Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 292 District One and District Twelve

Some of the rules in peaceful times can be used even now, and these desperadoes who kill decisively and do not put their lives in their sights also abide by these rules and regulations.

After all, rules and systems need to be restrained at any time, whether it is the literati in ancient times or the dignitaries in modern times.

Or maybe these desperadoes today, although they are lawless, they still have their own set of bottom lines.

That is not to easily fight or cause trouble on other people's territory, no longer make trouble in the stable area, and no longer make trouble in the human base. These things are the most basic.

It is something that everyone can abide by, and of course the most important one is the last line of defense that allows these desperadoes in the apocalypse to preserve human rationality.

That is cannibalism. No matter what happens, you cannot eat your own kind. Human beings are not the same as those beasts.

If this happens, these people are called cannibals. No matter what force, no matter how evil they are, they will kill these cannibals.

But even so, the number of these cannibals has not decreased at all.

Because even if those bases and those stable areas try their best to restore the production lines of resources and food before the end of the world, the demand for food is still in short supply.

So even if cannibalism has been explicitly prohibited, many people will still take risks because they are really hungry.

No one can bear the feeling of being tortured by hunger, so they do such crazy things.

Many cannibals were also found in the twelve stable areas. None of these cannibals were spared. They were all killed, and some of these cannibals were even addicted.

They even raise a large number of their own kind in their own territory, treating their own territory as a farm and raising those same kind as their own food.

Moreover, these powerful cannibals even took a fancy to the recovery ability of awakened people. They even cultivated living people into food and took meat from them.

Due to their very powerful metabolism, they are even able to grow new body parts again.

This kind of thing has become commonplace, and there are even forces that are trying to buy and sell these people.

Packaging food for trading, such a crazy behavior can no longer be called human.

This is no longer something that humans can do. This is no longer the category of inhumanity. They are not humans at all, they are just a group of beasts.

A group of evil ghosts with human faces, monsters with human faces, they are not even as good as zombies.

Zombies are very united, but these monsters bully their fellow humans when humans are experiencing life and death.

Those rescued victims also turned into lunatics due to long-term torture. They were so crazy that they hated these cannibals.

In the end, these people formed an anti-cannibal group themselves, with the purpose of killing all of these cannibals without leaving any one behind.

Ankuai Logistics is not in the center of Anding District, but rather close to the border. The closer to the border, the safer it is, and District 12 is the most dangerous place.

Those who survive in District 12 are scattered people who entered the interior from outside the stable area. They do not have any organization.

They will do anything to fill their stomachs, and this is also the most chaotic place in the entire Anding District.

People in ward 12 look down on people who live in the inner city, and people in the inner city look down on them.

Moreover, the people in District 12 are called wild beasts, while the people in the inner city are called domestic animals.

No one on either side looks down on the other, so as long as a person with a District 12 ID card enters the inner city, he will be regarded as the dirtiest human being next to zombies.

In the Stable District, the residents closer to the inner city have a higher status, while the residents closer to the 12th District have a lower status.

The stable area divides human beings into three, six or nine levels, and they all have different views on each other, and the gap between area 12 and area 1 is the deepest.

But it happened that the leader of District 12 had a very close relationship with the leader of District 1. Both of them wanted to eliminate the barriers between them, but the people of District 12 and District 1 had a deep hatred for each other.

Therefore, no matter how hard they try, they cannot easily remove the barriers between them.

But although other areas are somewhat unpopular after entering the inner city, their attitude is much better than that of District 12. As the leader of Ankuai Office, Qiu Nan.

She is very familiar with the managers of many areas, so when she enters the inner city, not only will she not be disrespected, but she will receive due respect.

Ankuai Office is also number one in Anding District. Ankuai Office is famous for its fast service and not easily leaking the host's secrets.

However, all of this is the contribution of Team Han. He not only plays a key role in the firm's personnel deployment and task allocation.

And his ability to negotiate with people is also very strong, so he can give Ankuai Office a large number of contacts. Having contacts is also beneficial to the completion of tasks.

Qiunan entered the inner city very easily. The cigarette she was holding was thrown to the guard guarding the city. The men smiled and then used a machine to identify the following on her ID card.

After that, he sent her away with great respect. Money can make all the difference, whether it was the peaceful era before the apocalypse or now.

They are all universal, but now the money has become something practical.

Of course, the most valuable thing in the apocalypse is food, followed by pure water that can be directly drank. These are all very precious resources in the apocalypse.

Although the stable area is trying its best to restore the production lines of those resources before the end of the world, these things are still in short supply.

So these things are still very valuable, but things like cigarettes are not very easy to obtain now, and no one cares about safety, safety, health or unhealthy anymore.

They all seek spiritual satisfaction, and in troubled times, it is unknown how long everyone can live. They may live for a few more years or even more than ten years.

You might be bitten to death by those terrifying zombies and monsters right away.

No one knows these things, so cigarettes that can numb the spirit are a very scarce resource in the apocalypse.

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