Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 30 The fish takes the bait

Su City, a mining area.

Boss, if there is no more food, we will all die here!

Boss, what should I do? I don't want to die here!

Yes, boss! Please think of a way, there are seniors and juniors among us, we can't die here!

In a small bungalow in the mining area, more than a dozen coal miners said with bitter expressions.

They are all natives of Sioux City. In order to support their families, they came to work in this mining area.

Although the mining area is closed and can only go out during holidays, the wages are higher and they are willing to stay.

It was precisely because of the closure of the mining area that they were protected from zombie attacks and all survived.

However, although they were not attacked by zombies, the restaurants that usually delivered food to them could not deliver food because of the presence of zombies.

In addition, the mining area usually does not store food at all, so they have almost gone a day without eating.

Everyone was so hungry that they had no energy to work, let alone such hard work as coal mining.

So they all went on strike and went to the boss to complain.

The boss is a fat man with a big belly. To be honest, in terms of hunger, he is hungrier than these people.

After all, he was big and had great needs, but he didn't show it because he knew he was the boss and in order to stabilize the morale of the army.

The boss hugged his empty stomach and tried his best to comfort him: Don't worry, I'm already thinking of a solution.

The boss comforted them for a long time before letting these employees settle down.

He also knew that continuing like this was not the answer, so he began to look for a solution, and finally found the black market.

I also discovered the transaction information that Li Shiyi posted on it, and I was overjoyed and contacted Li Shiyi.

The next day, the bloody sun rose into the sky and the sun shone brightly.

Li Shiyi got up very early. After a simple wash, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to check the harvest of the night and whether any fish had taken the bait.

But the result surprised him.

At this time, there were more than ten people on his mobile phone who were looking for reservations from him, and countless people were chatting with him privately.

Boss? Are you there? I want to exchange for some food!

Boss, what kind of items does the boss need, or what kind of items are you satisfied with?

Boss, I want to trade, I want to trade!

Li Shiyi briefly browsed through the messages, and then began to reply one by one.

Sioux City, Mayor's Office.

Mayor? He replied, he replied!

Seeing the dialog box that had been unanswered, it finally flashed, and the young man roared excitedly.

He waited all night and the other party finally responded.

Su Tianxiang also looked excited: Really? That's great! Quick, ask him what conditions he wants!

On the other side, the mining area.

Hungry, so hungry!

I feel like I'm going to die!

Oh, it would be great if I had a mouthful of flesh to eat!

A series of wailing sounds sounded, and the boss woke up from his stool in the small bungalow.

Because of hunger, he didn't sleep all night. He finally closed his eyes and was awakened by the wailing of these people.

The boss simply stopped taking a break, took his cell phone, and immediately opened the black market.

I'm back! I'm finally back!

Seeing that there was an unread message, the boss was very excited!

This is his life-saving straw, the only chance for him to survive! How could he not be excited?

The boss quickly opened the message.

Here I am!

After replying with just two words, the boss was extremely excited.

Fat fingers started tapping on the phone.

On the other side, Li Shiyi was busy replying to messages.

Although there are many people buying wheat, most of them offer prices that make Li Shiyi dissatisfied.

Now he is the only one in the world who can produce food, and he is considered a rare commodity.

Naturally, it is impossible to sell it cheaply.

This is the end of the world. If you are not careful, you will die, and human life is like a piece of grass.

Li Shiyi doesn't know how to do charity. If it's a cheap sale, Li Shiyi might as well not sell it and just recycle it.

Just when Li Shiyi was frowning and worried that there was no good stuff, a piece of news made him happy.

I am the owner of the mining area. I can use the resources in the mining area to exchange for food. Can I exchange it?

The resources in the mining area should be good!

Li Shiyi thought, and then replied: Yes, but the transaction ratio must be agreed in advance, 100:1.

If he were just a miner, Li Shiyi would never agree, but this man is the boss of the mining area and owns the entire mining area, so he has the capital to trade with him.

100:1? What kind of 100:1 method?

The reply came quickly. It was obvious that he was in a hurry and was short of food.

Li Shiyi smiled slightly and replied: 100:1 means, 100 kilograms of mineral resources in exchange for one kilogram of wheat!

Then, Li Shiyi typed out another line of text and sent it out: Don't think it's too expensive. You also know that the whole world can't produce food now! Food will only become less and less, not more!

The owner of the mining area turned pale when he saw Li Shiyi's request. He knew that even if there was food on the black market, the price would be ridiculously high.

But I didn't expect it to be so outrageous.

He actually wanted to exchange a pound of wheat for a hundred pounds of mineral resources.

In the past, one pound of iron ore could buy many pounds of wheat!

What's more, in this mining area, there is not only iron ore, but also other more valuable things.

But at this moment, Li Shiyi actually demanded that one pound of wheat be exchanged for one hundred pounds of mineral resources!

Simply a vampire!

He wanted to refuse, but the hunger coming from his stomach made him unable to control it.

He hasn't eaten for a day! If you don't eat, you will die!

Then, what Li Shiyi said later made him compromise completely!

Now that the soil has mutated and plants cannot be grown, there will be no food production in the world.

Without food, so what if there are more mineral resources?

Do you want him to eat iron ore? Or nibbling on gold mines?

Thinking about it this way, let alone 100:1, even if it is 1000:1, he is willing!

So, the boss immediately replied: Okay! I agree! But how are we going to trade?

Although he agreed, how to deal was still a big problem.

In the past, we would agree on a location or use express delivery, but now, with zombies running rampant, who dares to wander on the streets?

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After seeing his boss agree, Li Shiyi laughed happily.

As for the problem that the boss is worried about, it may be a problem for others, but for Li Shiyi, it is nothing at all!

So, Li Shiyi replied: Don't worry about this, just send me the address and prepare the mineral resources! I will deliver the food to you when the time comes!

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