Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 348 Jasmine of the Thousand Swords vs. Huang Yang of the Familia

The number of blades Jasmine currently carries is already a very large number, but she seems to be a little dissatisfied with it, so she continues to take the weapons placed here, and finally, she gets dozens of blades , she inserted dozens of blades into the ground, and then held a blade in her hand.

These blades are all the same, including weight and other things, and even the grinding method. There are a total of 999 blades here, plus the magic power, the total number of blades in my hand is now That's a whole thousand knives, and these one thousand knives are exactly the same, without the slightest difference. These blades are all made by the same blade, and the knifemaker died after making a thousand knives, and this The owner of a thousand blades is Jasmine.

In the past, she was also known as Jasmine of the Thousand Swords. He who used these blades was the strongest, and in addition, she used to be a human, but now she is a vampire. She was saved by Yu Ye when she was about to die. Now, You Ye not only healed his injuries, but also gave her very powerful power, as well as the power that everyone dreams of, immortality.

That's right, it means literally, no matter what kind of damage she suffered, she could recover, and even if she died, she could be resurrected. She used the power she gained to kill all her enemies, and then began to follow You At night, she finally became the head maid, leading a large number of maids. These maids are not only responsible for cleaning and cleaning in the mansion, they are also the most powerful fighting force in the mansion. When encountering other races or When monsters invade, they can drive away some monsters or kill them all just by relying on their own strength.

They are not only the maids who manage this mansion, they are also warriors and the most powerful fighting force in this mansion. As their captain, You Ye, the head maid, is even more powerful.

These blades were now stuck straight into the ground. These blades on the ground were waiting for their master to use. Jasmine pulled out another blade from the ground. Now she had two blades in her hand. The blade of the knife shone with cold light, as if it was the sharpest weapon in the world.

Jasmine held two weapons and rushed towards Huang Yang. She used the blade in her hand to pierce Huang Yang's body deeply. The latter let out a cry of pain and waved his arms frantically. Although he was It has a very hard cuticle, but for Jasmine's blade, no matter how hard the cuticle is, the blade can be easily penetrated.

Jasmine's hand holding the blade shook wildly, causing more and more damage to Huang Yang's body, and blood continued to flow from the wound.

Jasmine found that the blade was stuck by the muscles in Huang Yang's body and could not be taken out. At this time, the other blade she held came in handy. She used the other blade in her hand to insert it. In the wound that had been expanded infinitely, blood was pouring out, but even so, it could be found that such a terrifying wound was actually healing itself at an extremely fast speed.

The person in front of her was talking to herself too fast. Jasmine couldn't help but smacked her tongue and made an unhappy sound. However, under the attack of her huge power, she was still stuck in Huang Yang's body. The blade was taken out.

You actually don't dodge like this? It seems that I have really been underestimated by you.

Jasmine said this, and suddenly the power in her body surged crazily. These surging powers amplified her own strength several times. Such a powerful force cut off one of Huang Yang's arms. Going down, even Huang Yang's bones that had been strengthened by You Ye's power were cut off together.


Huang Yang's painful cry was because his throat had been corroded, so he could only make a very hoarse sound, and such a cry was no different from the cry of a monster.

Huang Yang's severed arm immediately became active after being separated from the body, and the appearance of the arm also changed, becoming like a monster. Eyes grew on each of those fingers, and the center of the palm was here. Shi also grew a very huge mouth. Even if such a mouth were placed on those terrifying monsters, it would still feel very huge. However, such a mouth was actually growing on Huang Yang's arm at this moment. above.

The place where the right arm originally grew was now replaced by a new arm. Huang Yang picked up the broken arm and put it on his back. The clothes on his back were torn. The blood-red skin was exposed, and the broken right arm now grew on Huang Yang's back.

Huang Yang now has three arms, and he looks like a very terrifying demon. Of course, even so, Jasmine did not retreat at all. Her power also solidified, creating a very huge phantom behind her, and this The phantom also has a large number of arms, and these phantom-like arms picked up the huge number of knives on the ground. These arms and blades can move according to Jasmine's thoughts, which means that these arms and blades can move at this time. At this moment, they can all be used uniformly by Jasmine.

When Jasmine expressed her thoughts, it meant that she had started to take it seriously.

Jasmine now is the real Thousand Sword Style, and the very huge Dharma behind her is also called Thousand Swords Dharma by her. Those huge numbers of blades are now being used by Jasmine, and he is truly powerful now.

bring it on.

Let us decide the outcome with one move!

Jasmine was almost roaring, and there was a lot of power in his voice.

Huang Yang forcefully uprooted a very thick tree in front of him, and then hugged it with his arms. The remaining arm held a very thick branch.

The battle between Thousand Swordsman Jasmine and the Familia Huang Yang has really begun now. Now is the real battle, with lives and everything on the line. This kind of battle is the best destination for the two of them. , although Huang Yang and Jasmine's bodies are now covered with scars, and the number of those wounds has long been too numerous to be forgiven, but even so, the two did not give up or stop fighting, Still fighting.

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