking for targets on the satellite map.

This is it!

Soon, Li Shiyi discovered a small village on the map, which was the same size as the previous Stone Village.

After marking the location, Li Shiyi drove towards the village.

After upgrading, Santana's speed was now very fast, and the village was relatively close, so Li Shiyi arrived at the village soon.

Great, there are so many zombies here!

As soon as he arrived at the village entrance, Li Shiyi found dozens of zombies, which made him extremely happy.

Now he needs to kill zombies to obtain energy crystals, so naturally the more zombies the better!

And this is just the entrance to the village. There are so many zombies, so there shouldn't be too few zombies in the whole village.

Suppressing his excitement, Li Shiyi drove directly into the village.


A group of zombies stood blankly at the entrance of the village, as if chatting.

Soon, they discovered Li Shiyi.


One zombie roared, and then the other zombies also roared and rushed towards Li Shiyi.

At the same time, three small machine guns fired simultaneously, bursting out with intense fire.

Although the zombies have tenacious vitality, they cannot withstand machine gun fire.

After several rounds of shooting, dozens of zombies at the entrance of the village were all killed by the gunfire.

After all, they are just zombies, with nothing on their mind but eating.

Even when faced with machine guns, they would not take cover.

[The host is detected and kills a primary zombie and obtains energy crystals*10]

[The host is detected and kills a primary zombie and obtains energy crystals*10]

[The host is detected and kills a primary zombie and obtains energy crystals*10]

System prompts appeared one after another, and Li Shiyi's energy crystals became richer.

Finally one thousand!

Seeing that there were more than 1,100 energy crystals in his personal information, Li Shiyi smiled happily.

We finally have enough energy crystals!

Li Shiyi found a corner and parked the car, preparing to enter another dimension.

He can't wait to try the body enhancer!

Arriving at the enhancer research room, Li Shiyi chose to spend a thousand energy crystals to buy a bottle of ordinary body enhancer without hesitation.

After deducting the energy crystals, the entire enhancer laboratory began to operate.

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