Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 360 Survive at all costs

Open this damn door for me!

Li Shiyi cursed in his heart. If he hadn't been in the water, he would have been full of swear words now.

Li Shiyi kicked the door in front of him hard. Because the control room was filled with water, it was now unusable. This door needed to be controlled by a button in the operating room, but if it was opened manually, it would require hydraulic control, but If hydraulic control is used, the valve must be opened carefully. Even on the ground, it is very laborious to open the valve, not to mention that Li is underwater and has wounds all over his body. Eleven was a little exhausted at this moment, and he could no longer pull the valve.

So even if he kept trying, he couldn't open the door in front of him or leave here. He felt that the oxygen around him became thinner and thinner, but what was very strange was that even most of the people in the control room All the parts are malfunctioning, but the screen that can display everything outside has no problem at all. Even if it is completely submerged in water, it can still display everything outside very clearly, and it is very tired. Li Shiyi saw a scene above that made him even more desperate, that is, the giant python actually swam over, and the opponent's speed was very fast, as if it wanted to come over and swallow the mecha directly. Li Shiyi He had no choice but to pull the handle with all his strength. Under the threat of death, he burst out with a powerful force that he had never used so far. The power surged out of his body. Finally, the handle in front of Li Shiyi loosened, and then suddenly the handle It was screwed to the bottom.

He kicked hard at the door in front of him, one kick after another. In the end, Li Shiyi used a very violent method to destroy the door. The moment the door opened, the sea water outside almost instantly, The entire control room is filled. The central lake in the residential area is not stagnant water, but living water connected to those rivers, lakes and seas. Therefore, the central lake is larger than it appears from the surface, and most importantly, if conditions permit, If you do, you can swim all the way out of the residential area by diving into the bottom of the lake, and eventually enter the vast ocean like these lakes.

Just a residential area is already a place full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It is unknown what kind of dangers you will encounter if you enter those rivers, lakes and seas.

Li Shiyi used his palm to push open the door in front of him. Although it took some effort, he still pushed the door open. The lake water filled the remaining space in the control room, and the water flow just flooded it. He was already choking on the water when he was hit by the water, but he still desperately grabbed the edge of the door with his arms, trying to prevent himself from being washed away by the water. If he was washed away by the water, like this Under the deep sea, who knows where he will end up drifting with the current.

So Li Shiyi fixed his body very hard, trying to fix his body at the door. If he was washed away by the water and drifted with the current, he would really be unable to recover, and the giant snake outside was still there. Staring at him eagerly.

Li Shiyi held his breath hard and blocked his trachea to prevent the water from entering his trachea. After blocking the trachea, Li Shiyi felt that the pressure was much less, but now his strength was still losing rapidly. He He glanced back at the display screen behind him that could display the outside world. At this moment, the display screen showed a huge creature directly in front of the mecha. Suddenly, Li Shiyi turned his head suddenly, and then saw a ten-cent picture. It has a huge scarlet mouth with very sharp teeth, which are comparable to those of sharks.

This bloody mouth is now in front of Li Shiyi. The entire front view has been blocked, and other scenery cannot be seen at all. The giant python's mouth is already close at hand. At this moment, even Li Shiyi There is no use for Eleven to return to the mecha, because once the door of the mecha is opened, it cannot be closed again. This emergency switch is a one-time use.

Li Shiyi's legs slightly bent, and then he used force through the edge of the door, and then suddenly rushed out to the side. Then he used his hands and feet together, almost desperately, trying to escape from here. Not enough, he needs to escape further, to a place where the python can't catch up.

Li Shiyi exerted all his strength, and then looked back at the giant python from time to time. He saw that the giant python had noticed that Li Shiyi had escaped from under his eyes, but with his huge body, even if it wanted to stop now, Unable to stop, he rammed straight into the mecha. Its hard head and sharp teeth tore the entire mecha into pieces, including all the wires and lubricating fluid at the joints of the mecha. As the mecha broke apart, it was exposed.

There is still some distance between Li Shiyi and the giant python, so Li Shiyi uses this period of time to swim towards the lake, although he also knows that the possibility of leaving from here simply does not exist, because here In the lake, the giant python is the overlord, and he cannot leave at all. And looking up from here, the distance between the bottom of the lake and the surface of the lake is very far, and Li Shiyi is already a little exhausted, so even if the giant python asks him to swim, he He may not be able to swim to the top, but he has not given up. From the outbreak of the apocalypse to now, he has only learned one thing, that is, never give up no matter what happens, because if you give up on yourself, Then even if rescue comes, there is nothing that can be done.

So as long as there is a glimmer of hope, you must hold on tightly at all costs. Even if the thread is as small as a kite string, you must hold on tightly and you will not let go until you die.

A soldier once said this to Li Shiyi: As long as the enemy is in front of you, even if your hands and feet are cut off, you cannot stop fighting. Even if you die without a whole body, you must leave traces on the opponent's body. .”

In the end, this soldier did what he said, but he single-handedly held back a very powerful zombie, allowing the entire base of survivors to survive. This scene is now engraved in Li Shiyi's heart. So he only has one thought in his mind now, and that is to swim up, swim forward, swim regardless of everything, regardless of everything!

Even if the King of Heaven comes, he can't stop me. As long as I can still move, I will fight to the end! This is what Li Shiyi is thinking.

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