Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 244 Giant Bird Attack

Even if the firearms in the hands of scientific researchers hit them, they will be blocked by their hard feathers and sharp claws, so no matter how they attack, they will have no effect on these mutant birds.

Under the threat of death, they had no choice but to fire desperately, praying to kill these monsters. The bullets poured out of the gun for free. The bullets streaked through the threaded barrel and exploded towards the mutant giant birds. .

Just a pinging sound was heard, and the bullets were bounced away. The bullets left deep holes on the ground, and some bullets even grazed the bodies of these soldiers.

The soldier who fell into the water was slowly leaving the lake with the help of others. Suddenly, the soldier's face became a little ferocious, and a very sharp and miserable cry came from his wide open mouth.


There's something in the water biting my leg...

Quick... pull me up... quick...

This warrior grabbed the other warrior tightly, holding his wrist tightly, squeezing the other warrior with a force that could break the wrist.

Okay, I'll pull you up right away.

The soldier exerted all his strength, but he did not pull the opponent ashore. Instead, a huge force came from his arms. He could not compete with this force, and even his body was being pulled forward. Moving.

At the same time, the originally calm water surface immediately became turbulent, with splashes of water, and crocodiles poked their heads out of the water. Only then did the two warriors understand what was competing with them.

It was none other than the crocodiles hiding in the lake. The crocodile suddenly became fierce, biting and tearing hard, and even bit off the soldier's leg bones, and the soft tissues and muscles outside were also torn apart. The scarlet blood stained the surrounding lake water, and the sweet and fishy blood attracted other crocodiles. They bit the remaining half of the injured soldier's leg desperately.

Let me go quickly, we are both going to die!


I beg you, please help me...


The shrill screams made his periosteum hurt, and the crocodiles seemed to have noticed him, dragging their huge bodies, slowly climbing onto the shore, and crawling towards him.

The soldier's shrill scream was like a death knell, knocking on the door of his heart. He almost collapsed. He wished he could grow eight legs and escape from here quickly.

But his arm was still firmly grasped at this moment, and the hand was like a pliers, holding his hand tightly, making it impossible for him to break free.

Seeing that the crocodiles were getting closer and closer, he took out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at the soldier who was holding his hand and wailing in pain.

I can't save you, but I can save you from pain. Rest in peace.

After that, he pulled the trigger tremblingly. It was obvious that this soldier had been fighting zombies and other monsters so far, and had never pointed his gun at his compatriots.

But in order to keep himself alive, he seemed to have no choice at this time. He pulled the trigger hard and closed his eyes at the same time.

Don't blame me, if you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth!


There was a loud noise, his periosteum shrank, and a buzzing sound rang in his ears. The violent flames accompanied by gunpowder smoke pushed the bullet out of the gun chamber.

The bullet carrying huge kinetic energy penetrated directly into the soldier's head. The huge force shattered his entire head, and the bullet also punched a hole in the ground.

This is a large-caliber pistol provided by the fortress. It is designed to kill monsters at close range. However, the designer never thought that such a weapon would become a weapon for killing compatriots.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. The soldier's head was blown off, and his arms were naturally blown to the ground. A headless corpse fell on the shore near the lake.

And this warrior was holding a weapon in his hand and running forward like crazy. He didn't care about the warriors who were still fighting against the giant bird. He only knew that he was running away crazily alone.

The remaining team members just heard a loud noise, and then saw their teammates being torn apart crazily by the crocodile. Their psychological defenses were almost completely collapsed at this time.

As the crocodiles came ashore, their psychological defenses completely collapsed. They only knew how to fire their bullets at the giant bird in the sky, but they were able to resist all the bullets. Even if they penetrated their bodies, they would not be able to do anything. Causing fatal injuries.

The bullets in the firearm are limited, and with such a crazy outpouring, the bullets in the magazine have now been consumed, and these giant birds seem to be waiting for this moment.

They controlled their wings and swooped down to the ground. They were extremely fast, and their sharp claws even made a buzzing sound as they broke through the air.

Seeing this scene in front of them, some soldiers lost all hope of survival. They threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground with their eyes blank, as if they were waiting for death to come.

There was a little soldier who was unwilling to die like this. He chose to give it a try, threw away the firearm in his hand, and took out the large-caliber pistol and sharp dagger from his waist. He crossed his hands with a cold murderous intent in his eyes. Staring at the giant bird speeding down.

Only perseverance and bravery can be seen in his eyes, as well as the belief that he will not give up even in the face of adversity. There is no trace of fear at all. It seems that the word give up exists in his dictionary.

He stared closely at the giant bird swooping down in the sky, seeming to dig a hole in its body. The distance between the two sides was constantly shortening, and he could even smell the huge bird. The bird smelled like a beast. At this moment, he no longer understood what it meant to be afraid. Even if he couldn't survive, he would definitely kill this giant bird.

The distance between the two sides seemed to be very close. At the critical moment, the little soldier pulled the trigger. First, flames spurted out from the muzzle of the gun. Then, in the smoke and light of gunpowder, a bullet carrying huge power was fired from the muzzle. , shot straight into the head of the giant bird.

The swooping giant bird had nothing to cover its head, and its wings had already been retracted, so it had no way to dodge. The bullet hit the giant bird's head at such a close distance.

The giant bird couldn't even utter a cry. The bullet penetrated through the head, killing it on the spot. The unconscious giant bird fell freely to the ground.

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