Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 338 Maid Jasmine

Miss, you are back.

Yes, I'm back. I didn't go out very long this time.

But we still miss you very much. Even if you leave our sight for a second, we will miss you very much.

My beloved eldest lady, let me see if you have lost weight. You must not eat well outside.

No way, I also had a good meal outside. I'm definitely not losing weight.


Miss has lost weight!

Quickly go and inform the chef that today I will cook a big pot full of dishes for the lady. If you hear me, give me the instructions immediately. You must use the best ingredients. If it doesn't work, you can just cook me.

The head maid on the side kept touching You Ye's body again and again, looking extremely excited, as if something important had happened. She was very excited.


Miss, has she actually lost weight?

Miss, you are suffering out there, please notify the chef quickly, hurry up!

Understood, I'll go right now!

A slightly older woman touched You Ye's body, and then scolded the maids behind her in long skirts and maid uniforms very sternly.

The maids immediately dispersed. You Ye looked at Huang Yang and showed a bitter smile, as if she was used to it.

If Youye told Huang Yang that she looked like this every time she came back, she didn't know what kind of expression Huang Yang would show. Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing, but the latter was a little confused.

But just the hall of this mansion is very magnificent. It can be seen that Youye's status is very noble, and even the servants are all beautiful and wear very gorgeous long skirts and maid uniforms. And the one at the head seems to be the head maid. She is wearing an expensive-looking headdress on her head, and there is also a shining golden necklace hanging around her neck. You don’t need to look at it to know that it must be made of gold. of.

Although she is said to be the head maid, she doesn't look like a servant at all. She is more like You Ye's personal maid, or even a nanny.

Miss, I miss you so much!

The head maid suddenly pounced on You Ye, hugged her tightly, and then inhaled the scent of her body, showing a very happy smile.

Miss, can you just stay in the house like this? I can't wait to follow you every time you go out. I really miss you so much.

The head maid was taller than You Ye, almost a head taller. She hugged You Ye, and the latter's head was pressed tightly against her chest.

You Ye's body is very short and slender, and the head maid's movements are very gentle. She is afraid that if she uses a little more force, she will hurt You Ye, but it is obvious that she thinks too much.

Although You Ye is very slender and not tall, she is the master of the entire mansion and even a large area around it. These places used to be the territories of other races. She gained them bit by bit from those areas. After being snatched from the hands of the enemy, such a mansion was built later, and he lived here for a long time.

I've only been gone for a long time, am I back now?

Facing such a head maid, although Youye looked very sad, she could not hide the joyful expression in her eyebrows no matter what.

Of course, this expression was also caught by the head maid. The head maid squatted down and hugged You Ye's legs hard. The latter took advantage of the situation and put her hands on the head of the head maid, and then very gently He stroked her hair, combed her hair, touched her face, arranged her clothes, and smelled the fragrance of the head maid. She liked the smell of the head maid very much. The smell was like scented tea mixed with tea leaves. The fragrance of the earth after the rain is very relaxing.

You Ye held the head maid like this for a long time, until he noticed Huang Yang who had been staring at the two of them.

The moment the head maid saw Huang Yang, she pulled her behind her. At the same time, she pulled out a blade from the weapon rack on her thigh and held it in her hand. Her eyes were very cold, completely unlike her just now. The eyes she looked at You Ye were very gentle, but now her eyes were very cold and filled with murderous intent.

Jasmine, she is not an enemy, she is a dependent I obtained this time.


As soon as You Ye finished speaking, the murderous eyes of the head maid Jasmine disappeared immediately, but her eyes were still very cold and full of alertness. Although the blade in her hand was no longer tightly held, , but it was still spinning and flying on her slender fingertips. As long as Huang Yang made the slightest movement, she would definitely insert the blade in her hand directly into his heart without any hesitation.

Huang Yang had no doubt that if You Ye hadn't stopped her, his head might have been removed by now, and it might no longer be on his neck.

Hello, this is the first time we meet. My name is Huang Yang. Please give me your advice.

Huang Yang was a little nervous, but he still bowed to the head maid Jasmine.


With this aura, are you human?

As a human, you actually dare to enter the realm of vampires. Boy, you are very courageous.

Jasmine's expression moved slightly, and she walked slowly towards Huangyang, turning slowly around him, looking at him with scrutinizing eyes. Such eyes made him very uncomfortable, and from her body Ruoyouruowu exuded a very powerful aura, whether it was intentional or unintentional. This aura put pressure on Huang Yang and made him feel very uncomfortable.

Jasmine, he saved me. I was in danger in a wetland park. If he hadn't saved me, I might have been in danger. Although I wouldn't have died, I would certainly not have felt better. But he saved me. Later, because I almost died, I injected my own blood into his body, and then drew a simple magic circle to turn her into my dependent and a vampire.

But because of us, the magic circle is very crude, so I want you to prepare a good magic circle, and let me make the following contract with him again, so that all his power can be stimulated.

You Ye explained while pointing at Huang Yang.

So that's it. You actually saved the young lady. For this reason, I will reluctantly accept you. But if you dare to do anything strange, I will definitely be the first to cut off your head.

Jasmine nodded as she spoke.

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