Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 275 It’s safe now

The moment Tan Xia fell into You Ye's sea of ​​consciousness, she had lost control of the entire wetland park, while Tan Dong was still in a coma and never woke up.

Tan Xia put her on the makeshift bed in the room and let her have a good rest. She was both a zombie and a human, so such an injury was just a matter of time for her.

As long as she has enough time, like You Ye, she can heal herself no matter how seriously injured she is.

So Tan Xia didn't care too much about Tan Dong. After all, the two of them were basically in no danger as long as they were in the wetland park.

So now she just quietly admired the moon with You Ye.

Because Tan Xia lost control of the wetland park, Li Shiyi and others were able to get out of trouble.

After the fog disappeared, Li Shiyi immediately returned to the chariot.

Leave now. Although it is safe now, I don't know when the blood mist will appear again.

Xue Lang said anxiously to Li Shiyi, but the latter seemed very calm.

Don't worry, the Wetland Park is safe now.

Li Shiyi could now clearly feel that the person who controlled the Wetland Park had disappeared.

In fact, it's not that he disappeared, but that the entire wetland park is now completely shrouded in the dark night, so his consciousness can't detect anything here.

At the same time, Youye closed his perception of the spiritual realm, so now Li Shiyi couldn't feel that there were other people in the wetland park at all, so he said this to the blood wolf.

But the very cautious Blood Wolf still drove the chariot out of the forest and stopped in a very safe place where there were neither zombies nor mutated trees around.

Blood Wolf informed his team members and asked them to start clearing out all the zombies in the Wetland Park from here.

At the same time, let them see if any of the missing team members are still alive during the cleanup process, at this time.

A soldier wearing a black robe, hiding his face underneath, walked towards them holding an unconscious man.

Xue Lang recognized who the unconscious man being held was from a distance. He was naturally the team leader who was sent to the Wetland Park to perform the mission, Lin Youqi.

He was unconscious at the moment, it seemed because of the blood mist and the exhaustion from the battle, although there were no fatal wounds on his body.

But there were a lot of small wounds, spread all over the body. Although these wounds were not fatal, they still caused a lot of damage to Lin Youqi, allowing him to feel physical pain all the time.

Come here, let Captain Lin have a good rest.

Xue Lang issued an order to the other team members. Huang Yang glanced at the unconscious Lin Youqi. After watching Lin Youqi being taken away by Xue Lang's men, he felt relieved.

After everything was taken care of, he immediately turned around and left. At this time, the blood wolf suddenly caught up with him, and while talking, he was about to take off the black robe that Huang Yang used to hide his face.

Although his face was hidden under the black robe, he could still vaguely see his sickly white neck and face.

After being transformed, Huang Yang seemed to be a different person. Although he was wearing a black robe at this moment, he was still bathed in the moonlight, so he exuded a certain temperament from the inside out.

Which team are you on and why have I never seen you?

Xue Lang felt something was wrong with the warrior in front of him, so he got closer, trying to pull off his black robe and reveal his face completely, but Huang Yang kept dodging.

Although he didn't hate his face, he still didn't dare to let others see him like this, so he could only wear a black robe to hide his face tightly underneath.

So when the blood wolf asked him these sensitive questions, he would dodge. Now he wanted to leave here immediately, but the way was blocked by the blood wolf.

Blood Wolf is not an ordinary person. He is Li Shiyi's right-hand man, so he is an evolver.

But he was surprised to find that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to touch Huang Yang. This showed that the opponent was stronger than him, not just in terms of speed, but in all aspects.

No matter how hard the blood wolf tried, the opponent's figure was as flexible as a ghost, and it was impossible to capture it, let alone touch the opponent or see the opponent's face clearly, which was even more difficult to accomplish.

While Xue Lang and Huang Yang were entangled, Li Shiyi was currently searching in the Wetland Park. He came to a very remote place in the Wetland Park.

Here he saw a tree house that seemed to have been artificially modified, and the tree house had more than one floor, but several floors.

Now the entire Wetland Park is no longer under Tan Xia's control, although Li Shiyi doesn't know why the Wetland Park was suddenly abandoned by the other party.

Maybe when I and others came, the other party felt that their territory was threatened, so they launched an attack on me and others, but after realizing that there was no chance of winning, they abandoned their territory and fled from here.

It was obvious that Li Shiyi's guess was wrong and incorrect.

I can't guess...

Li Shiyi was talking to himself, because the entire Wetland Apartment was now no longer under Tan Xia's control.

Therefore, although the wooden house in front of you is entangled with a large number of trees and vines, it is actually very safe and there is no danger at all.

So Li Shiyi walked in directly. As soon as he closed the wooden house, he smelled the smell of burnt wood.

The entire wooden house seemed to have experienced a fire, but it did not burn the entire wooden house, possibly because the flames were extinguished in time.

Li Shiyi found that there was no elevator in the stairwell. He frowned and then jumped slightly.

I jumped to the top of the wooden house, where there was a very strong smell of trees being burned by flames, but it was not choking. On the contrary, I could still smell the fragrance of wood.

He observed here himself and found that the flame ignited here was not an ordinary flame, but a flame formed by directly igniting power. Such a flame was not only extremely hot, but also very pure.

After Li Shiyi thought for a while, he found that no one she knew could transform his power into such a pure flame.

Looks like we just happened to be lucky.

He shook his head as he spoke and walked towards the missing part of the wall.

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