Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 262 Lost in the Night

The other party is not only an evolver of the plant family, but also a remote evolutionary branch of the plant family.

The sound of the system came again, and Li Shiyi said with some confusion:

“Clade divergence?”

What does it mean?

The system explained again:

Plant evolvers are also divided into full-line evolvers and half-line evolvers.

“Full-line evolvers are the most common type of evolvers, and generally evolve in the same direction, but half-line evolvers not only possess the power originally contained in their bloodline, but also have another or even multiple powers.

These are semi-evolved people, or mutants. Their bloodline has been contaminated by the zombie virus, and they have developed different types of powers in different forms.

The person who controls the entire Wetland Park is the mutant. He is not only a plant mutant, but also has a very powerful mental power. That's why he is able to turn the entire park into his own domain. He relies on his incomparable Strong spiritual power.”

Is that so?

Li Shi nodded. Fortunately, he asked the system in advance and knew the whole story. Otherwise, it would have been easy to attack the opponent.

The other party will definitely notice it, because as long as you are in the wetland park, no matter where you are, no matter what you do, the other party will see it clearly. If you are waiting for others in the light and the other party is in the dark, there will definitely be no good results.

Li Shiyi couldn't help but feel a little confused. If it was as the system said, then the mutant would be almost invincible as long as he was in the wetland park.

And he was not the only one trapped here, there was also the team led by Xue Lang, so he did not dare to leave here rashly, for fear that something might happen to him and others.

The gains outweigh the losses, so the first problem we have to face now is how to safely break through these poisonous fogs.

If you remain trapped in the fog, it will be very detrimental to your own side, so Li Shiyi must first find a way to break through these fogs.

But the blood mist erupts from the small holes in the tree trunks, so it is not easy to deal with.

Just after Li Shiyi was in trouble, two other figures suddenly appeared in the blood mist. At first, he thought it was the blood wolf leading his men to look for him, but soon his heart sank to the bottom.

Because these two people are very flexible, and even in the fog, they can see everything clearly through perception alone. Li Shiyi has already taken out his weapons.

He was ready to fight, but he found that the opponent passed directly by him, as if the opponent's target was not him.

The two figures were one tall and one short. The tall one seemed to be a man based on his body shape, while the other figure was very thin and seemed to be a girl.

This made Li Shiyi very puzzled as to why these two people appeared in such a dangerous place.

The reason why Li Shiyi is not afraid of poison is because he has already transformed his body in the fortress to be invulnerable to all poisons, so no matter what kind of poison he encounters.

His figure can adapt quickly. It is for this reason that he can run freely in the poisonous blood mist. This is the reason why he is confident. .

The other party did not attack him, nor did he regard him as an enemy, which made him relieved, but it made him a little confused, if the other party did not have any purpose.

So why are they running around here, and looking at them, they seem to be looking for something in this dense forest.

The opponent shuttled back and forth between the trees. Their speed was extremely fast, and they were completely walking on flat ground. They moved quickly in the forest, but in a blink of an eye, they turned back again.

“Damn it, why is this place so big that I even get lost.

The people walking wantonly in the forest were naturally You Ye and Huang Yang. Although Huang Yang had just inherited Ye Yue's power not long ago, he had already become very comfortable in controlling the power.

He was able to keep up with You Ye who was moving at high speed, and he was also able to use his consciousness to search in this dense forest. You Ye felt the traces of the enemy in this dense forest.

It was the enemy who blocked You Ye's power and made her look ugly.

At this moment, You Ye felt the other person's aura, and she immediately became angry, because no one dared to make her look embarrassed like that.

Because he didn't know that the zombie virus had such a strong ability to contain himself as a vampire, and the purer the zombie virus entered the body.

The more powerful she can suppress her bloodline, so she underestimated the enemy and allowed the opponent to be so arrogant.

But there is a very fatal problem, that is, You Ye is a road idiot. Even if she uses her own power to sense the location of the other party, she just can't find the other party, so she can only waste time here. .

Perception is not actually a special ability, but a method of using power, just like bats, which can emit infrasound waves.

And he can sense these infrasound waves. When the infrasound waves hit an object or creature, they will be transmitted back. Therefore, he can move forward freely in the dark, and his perception is similar to that of a bat.

It is through precise control that one's own power is split into very tiny spiritual perception threads like gossamers, and then the threads are entangled with each other.

In the end, a giant net is formed, and the objects and creatures in the net can be accurately perceived. The larger the net, the more delicate the structure, and the more details that can be sensed.

To use the power in this way, the user must have very strong mental power.

Although Li Shiyi could sense that the opponent was in this forest, he did not know where the opponent was. This was not because Li Shiyi was not proficient in controlling power.

Moreover, this blood mist seems to be able to block the detection of mental power, and what can be sensed here is not even one-tenth of the original.

So Li Shiyi could sense that it was already very difficult for the other party in this dense forest, but for You Ye, such blood mist had no effect on her at all. ,

His spiritual realm can almost include the entire wetland park, and he can even feel the plants and trees in the wetland park swaying in the breeze.

But even if she knows the exact location of the other party, it is not easy to find the other party, because the other party is not a monster or a zombie.

They are living, very cunning humans. Although humans are not the most powerful existence in nature, they must be the smartest and most cunning existence.

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