Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 351 Abnormal Events

I thought there was nothing left now, but I didn't expect there would be something slipping through the net now. I really didn't expect it.

Li Shiyi sighed. He originally thought that he had nothing to do now, but what he never expected was that there were still enemies, and whether these enemies were zombies or other monsters. Even Li Shiyi I don’t even know.

But what he knows now is that no matter what the opponent is, he must annihilate it. This is also to prepare for himself and the next arena match. The person who wins the arena match will have the opportunity to receive , a potion developed in the fortress that can turn the injector into an evolver. Such a potion is very rare, so the moment the news broke, the survivors had already exploded, and they all came to sign up. Sign up here.

It took Li Shiyi a lot of time to create a place that could accommodate all of them for the competition, but in the end Li Shiyi found a very suitable place, and this place is here now.

Because this place used to be a very chaotic place, it took a lot of time to turn it into a usable place. However, in the end, it was successfully renovated and the blocked vehicles and The wildly growing plants and trees have also been simply modified, and the most important thing, and the most important thing for safety reasons is that there are not many zombies around here, so even if they need to be cleaned, it doesn't take much effort.

All these things were completed in just a few days. Li Shiyi and Xue Lang were afraid of new changes, so they came here to explore again to see if there was anything that needed to be improved. , Li Shiyi discovered this incident after he came. At the same time, he was very lucky. Fortunately, he and the Blood Wolf came. Otherwise, when the arena competition starts, if this thing is an ordinary zombie, then naturally There is no problem, but if this thing is not a zombie, but a very terrifying monster, then not only the arena competition will be affected, but also the lives of those participating in the arena competition. Because of these factors, this place Li Shiyi had to go.

If the enemy is just an ordinary zombie, then there is no problem. He can deal with it. Even if the opponent is slightly stronger, he can also deal with it. But if the opponent is a very large monster, then Li Shiyi will contact the central control room of the fortress. , let those soldiers come here and conduct an all-round cleaning of the surrounding area. They will not let any zombies go, not even a fly can fly over.

Let me see who it is that dares to stay here and ruin my good deeds.

As Li Shiyi spoke, he went to the direction pointed on the map. He had no memory of where exactly the red dot appeared. Moreover, since the other party was a living creature, it must be moving and could not remain still like that. It was motionless in place, so even remembering the location of the monster would have no effect, because the other party would not stay in that place, waiting for Li Shiyi to come and destroy it, so now we only need to All you need to know is that the current location of this monster is in that residential area.

This residential area is a community, and that thing is currently hiding in this community, but we don’t know where it is, and we can’t find the other party’s movements using the map. The other party does not appear on the map at all. As long as there are moving things, they will be displayed on this map, and this is not the first time Li Shiyi has used this map. This map is very accurate, and with the blessing of the system, there will be no errors at all. , so the current situation is definitely a problem with the monster, but Li Shiyi simply can’t figure out what kind of monster it is that can’t be displayed on this map at all. Logically speaking, this is something that should never happen. That's right.

But now such a situation has happened to him, and this enemy is very weird, so Li Shiyi is so cautious and careful.

The place marked on the map is actually not too far away. Li Shiyi arrived at that place quickly. This place is a community. There are still many vehicles parked in the community at this moment, and it is not the same as before the apocalypse. What a big change, and the only thing that makes people feel weird is that this place is quiet, there is no sound, it is very quiet. You must know that this was a community with relatively many residents before the end of the world.

It seems that this place is not within the scope of zombie cleaning.

Li Shiyi suddenly thought of this and said immediately. At this time, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind. He was analyzing it as he walked.

If this place is not within the scope of zombie cleaning, then there should still be a lot of zombies here.

But now there are not only no zombies here, but also very quiet. Unless there were no zombies here in the first place, this will never happen. Before the end of the world, this was a community with many residents, and it was also a central city. s position.

Then there is only one possibility left, and that is that there is something else in this community that killed all these zombies...

The more Li Shiyi thought about it, the more creepy he felt, but that was the fact. This community was a very noisy community before the apocalypse, but now everything has changed. Not only has it become deserted, but even the loss has It disappeared without a trace. This is a very abnormal thing. This matter has gone beyond ordinary cognition.

Then what exactly is gathered here?

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi stopped, because he no longer dared to go forward. Although he could not see any abnormalities or any abnormal places on the map, now Li Shiyi could clearly sense the situation ahead. It seems to be the territory of something. If you take another step forward, you may enter the other party's territory. You must know that these zombies and monsters also attach great importance to their territory, just like those jackals and tigers in nature. Like a leopard, it will use its own scent to mark its territory. Once its territory is invaded, a fierce battle will inevitably occur, and the same situation is now encountered by Li Shiyi.

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