Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 363: Why kill a chicken with a cow-butcher knife?

Everyone, speed up now. Use your mecha's fastest speed. We are very close to the lake now. If we work harder, we can leave from here!

Xue Lang's voice sounded a little tired. After all, he had been very tired to save Li Shiyi. Although he was only controlling the mecha, even if he was sitting in the mecha, facing such a behemoth, no matter who he was, he would feel it. It was frightening, not to mention that the blood wolf now not only had to worry about the giant python, but also worried about the safety of Li Shiyi. After all, it had been a long time since Li Shiyi escaped from the mecha, and he had been unconscious for a long time. Time, even Li Shiyi, who is an evolver, may not be able to survive underwater for a long time. What's more, although there are no other enemies here, there is still a giant python. The giant python alone can knock someone unconscious. Li Shiyi was killed, not to mention that Li Shiyi is now in a coma. Even if he is awake now, it is impossible for him to defeat this giant python in front of him with his own body alone, let alone Even if it hurt him, even if he wanted to escape from its end, it might not be easy.

Although Li Shiyi is very powerful, he is also a very powerful existence in those medium-sized human bases. However, there have been big differences between humans and these creatures in nature since before the end of the world. These differences are not just On top of the wool, it is like a human being. No matter how powerful a human being is, it is impossible to defeat a grizzly bear head-on. The same is true now.

If Li Shiyi and the giant python are equal in strength, then it is absolutely impossible for him to beat each other, because the difference in strength between humans and beasts is like a chasm.

And although Li Shiyi is an evolver, he is not an ordinary evolver. He is neither an evolver nor an awakener who awakened his power when he was near death. Therefore, although he can be in the water, even if there is no oxygen It can survive, but even so, it cannot stay in the water for too long, because if it is too long, if the power stored in the cells is completely consumed, then it will be no different from water. Whether they are evolved or awakened ones, they are still human beings, and they are still in the category of humans. Even those who are strong, no matter how powerful they are, are mostly humans, and they are still in the category of humans. As long as this is the case, You cannot survive in water. After all, humans are still creatures on land.

Although before the end of the world, humans relied on their own wisdom and researched technology to conquer the sky and the sea, but that was also with the help of external forces, not the sky and the sea that were conquered by humans themselves. But even so, the more powerful those Humans can survive longer in the sea, but humans do not belong to the sea, so they cannot survive freely in the sea.

Now the distance to the sea is very short, already within reach, but at this moment, the last mecha in Li Eleven's mecha team seems to be due to operational reasons or other reasons. , suddenly stopped pushing upward, and the mecha immediately stopped in place and was no longer able to operate, just like Li Shiyi's mecha. The reason for this is unknown, but we know that Li Shiyi Why did Yi's mecha stop in place? His body was attacked by the giant python.

Because the python's attack caused damage to the body, seawater penetrated into the body, and those parts became unusable due to the seawater, so they became inoperable.

The reason why this combatant's machine can't be operated is even Xue Lang doesn't know, and now all Xue Lang's thoughts are on Li Shiyi. He doesn't dare to waste a little time. She is afraid of Li Shiyi. He was buried in the sea like this, so he was in such a hurry that he didn't even know that his team members suddenly fell behind. Normally, he would be able to find out in time even if his team members had some slight problems. And responded to it, but the current situation is not an ordinary situation, so he did not find out about it, nor did he find out that his team members had fallen behind.

And that team member was also very quiet and didn't even make a sound, so that not only Li Shiyi didn't notice it, but even the other team members didn't notice it either.

They were all in a hurry, wanting to leave the central lake, but the plane had completely disappeared now, disappearing at the end of the team.

You said it's been such a long time, why haven't the captain and the others come back from the lake yet?

Do you think they encountered any danger?


Isn't it just someone drowning? What danger could there be in the water?

It's definitely not what you said. Think about it, if it was just drowning, would you be so violent? Why kill a chicken with a butcher's knife?

Since the mechas in stock have been dispatched, there must be some very terrifying monsters. Otherwise, why would these mechas be dispatched? Every time these mechas fight, they are supported by a large amount of energy and money. Yes, just the test use of these mechas has consumed so much energy, let alone the current situation, and did you feel that the ground seemed to be shaking just now?

Feel the earthquake? Is it an earthquake?'

No, it's not an earthquake. It's more like something exploded underwater, which caused the ground to shake.

It's definitely not an earthquake. I also felt the shaking feeling you mentioned. And just now, Captain Blood Wolf must have encountered some danger underwater or encountered some kind of monster, so they had no choice but to Explosives were used underwater.”

You all felt the vibration, but why didn't I feel it?


It's because you are too nervous. If you continue to be so nervous, your head will be chewed to pieces by zombies at any time. I really don't know how you can survive until now.

I'm really confused!

While the warriors waiting on the shore were talking a lot, Li Shiyi and others had arrived at the lake safely. Maybe it was because of the disappearing mecha that attracted the giant python's attention. Therefore, it did not continue to pursue Xue Lang and others, so their mechas were able to escape from the lake safely.

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