Am I going back to the past? Jiang Yun looked at the dishes on the table excitedly and said in disbelief.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Eleven and the others were in front of him, he would probably really feel like he was back before the end of the world.

Okay, stop standing, take a seat quickly, I'll wait for you, otherwise I would have already sat down. Li Shiyi came out of the kitchen with the last dish and said to Jiang Yun who had just entered the room.

Then he put the dishes on the table, and knocked on the doors of Qiangwei and Xuelang's rooms respectively: My wife, Xuelang, are out for dinner.

Who is your wife? She's screaming like crazy before she's even married. Qiangwei pretended to hit Li Shiyi and said angrily.

Hehe, that's not a matter of time. Li Shiyi hugged Qiangwei from behind and said with a smile.

Afterwards, the four people sat in a circle around the table and started eating with bowls and chopsticks.

It's really delicious. Qiangwei put a piece of braised pork in her mouth and chewed it.

After Jiang Yun took a bite of the food, he couldn't help but lower his head.

What's wrong, why are you crying while eating a meal? Li Shiyi noticed something strange about Jiang Yun.

Nothing. Jiang Yun shook his head, chewing heavily while crying.

Seeing this, Li Shiyi didn't ask any more questions and just started eating.

That's right, boss. Halfway through the meal, Jiang Yun calmed down and raised his head and said to Li Shiyi.

Today I found an organization that specializes in intelligence business, called the Tavern.

Tavern? Li Shiyi looked at Jiang Yun doubtfully.

Yes, it took me an entire afternoon to find this organization, and I have verified that they are indeed a serious organization doing intelligence business.

Has it been verified? Li Shiyi asked, How did you verify it?

This involves the temporary army. Jiang Yun explained, Although I am only a temporary army, after all, I am in the army, and we can still get some gossip.

I bought the information I already knew from them and found that the information they gave me was true and more detailed than what I knew.

Understood. Li Shi nodded, Then did you buy Zhou Ming's information from them?

No. Jiang Yun shook his head, I don't have enough money.

Is that so? Li Shiyi asked, Then the gun I gave you, if converted into doomsday coins, how many guns would it take to buy the information I need?

Sell, sell the gun? Jiang Yun looked at Li Shiyi in disbelief, Boss, are you willing to buy such a good gun?

What's the point? Li Shiyi said nonchalantly, Just tell me if I ask you.

Okay. Jiang Yun said helplessly.

I actually took out this gun and showed it to them. They said that a gun can be used as a deposit. They don't have the information we need. They need time to investigate.

After they complete their investigation, they will ask us for follow-up fees, but if we cannot accept the price at that time, they will not refund the deposit.

So domineering? Li Shiyi looked at Jiang Yun in surprise.

Yes. Jiang Yun nodded, I made a little observation and it seems that there are many evolutionists in this organization doing transactions, but the tavern's attitude towards them is no different from me.

In other words, they don't care about evolvers, so they are either an evolver organization or an official organization. Li Shiyi thought.

Official organization? Jiang Yun was a little confused, What does the official organization do as an intelligence trading organization?

Collect intelligence. Li Shiyi explained, During the transaction, you will reveal some information to the other party. They can collect some special information in this way.

I see. Jiang Yun nodded, There are so many ways here. You are worthy of being the boss, but you are different.

Okay, don't be afraid of the horses. Li Shiyi said with a smile, Eat quickly, go to bed early after eating, and we will go to the tavern as soon as we get up tomorrow morning.


After eating, the subsequent cleaning work naturally fell to Jiang Yun.

However, for Jiang Yun, this was an extremely happy job. While washing the dishes, he would take another bite from time to time. This feeling was so wonderful.

After eating until his belly was bulging, Jiang Yun finally packed up the dishes, returned to his room and lay down on the bed.

Naturally, Jiang Yun's behavior did not escape the ears of Li Shiyi and the others, but everyone tacitly agreed not to say anything.

Early the next morning, several people set out to the tavern.

Boss, I have already handed over the investigation of Zhou Ming to them. Why are we still here?

On the way, Jiang Yun asked Li Shiyi.

Of course I have other things to ask. Li Shiyi looked at Jiang Yun, What do you think we came to the capital for?

I don't know. Jiang Yun shook his head honestly.

We are here to recruit people. Li Shiyi said, We are here to find our families.

The reason why Li Shiyi told all these things like this was not because he trusted Jiang Yun so much.

It was because Jiang Yun had no reason to harm him.

Not only Jiang Yun, but in this capital, not to mention harming Li Shiyi, there are not many people who know Li Shiyi.

Only Zhou Ming looks a little strange, but at present it is difficult to say that Zhou Ming wants to harm Li Shiyi.

Under such circumstances, Li Shiyi did not need to take so many precautions, nor did he need to worry about too many things.

After all, even at the last step, with the power of the fortress, Li Shiyi didn't feel that there was anything he couldn't do. It just depended on whether he was willing to do it.

This is it. Jiang Yun took Li Shiyi and others to an office building, and walked in with Li Shiyi and others.

I don't know why this place is called a tavern. Maybe it's because in many works before the end of the world, the place where intelligence is gathered is in the tavern? Jiang Yun said casually.

But this is indeed a pub. Each office is a separate trading place. According to them, the purpose of this is to protect the privacy information of guests.

And after each guest comes once, he will get an exclusive receptionist. This person will be responsible for all business between this guest and the pub.

While talking, Jiang Yun led Li Shiyi to the door of an office.

Then Jiang Yun knocked on the door and said to the door: I am Wuyun.

Then, a man's voice came from the door: Mr. Wuyun, please come in.

Then Li Shiyi and others followed Jiang Yun into the office.

Please take a seat. Sitting in front of the desk was a young man, wearing a pair of round glasses and a suit that was very inconsistent with the apocalyptic atmosphere. He looked at several people with a professional smile.

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