Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 249 We will definitely be able to escape

Damn it, why do zombies appear over there!

With quick eyes and hands, Xiao Nan took out the short blade inserted in his waist, aimed it at the zombie that was rushing towards him, and stabbed it hard into its eye socket. The zombie's open bloody mouth was very close to Huang Yang. As long as he slowed down a little, he would be very likely to die. Maybe Huang Yang has been bitten by this zombie now, and will become one of them later, a zombie that only knows how to eat flesh and blood.

Remember, your life is mine now, don't die to me!

You can withdraw!

Huang Yang had already rescued the girl who was tied to the tree trunk. Xiaonan looked back while shooting. Although the girl was still conscious, she would probably turn into a zombie in a short time.

Put this into his mouth, hurry up!

This is for your own good. Once she transforms into a corpse, you will be the first to attack!

Xiao Nan handed his gloves to Huang Yang, who shook his teeth vigorously, but still did as he was told. He opened the girl's mouth and stuffed the gloves in. The girl bit the gloves tightly with her teeth.

These damn zombies can even kill such a small child...

You won't be angry until we leave here. Our priority now is to leave here, rendezvous with the team, and then quickly take the researchers and leave this place of right and wrong. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment longer!

Okay, you cover me and we go from the side.

Okay, you go to the back.

Xiao Nan held the gun and opened the way. Huang Yang followed behind him, holding the injured girl in his arms, and rushed out towards the place where zombies were sparse.

Da da da--

The sound of firing was deafening, and the zombies fell one after another, but the sound of the gunfire attracted almost all the zombies, so the vacancy created by the dead zombies was quickly filled by other zombies.

Damn, why are there so many zombies? We can't kill them all. We are completely trapped.

Xiaonan's progress stopped, because there were zombies on all sides now, and they had nowhere to escape.

I am dragging you down...

What nonsense are you talking about? Are you about to give up now?

If you give up now, you'll be really sorry for me. Pick up your gun now!

Huang Yang nodded, held the girl with one hand, took out the gun from his waist with the other hand, and pulled the trigger desperately against the zombies in front of him.

The caliber of the pistol is very large, and it is used to deal with mutated zombies and large monsters. But shooting these ordinary guns at that time is obviously overkill.

The bodies of the zombies hit by pistol bullets exploded directly. One shot could kill several zombies, but even so, the number of these zombies was far beyond what they could imagine. The number of these zombies It's just too much.

At the same time, the captain in the tank heard gunshots in the distance, and his heart sank at that time.

He kicked open the door of the chariot and said to the soldiers on guard outside: Just leave three people here, and the rest follow me!

Let's go rescue people!

We, Lin Youqi, must have no soldier left behind!

Captain Lin Youqi shouted as he led more than a dozen soldiers towards the place where the gunshots came from.

Save some bullets and wait until these beasts take aim before shooting!

Leave if you can, don't be tempted to fight!

Lin Youqi shot accurately, and the zombies in the distance were headshot one after another. Under his leadership, the team moved very fast. After a while, they arrived at the place where the gunfire came. He saw the swarm of zombies gathering at a glance. I saw Xiao Nan and Huang Yang.

At this time, the two of them were in the middle of the group of trapped zombies. Although they fought tenaciously and fought hard to kill the surrounding zombies, the number of zombies was too much.

It seems like we are really going to die here today...

Don't be discouraged. We will definitely be able to escape from here.

Huang Yang wanted to give up a long time ago, but Xiao Nan refused to accept his fate. At this time, he no longer cared about whether bullets were wasted. He directly pulled the trigger, and the bullets continued to be fired until the last bullet in the magazine was fired. Punch.

They were completely surrounded, and unless the two of them grew wings, it would be impossible to escape from here.

At this critical moment, huge firearms resounded through the sky again, and a very dense firepower network tore apart the group of zombies surrounding several people. All the bullets were concentrated together, tearing a hole in the group of corpses.

The gunfire, of course, came from Lin Youqi and his soldiers.

You little bastards, don't listen to me if you don't want to run around!

Why are you standing there waiting to be eaten by zombies? Why don't you get out quickly?!

When Huang Yang and Xiao Nan saw their captain and team members coming to save them, they once again ignited the hope of survival. Xiao Nan pulled out the pistol from his waist and shot at the zombies swarming around him with his other hand. The dagger pierced the zombie's eye socket. The two fought bloody battles among the corpses, working together internally and externally, and finally a breakthrough appeared.

Let's go!

Xiao Nan pointed at the weakest point of the zombies. He kicked the zombies that were blocking the way and used the blade and pistol in his hands to cut a bloody path. He led Huang Yang and the girl in his arms to successfully escape from the zombie encirclement.

Are you two hurt?

Lin Youqi frowned. He didn't want to save two dead people infected with the zombie virus after all his hard work.

Don't worry, captain. We're fine. The blood on our bodies is from zombies. We're all fine. Don't worry.

Xiao Nan pointed to the blood stains on his body and said, Huang Yang also nodded.

Only then did Lin Youqi see a girl in Huang Yang's arms. She was biting a glove tightly. She was covered in wounds. No matter who saw it, they would feel distressed. After all, they were not cold-blooded. They were zombies, but human beings with flesh and blood. No one was not angry when they saw this scene, and of course he was no exception.

This damn virus, this damn apocalypse, it doesn't even spare such a young child!

Lin Youqi touched the girl's hair very distressedly, not caring about the blood on her body. The soldiers around him were still pulling the triggers on the zombies. After seeing the girl, they couldn't calm down for a long time and looked at the zombies. His eyes were also full of anger.

If possible, they want to rush forward and kill all these zombies without leaving any one behind, but they can't do it. They can only protect themselves and their teammates from being hurt, that's all.

Everyone, stop fighting and retreat immediately. Withdraw your tanks. We will evacuate from here immediately. We can no longer stay here!


Don't fall behind. I will send back as many people as you come!


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