At this moment, Lin Youqi was completely trapped in the woods. The entire dense forest was controlled by those mutated trees. They entangled the entire forest with vines.

These scattered vines hurt the dog and were controlled by them. The vines were twisting randomly, as if they were living species. These blood-red vines were full of blood-red juice, which was deadly poisonous.

Lin Youqi held a dagger in his hand, leaning against a big tree behind him. This big tree was the only tree in the forest that had not been assimilated. This tree still showed a very normal color, and there were The vines are also a very normal green color.

This is the only safe place in the entire forest. Standing in front of this big tree, Lin Youqi doesn't have to worry about being attacked on his back. He can concentrate on dealing with these incoming vines.

It is said to be a counterattack, but in fact it is just a one-sided dodge, because the entire forest is the territory of mutated trees, and it is impossible to attack the opponent's body.

Lin Youqi could only dodge desperately, dodging the vines and those thick and hard tree vines that were coming towards him. It was already very difficult to dodge.

As time goes by, the big tree behind Lin You is rapidly turning blood red. If this continues, it won't be long before the entire forest will be assimilated by those terrifying mutated trees.

And not only were the big trees turning blood red, but the land under Lin You's feet was also turning blood. The blood was approaching him very quickly, as if there was something underneath the land.

Lin Youqi sighed and said, Am I going to die here in the end?

With no way to escape, he actually closed his eyes, because it was impossible for him to escape from here no matter what, so he closed his eyes, gave up hope of life, and prepared to die here.

At this moment, a human voice suddenly appeared in the distance. Lin Youqi suddenly opened his eyes and kept shouting: Help, I'm here. Is there anyone there? Come and help me quickly. , help!

He almost yelled at the zombies. If it were in the past, he would not ask for help from others even if he died, because he felt that it was too embarrassing to ask for help from others, but now she doesn't think so.

Because no matter what you go through, no matter what despicable means you use, as long as you are the one who survives in the end, that's fine, if you hold this idea in mind.

Only then can we continue to survive in this apocalyptic world where people eat people without spitting out their bones, and survive for a longer period of time.

But the other party obviously didn't hear his cry for help, so he shouted again at the top of his lungs, but it seemed that these vines had a soundproofing effect.

He had shouted until his voice became hoarse, but the other party didn't notice his presence at all.

He thought about it and decided to give it a try. He took out the grenade from the pocket of his combat uniform. Originally, this grenade was used to escape in times of danger.

But if even the grenades failed to attract those people, then Lin Youqi would really die here.

So although he hesitated for a moment, he resolutely pulled the handle of the grenade and threw it directly in front of him, and then hid behind the big tree.

Although those mutated trees possess extraordinary wisdom, these tree vines and vines do not possess wisdom, so they do not know what Lin Youqi threw out.

Lin Youqi could only pray in his heart, praying that the sound of the grenade exploding would attract those people over so that he could be saved, but he suddenly thought that if he attracted zombies, he would be attacked from both sides.

So this is a game, but Lin Youqi has no other choice. Either take a gamble or wait here for his death. However, he obviously will not choose the latter, so he resolutely chooses to gamble. A handful.

After a loud noise, the grenade exploded immediately, and the blast of air shattered all the surrounding vines and tree roots that wanted to attack Lin Youqi.

Lin Youqi's ears felt pain for a long time after the grenade exploded, and no matter what he heard, everything was blurry. Moreover, the high temperature generated by the grenade explosion vaporized many branches and leaves. These airflows have extremely poisonous airflow.

But he seemed to have won the bet, because the people in front heard the loud noise, and when they heard the sound, they immediately rushed in the direction of Lin Youqi.

Lin Youqi's body was poisoned because he inhaled these highly toxic airflows. He felt severe pain in his head, as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

His vision was getting blurry, and he could no longer see. Lin Youqi felt that his eyes were completely dark, and even his hearing had been deprived.

On the eve of his coma, he vaguely saw some people driving toward him. These people had guns in their hands, and the vehicles seemed to be the same type as their tanks.

In other words, these people are from the fortress. The fortress should have discovered that they were missing and sent people to rescue them.

a few minutes ago.

Blood Wolf drove a vehicle in the park to search for traces of the missing soldiers and researchers, but to no avail, but they still found clues.

They found the bodies of the soldiers who had fallen by the lake, and the lake water stained red with blood, all of which proved that these soldiers and researchers had not disappeared.

They encountered zombies in the park. The park was not as peaceful as they imagined.

This park is like the sea. It is very calm on the surface but rough in the depths. If you try to go down because of the calm surface, you can imagine that you will be swallowed by the rough waves in the depths.

But Xue Lang, Li Shiyi and others are not ordinary people. Xue Lang is an evolver and has very powerful power. Li Shiyi is also an evolver.

And his strength is even more powerful than the blood wolf. Even in those large bases, Li Shiyi's strength is still very top-notch.

But he usually doesn't want to expose these things, including the existence of Fortress, which only his own people know about. Fortress claims to be a zombie virus combat agency.

But in fact, the virus is his private property. He did it to make himself stronger and to have a longer-lasting institution in the end of the world.

It’s not that he doesn’t want others to know that the fortress is his personal property, he is afraid that others will know that it is the existence of the system, which is why he can own such a cross-era research institution as the fortress.

His strength is all given by the system, so this can be regarded as his trump card, a killer card that can be played in times of crisis, a trump card.

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