Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 257 Leave your back to us

The exhausted soldiers were still fearless in the face of the zombies. They smashed the zombies' heads with their guns, and some used the blades they carried to pierce the eyes of the zombies.

Destroying their brain blocks is the only way to kill them completely and completely.

But the skull is not that fragile. If a gun hits it, it can only break the skull into pieces, but it cannot kill them completely.

The zombies immediately pounced on the soldiers, biting their bodies like crazy.

The screams are endless. The zombie virus is very contagious. Being bitten by them is basically equivalent to being sentenced to death.

But not only did the bitten warriors not stop resisting, but they also waved their gun butts wildly to kill the zombies. .

Although they were bitten and would soon turn into zombies, they tried their best to help their comrades break out of the predicament before turning into zombies. Now that they are infected, they have no worries.

The bitten soldiers had tears in their eyes because they knew that they would soon become the same kind as these zombies.

They were the same monsters, so they were killing these zombies crazily in order for their teammates to leave here safely.

You guys leave quickly!

We will take care of the backing. Don't worry, leave your back to us!

Let's go quickly——

You must leave here safely!

These infected warriors tried their best to block the zombies in front of them and used their bodies to carve a bloody path.

Xiaonan couldn't help but shed tears. At this moment, he could do nothing but abandon the lives of other warriors. He also hated his own powerlessness.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things. He cannot waste the opportunity created by the soldiers with their own lives. He must seize the opportunity and let other soldiers escape safely from here.

The infected ones leave behind the pads, and the non-infected ones follow me!


Whether it was the soldiers who were left behind or those who were not infected, everyone's voice sounded crying. They were all warriors who had traveled thousands of miles and experienced many battles.

They are not only comrades-in-arms, but also friends, brothers, and even family members. But now they have to experience life and death. Such a scene makes even a strong man unable to hold back tears.

At this moment, these warriors secretly swore in their hearts that they would definitely destroy all zombies and let these zombies return the paradise that humans once had.

In the end, more than half of the soldiers were left behind. These soldiers were also family members, but at this moment they became a human wall to resist the zombies, allowing their companions to escape from here. They resolutely died with these zombies.

The remaining soldiers continued to move forward with heavy hearts, but the sight before them once again made them lose hope of living.

Can we really escape from here?

We're not going to die here...

At this moment, they were out of ammunition and food. If Xiaonan hadn't led them, they would have become food for the zombies.

But now even Xiaonan is confused. They broke through many difficulties and killed countless zombies. They finally came here and the scene in front of them made them feel disheartened.

Countless zombies were seen wandering aimlessly in front of them, but the appearance of Xiaonan and others obviously made these zombies excited. They were very eager to eat, so they attacked them crazily.

But they had lost their will to fight and just stood there because they had nowhere to escape. Whether it was in front or behind, these zombies were attacking from all directions.

They couldn't escape from here at all. At this time, Xiaonan raised his head and gave a loud order: Don't run in one direction. The zombies are still far away from us now. If you can, run away one by one. Don't waste the lives of those brothers. They worked hard to let us escape here, if we give up now, their death will be in vain!

The soldiers began their final struggle. They scattered in all directions and rushed out from all places.

But the zombies were gathering more and more, and it was obvious that reality was not as beautiful as imagined. Without exception, these soldiers were knocked down by zombies, and the zombies began to bite them.

Huang Yang was surrounded by enemies at this time, with zombies coming from all directions. Seeing that there was nowhere to escape, Huang Yang squatted directly on the spot.

In order to protect the girl in his arms, he did not hesitate to be bitten by a zombie, but also wanted to protect her in his arms.

A zombie approached Huang Yang first and bit him on the shoulder mercilessly. The combat uniform was bitten through and a large piece of flesh was bitten off.


The severe pain caused Huang Yang's facial features to twist tightly together, and other zombies swarmed forward. The zombie virus continued to enter his body. In a short period of time, the virus had invaded his limbs and bones.

The flesh and blood on his shoulders had long been eaten away, and the stark white bones were exposed. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black blood, his eyesight turned black, and he felt that his limbs were very numb.

At this moment, the girl in his arms suddenly opened her eyes. Her eyes were blood red, and her pupils were like wild beast-like vertical pupils. It was hard to believe that such eyes could appear on a girl.

After she woke up, she didn't hesitate, biting Huang Yang's body hard, and then stared at the surrounding zombies with her vertical pupils.

A very terrifying aura emerged from her body, and she was still sucking Huang Yang's blood.

The girl swallowed the warm and sweet blood. Her eyes glowed red, and the wounds on her body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The girl looked at the zombies with murderous intent in her eyes.

But the eyes she looked at Huang Yang were full of tenderness, and she gently stroked his cheek with her slender fingers.

The girl cut open her arm with sharp nails, and blood flowed from the wound. She put the wound against the corner of Huang Yang's mouth, letting her blood flow into his mouth and swallow it down his throat.

The surrounding zombies also smelled the smell of the girl's blood, and they all became excited. Some zombies even stopped eating. The girl raised her head and looked at the group of zombies blankly.

The red lips parted slightly: Back off!

As soon as the words fell, the zombies retreated like a tide and fled in a hurry. Zombies are not afraid, but at this moment they were controlled by the girl and left here.

She continued to feed Huang Yang blood, and his body quickly turned red, and the wounds on his shoulders were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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