Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 33 Delicate soil, shock caused by robots

[There are recyclable items detected. Are they recycled? 】

[Inferior iron ore, recyclable, reward energy reserve*1000, special metal*10]

[Copper mine, recyclable, rewards energy reserve*2000, dimensional space stone fragments*30, production acceleration liquid*10]

[Special concentrate, recyclable, reward energy reserve*3000, god-level rubber*90,]

After obtaining the ore, Li Shiyi immediately recovered all the ore one by one and obtained a large amount of resources, especially energy reserves, which reached an unprecedented amount.

A total of 120,000.

It is detected that the host has an upgradeable item. Please use it immediately to complete the upgrade of the tank!

While he was feeling complacent about obtaining resources, the system prompt suddenly appeared. Li Shiyi saw that Santana's tires could be upgraded.

[Tires: You can use god-level rubber + 200 energy crystals or 1000 energy reserves to upgrade to god-level rubber tires. They can travel on a variety of terrains, are extremely tough, and cannot be penetrated by bullets...]

Tires can be upgraded, and Li Shiyi directly chose to upgrade the tires without any hesitation.

The stronger the chariot, the greater his chances of survival in the apocalypse.

Buzz buzz

The tank is being upgraded.

Li Shiyi ignored it and directly entered the different-dimensional space.

Now that he has as much as 120,000 energy reserves, it's time to squander it.

Twenty thousand, do you want to get a refined soil?

Li Shiyi was a little hesitant. The reason was naturally the delicate soil.

He wanted to get a piece of fine soil again, but he thought it was too expensive. After all, one piece of fine soil had an energy reserve of 100,000 yuan, and one piece of it could drain him dry.

Hey, forget it, wealth is gained through danger! I don't want to give up the child and can't trap the wolf, so I bought it!

Gritting his teeth, Li Shiyi chopped off his hands!

In the planting area, a patch of black soil appeared.

Grandma, you have to fight for me. I spent a hundred thousand yuan to invite you here!

Looking at the black soil on the ground, Li Shiyi said with a pained expression.

Now he just hopes to get value for money! If it's not worth it, then he will lose a lot!

Then, Li Shiyi took out high-quality wheat seeds and gave them to the robot, so that they could be planted on the fine soil.

At the same time, the apples and bananas on the high-quality soil had matured. Li Shiyi recovered them all and planted the seeds on the high-quality soil.

Now, Li Shiyi is just waiting for the seeds to sprout and bear fruit.

At the same time, what Li Shiyi didn’t know was that his robot had become popular online.

Sioux City Forum.

Did you see it? A white robot appeared in our Sioux City!

It's so popular that it's been trending on Weibo. Who doesn't know? They just don't know who made it?

Do you think this robot can defeat zombies?

It's hard to say. If it's a robot like Iron Man, I think it's fine. This one, although it's humanoid, looks a bit low-profile no matter how you look at it!

I haven't seen it before, but our Sioux City is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon! Not only is there a food tycoon, but there is also an awesome scientist, and we even have robots!

On the forum, a photo of a robot attracted everyone's attention.

Originally, because of the zombies, they could only stay at home. In addition to preventing zombie attacks, they spent the rest of the time paying attention to Weibo to see if anything big happened, but they found out.

In Su City, a white robot unexpectedly appeared, which immediately attracted their attention.

I usually watch a lot of doomsday movies and play a lot of games.

Usually at the end of the world, either a person with superpowers or a mecha appears.

Anyway, there is always something that can help them get through the difficulties.

And now that robots have appeared, will it be too late for mechas?

Everyone was looking forward to it, imagining the scene of driving a mecha and beating zombies in their minds.

Imperial Capital, a certain technology base.

Professor Sun, we can't analyze the virus in the corpse. It's too complicated.

In front of the computer, a young researcher spoke.

In front of him, there were various sophisticated machines and a tube of black liquid.

Next to the researcher, an old man with white hair frowned and said: Why can't we analyze it? What is the problem? We don't have much time. If we can't create the serum, there will be more people get hurt!

This old man is Professor Sun, the most authoritative professor of biology in Xia State.

As soon as the zombies broke out, he received an order from his superiors to set up a scientific and technological research base in order to unlock the secrets of zombies and research serums to deal with zombie viruses.

But they have been studying for a day and have no clue.

Professor Sun, Professor Sun!

At this moment, another researcher ran over panting, holding a tablet in his hand.

Originally having no clue about the zombie virus, Professor Sun was not in a very good mood. Seeing his students in a panic, he sternly reprimanded him: Look at how you look in such a panic. I'm not here to teach you. I have said that those who work in our industry must have a peaceful mind and cannot be in a hurry!

No, Professor Sun, I have made a major discovery!

Knowing that his teacher had misunderstood, the man quickly explained.

Then he took out the tablet in his hand and played a video.

If Li Shiyi were here, he would find that it was his robot in the video.

Hmm? Robot? Or humanoid?

Seeing the robot moving freely in the video, Professor Sun's eyes widened, completely forgetting what he had just said, and said in disbelief: Such an intelligent humanoid robot? Could it be that the old guy succeeded?

Then, regardless of everyone's reaction, Professor Sun took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: Hey, old guy, when did your research succeed and you didn't even know to tell your old friends?

What? That thing isn't yours? Did your research fail? How is that possible? Even you failed, who else has this ability?

Professor Sun was even more surprised when he heard the response on the other end of the phone. It turned out that he didn't research it!

You know, this old friend of his is a leader in another field just like him.

And that field is intelligent robots!

Even he didn't succeed in researching it, but he didn't expect that it was researched by others, and it seemed to be very advanced, but he didn't know what level it could reach.

If we can fight in all directions, it will indeed be good news for mankind.

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