Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 217 Comprehensive Upgrade

Immediately, Li Shiyi clicked on the interface of the special item exchange store.

【Special Item Shop】

[Permission level one]

[Item: Energy Crystal*1, Consumption: Virus Points*1]

[Item: Scorpion Armor*1, consumption: Virus Points*10000]

[Item: Gatekeeper Core*1, Consumption: Virus Points*100000]

[Item: Corisi biological weapon control device*1, consumption: virus points*100000]

[Item: Ecological Destruction Liquid, Consumption: Virus Points*50000]

[Item: Level 1 general-purpose gene enhancement liquid*1, consumption: virus points*1000]

[Item: Rare Earth Resources*1, Consumption: Virus Points*1] (New)

[Item: Healing Potion*1, Consumption: Virus Points*1000] (New)

[Item: Regeneration Potion*1, Consumption: Virus Points*10000] (New)

[Item; antidote*1, consumption: virus points*100] (new)

[Virus points can be obtained by killing and recovering viral creatures, or they can be redeemed through energy crystals]

[Note: The special item store may add new items at any time, please pay attention to the host]

In addition to rare earth resources, three redemption options have been added.

Immediately, Li Eleven opened the introduction page of these new items.

[Name: Treatment Potion]

[Introduction: It can heal most internal and external injuries in a short time, and has the ability to stop bleeding and generate blood, and can stimulate the vitality of living things. It can be taken internally or externally]

[Name: Regeneration Potion]

[Introduction: Can make non-renewable parts of organisms grow again, such as broken limbs, etc.]

[Name; antidote]

[Introduction: Can remove most toxins]

Although the introduction of these three potions is extremely simple, these simple sentences are enough to illustrate the power of these potions.

According to Li Shiyi's understanding of the so-called treatment potion, as long as the person did not die on the spot, the treatment potion can probably be returned on the spot.

Coupled with the regeneration potion, there won't even be any disability.

Not to mention in the war years of the end of the world, even before the end of the world, this can be regarded as a god-level medicine.

After all, for those with physical disabilities, having a healthy and complete body is probably more important than anything else.

Of course, the regeneration potion needs to be used in conjunction with the treatment potion, because the regeneration potion has a limited time to take effect.

If the amputated limb does not fully grow within this time, the growth of the amputated limb will also stop after the drug effect wears off.

Therefore, it is necessary to use therapeutic drugs to accelerate the growth of the amputated limb.

Antidote potions are relatively less useful. Of course, we may encounter more poisonous mutated creatures in the future, and by then, it will come in handy.

With these, the medical system inside the fortress was finally completed.

It's not that the fortress didn't have a hospital before, it's just that compared to combat, the medical methods were weaker.

Well now, the fortress finally has medical capabilities comparable to its combat capabilities, and this biggest shortcoming has been made up for.

Of course, for diseases, you still have to go to the hospital. The medical capabilities mentioned above refer to the medical capabilities on the battlefield.

Taking the upgrade plan given by the mayor, Li Shiyi briefly calculated the resources needed.

It's okay, probably enough.

Li Shiyi touched his chin and thought: We can't use missiles casually in the future, and we can't recover half of the virus points lost from zombie corpses.

Now he has as many as 400,000 energy crystals in his hand, and more than 300,000 virus points.

If all the zombie corpses were recovered, the current virus points should reach 600,000.

After secretly feeling distressed for a while, Li Shiyi started the exchange according to the drawings given by the mayor.

The first is a hundred Destruction Gatlings. Each Destruction Gatling requires one thousand energy crystals, and the energy crystals are reduced by one hundred thousand.

Next are ten electromagnetic railguns. Each electromagnetic railgun requires 10,000 points of energy crystals and 500 points of rare earth resources.

So the energy crystals were reduced by another hundred thousand, and the virus points were reduced by fifty thousand.

Then Li Shiyi thought about it and equipped each member of the werewolf team with a lightsaber and a Gauss rifle.

After all, this is the most elite force in the fortress, and no amount of resources are spent on them.

Moreover, the current werewolf team is no longer the same as before. Li Shiyi has specially arranged for some giants from before the end of the world to train the werewolf team.

After training according to this scientific method, these werewolves have made a qualitative leap in combat.

Although their military quality is still not as good as that of real soldiers due to the short training time, their strong individual strength makes up for this.

In terms of frontal combat capabilities alone, this team can probably perform about ten times as much as an ordinary human army with the same number and equipment.

As a result, Li Shiyi's energy crystals were reduced by another 150,000, and his virus points were reduced by 50,000.

At this point, Li Shiyi only has 50,000 energy crystals left, but he still has a lot of virus points left, 200,000 left, and the virus points can be exchanged for energy crystals one-to-one.

Counting this way, Li Shiyi still has a lot of resources in his hands.

However, Li Shiyi did not intend to exchange virus points for virus points immediately, but planned to exchange them when necessary. Anyway, the exchange only took a moment.

Then, the god level in the fortress appeared again. Under the blue light, one after another of destructive Gatling and electromagnetic rail guns appeared outside the fortress.

After these weapons were revealed, they were withdrawn into the fortress until needed.

Gauss rifles and lightsabers were also equipped for the werewolf team.

In fact, Li Shiyi once hesitated whether to open up the redemption rights for lightsabers and Gauss rifles to people in the team.

However, after repeated thinking, he gave up this idea, because doing so would not bring much improvement to the combat effectiveness of the fortress, but would instead bring some potential threats.

After all, ordinary people would not engage in hand-to-hand combat with zombies casually if they got a lightsaber.

The Gauss rifle is a weapon with high power and low rate of fire. It is very wasteful to fight ordinary zombies and is not suitable for dealing with large groups of zombies.

However, both weapons can pose a threat to werewolves. Once the redemption rights are opened, those large teams will have the top weapons.

And once someone secretly colludes with these large teams and forms a secret force, it will become a big trouble.

Although Li Shiyi could revoke their permission to use lightsabers and Gauss rifles at any time, Li Shiyi still felt that it was better to be safer.

Moreover, people's ambitions expand as their strength grows. If they are not allowed to have access to weapons of this level, they may never have ambitions.

So in the end, Li Shiyi only opened the exchange rights for Destruction Gatlin, and contributed one thousand points per piece. It was still the same as before, and Li Shiyi did not earn the difference.

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