These zombies have no temperature, so they will not be sensed by the scanning devices installed on the gates, so it is impossible for these gates to let them in.

In this way, there was a vacuum period for these zombies. When the leader and other experimental subjects left here, the girl still did not stop attacking these zombies.

Now these zombies can't move, and they can't even attack, defend or even dodge. They just stand there, and there are still girls attacking them like a wild bombardment.

Hurry up!

They'll be back soon.

Since it is the boy's power, the boy is naturally very aware of his own power and can know when the impact of his cannonballs on zombies will be ineffective.

And now he has sensed it, vaguely sensed it, that his power will soon lose its effect.

As soon as the young man's words came out, the hearts of the traveling research bodies sank, and they saw these zombies gradually moving, very slowly at first.

But they soon recovered the speed that zombies should have. They were very fast and launched an attack on these moving research bodies, attacking with their very sharp claws and teeth.

And those experimental subjects who have reached the safe area cover these experimental subjects who are in danger, so that they can leave here better and safer.

This is also the commander's wish, and they all think so. After all, they still want to leave here, and they cannot die here like this.

No one wants to die here in a very aggrieved manner. Such things are absolutely impossible to let happen even if they are imagined.

But even though these experimental subjects were attacking the zombies crazily, many experimental subjects were still injured by the zombies.

The strong zombie virus immediately flowed from the wounds on their bodies and spread throughout their bodies through their extremely fast beating hearts. Their hearts beat much faster than normal humans.

If the heart beats faster, the metabolism will also become very fast.

That's why their wound healing speed has become so fast now, and not only for this reason, the strength of their cells is also stronger than that of ordinary humans.

After all, they were developed to fight. If they were injured in the battle, if they could heal quickly, they would be able to kill more enemies than the enemy.

This is the combat power that can influence the situation of the battle. Imagine fighting against these monsters who can remain intact in a very short time even if they are injured.

Let's ask who can win the battle. Basically, they have won from the beginning, and the next step is just a cutscene, which is nothing harmful.

These experimental subjects infected by the zombie virus showed very difficult expressions. Obviously no one here wanted to be infected and become one of the zombies, but there was no way around it.

Since they are infected with the zombie virus, it is equivalent to death and zombies. With so many experimental subjects, everyone wants to escape from here.

No one wants to run around on the battlefield with a burden that has no fighting ability. Such a thing is stupid, irresponsible for one's own life, and disrespectful to the entire team.

So these infected experimental subjects chose to stay where they were, giving others a chance to escape, while the cells in their bodies were fighting against the zombies at this moment.

They will not turn into zombies immediately like infected humans, but will go through a long period of time. In the end, if the cells in the body are strong, they can withstand these zombie viruses. ,

But not everyone can survive the battle with the zombie virus, and now these zombies have regained their activity.

Basically, as long as you are targeted by zombies, no matter how far you go, you will still be pulled back by the zombies and become one of them again.

So even if these experimental subjects can defeat those zombie viruses, the process is very painful, and all the strength of the body is drained away by the cells to fight against those zombie viruses.

So at that time, he was very weak, how could he fight against the countless zombies in front of him, so at this moment, as long as he was infected by zombies, it was equivalent to death.

And everything they are doing now is a means to make their death as valuable as possible. Such means are very important.

Now that they are infinitely close to death, they can kill more zombies before they die and let more zombies die in their own hands.

Prevent them from harming their own kind and buy more time for their own kind. The more time they buy, the more zombies they kill, and the safer they will be.

So now they have no reservations about their own power, after seeing their own kind leave here safely.

These experimental subjects let out crazy roars. At this moment, they no longer need to limit their power.

The reason why they put many shackles on their bodies is because there is a price to pay for the use of power. If all restrictions are released, then all power will be gained.

But because this power is so powerful, if such power is used for a long time, their bodies will show signs of collapse.

If you use all your strength to fight, although you can gain powerful strength in a short time, it will cause very serious damage to your body.

This kind of power requires the sacrifice of the user's life as a price, so under normal circumstances, the maximum power used will not exceed half of the total amount.

But in this terminal situation, even if they don't use strong power, they will be eaten to death by zombies in the near future.

So rather than die being eaten by zombies and becoming their food, it is better to die in battle, fighting with these zombies.

This is the most correct approach, and for these warriors infected with the zombie virus.

Dying in a battle with zombies is also a very lucky thing. Of course, such luck is based on misfortune.

Being left here and being infected with the zombie virus can no longer be described as luck. It should be described as misfortune, but the luckiest thing in misfortune is that they can now die before their bodies collapse.

Instead of being poisoned by the zombie virus and dying, you become the food of these zombies and the food in their mouths.

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