Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 315 The Seal of the Fourth Frame

The picture above is the picture of her first encounter with Xiaoliu. This memory was saved by Yuxue like a treasure. All the memories that are particularly important to her are placed here.

And this memory fragment is stored in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness. It is also her most important memory, and this memory has now become the trigger for death.

She was originally somewhat resistant to opening the fourth frame, but when he saw this memory, he immediately stopped hesitating and immediately determined what she wanted to do.

He wanted to remove his fourth frame and kill all the zombies in the entire institute, but because she was always in the institute.

So she didn't know that the existence of the research institute was not single. There was a building above the research institute to cover up its existence. This building was the Nantian Base!

That's right, once Yu Xue takes a stake and destroys the entire research institute, not only the research institute will be destroyed, but also the Nantian Base above him.

Although many residents of Nantian Base have moved to other places, the skinny camels are bigger than horses. After all, the former Nantian Base was also a medium-sized base.

Even though many residents inside have moved away, the number of residents currently in the base is still a large number.

Once the research institute is damaged, the problem will not be with the research institute itself, but with Nantian Base and the residents in Nantian Base.

Everyone will be affected, and such a result is unbearable for everyone.

Without any hesitation, Youxue stood still in the sea of ​​consciousness. Floating around her were the memories of Xiao Liu, and these memories made him laugh.

Put on her back, she was now completely immersed in memories, regardless of the zombies surrounding her body.

The presence of these zombies endangered his safety, so the mechanical arm behind him killed all the zombies that came close to her.

The commander and other experimental subjects were running wildly in the corridor. He led the experimental subjects to kill the surrounding zombies and then entered the weapons warehouse.

There are countless weapons in the arsenal, and these experimental subjects are also very familiar with firearms and can easily use them, so they are under the command of the commander.

Each of them carried several firearms, and countless bullets. The number and weight of these bullets and firearms may be daunting to ordinary people and ordinary warriors.

But for these experimental subjects who only appear for combat, these weights are nothing more than trivial matter.

With the weapons in his hands, the commander carried these experimental subjects like an invincible sharp knife, and the zombies in front of him were torn apart by these bullets.

No enemy could stand in front of these experimental subjects intact, and they were very skilled in using weapons, so almost no bullets were wasted, and every bullet was shot on these zombies.

Come on everyone, we'll be out of here soon.

The commander was fighting in the passage with all the experimental subjects, and bullet casings were scattered on the ground in the passage.

There are zombie corpses all around. Even if these zombies are attacked, they will continue to attack one after another.

It's coming soon, everyone, work harder, we're going out soon,

The commander was holding a weapon in front of him to clear the way. The experimental subjects behind were using their guns to cover them, and everyone was fighting hard.

No one relaxed their vigilance, and everyone was frantically attacking the zombies in front of them.

At this moment, a frightening power fluctuation came from behind.

It's Yuxue! She has broken through the seal of the fourth frame.

Let's run away quickly, this research institute will be destroyed soon!

Hearing the commander's voice, everyone switched from burst shooting to strafing, firing bullets at the zombies in front of them for free.

The zombies' bodies were shattered and all were repelled, leaving a safe passage for a few people.

Just as everyone was running away frantically, Yuxue in the room released a shocking force. She used her own power to kill all the zombies in the room.

Facing the current Yuxue, these zombies had no power to fight back and were simply killed.

Soon he used his own power to kill all the zombies in the entire room, and there was no longer any zombie that could move in the room.

He set his target on the door of the room not far away. The already deformed door was still firmly blocking the zombies. Youxue punched out, knocking the giant door away.

The zombies behind the giant door were also shattered. When these zombies saw Youxue's appearance, they all rushed up. They wanted to attack Youxue, but the latter rushed forward and smashed a large number of German zombies with their bodies. .

There was a very large hole behind the giant door. Many zombies crawled out of it. Seeing this, Yuxue jumped directly. This cave can directly lead to the underground.

The number of zombies underground is infinitely greater than those above, and there are some experimental subjects who were tortured into monsters and lunatics before the apocalypse broke out underground.

And now that the apocalypse has broken out, who knows what they have become now.

Those monsters were very powerful even before the end of the world. After all, they were all failures in genetic research, failures from beginning to end. Such monsters are very powerful.

And the reason why these interferences with genes are not allowed is that genes are too wonderful.

The failure rate of researching genes is too high, and it requires a ridiculous amount of manpower and material resources, so almost no one is willing to conduct such experiments.

Youxue resolutely entered the underground level, and then started a crazy killing in the underground level. The light here was very dim, and the smell of blood was everywhere.

This place is like a monster that can eat people, it is very scary. Ordinary people can't avoid such a place, but now Yuxue will go wherever there is danger.

He is now no different from Xiao Liu who was infected by the zombie virus, and his consciousness is still trapped in the sea of ​​consciousness.

And his body is now controlled by the consciousness that broke out from the sea of ​​consciousness, and he gave up control of his body.

So now she only knows how to kill, like a real fighting machine, killing the lives around her indiscriminately.

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