Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 215 People in love have zero IQ

This made Tao Yu feel a little strange, because in the fortress, there is no distinction between high and low in these professions. The status of a security guard is not lower than that of his teacher. This is an express rule in the fortress.

In this way, the identity of the young man at the school gate is worth pondering.

But no matter how much Tao Yu thought about it, he couldn't match the young man's appearance with anyone in his memory. Under such circumstances, he could only go and ask.

Okay, I'm Tao Yu. Excuse me, are you the one looking for me?

Tao Yu walked up to Xue Lang, smiled and asked Xue Lang, Have we met before?

Xue Lang did not immediately answer Tao Yu's words, but glanced at the security guy, who immediately showed a knowing smile and turned back to his post.

Seeing the security guy leave, Xue Lang turned his head and looked at Tao Yu in front of him: I am Xue Lang, do you still remember me?

Xue Lang? Tao Yu looked at Xue Lang doubtfully, and then said: I do have a friend named Xue Lang, but he is not you.

He is a powerful werewolf warrior who has made many contributions to the fortress. If you want to be friends with me, I am happy, but you should not assume his identity.

Tao Yu's words made Xuelang freeze on the spot, and Li Shiyi and Qiangwei also heard these words from the surveillance system at this time.

This child is really interested in the blood wolf. Li Shiyi looked at Qiangwei and said, From what she said, she seems to admire the snow wolf a little bit?

It does seem like that. Qiangwei looked at the screen with an aunty smile, I just don't know how the blood wolf should explain to her, she can't just turn into a werewolf.

The next moment, the scene on the screen directly confirmed Qiangwei's words.

Me. After hearing Tao Yu's words, Xue Lang felt very happy but also very anxious.

Happily, Tao Yu's words were obviously a compliment to him, indicating that Tao Yu still liked him quite a lot.

Worryingly, he didn't know how to explain this matter to Tao Yu.

Okay, stand a little further away, and please don't be afraid no matter what you see, okay?

After saying that, Xue Lang stood about three meters away from Tao Yu, and then little red electric lights appeared on his body.

No way, he really wants to transform. Looking at this scene, Qiangwei almost stared out of her eyes.

On the other side, Li Shiyi had no psychological fluctuations and just said with a faint smile.

I have already expected this to happen. If it were normal times, maybe Xue Lang would be able to think of other ways, but in this case, he will definitely do this.

After all, people in love have zero IQ, right?

As Li Shiyi finished speaking, the blood wolf also completed his transformation, and a werewolf more than two meters tall appeared in front of Tao Yu.

Really, is it really you? Tao Yu looked at Xuelang's eyebrows and was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

Although in her eyes, the faces of these werewolves all looked similar, the blood wolf once told her that she was the only one with this symbol on her forehead.

After Tao Yu went back, he drew the pattern as he remembered it, so he would not admit it wrong.

It's really me, didn't I scare you? Xue Lang asked cautiously, fearing that he would scare Tao Yu.

No, no, I just didn't expect that you could actually turn into a human being. Tao Yu quickly waved his hand and explained to the blood wolf.

This is also an ability I just acquired. How about I change back and talk to you?

Okay, change back.

As Tao Yu finished speaking, the blood wolf's body flashed with lightning again, turning into a human.

You are quite handsome. Tao Yu looked at Xuelang's face and said a little shyly, I asked you why you wore such a big dress. It turned out to be to transform and prove to me that you are a blood wolf. Wolf.

Ah, yes, that's what I thought. The blood wolf that became a human scratched his head. After he became a human, he was finally able to let others see his blush.

Although he said so, in fact the blood wolf just ran over to look for Tao Yu before he had time to change his clothes.

But fortunately he didn't change his clothes, otherwise, he would not be able to change back after turning into a werewolf form.

Afterwards, Tao Yu led Xue Lang towards the teaching building.

Come on, let's take you to our reception room. You can be considered a distinguished guest. When you enter, I think the principal and others will come out to greet you.

Ah? But I'm the worst at dealing with these things. Xue Lang scratched his head, hesitant.

Oh, what are you afraid of? I'm here, let's go. After saying that, Tao Yu directly took Xue Lang's hand and led him all the way.

Oh, you idiot like Xuelang, why do you want this girl to take the initiative? Can't you be more proactive? Xiang Li Shiyi said, sitting in front of the screen.

Okay, it's a good thing for this girl to take the initiative, otherwise with the blood wolf's temperament, there's no telling when I can hold this hand.

Compared with Li Shiyi's hatred of iron, Qiangwei has an optimistic attitude.

Okay, I feel relieved to see them so harmonious. That's the end of today's love drama.

With that said, Li Shiyi no longer paid attention to the screen in front of him, but took out his communicator and sent a message to the mayor.

Mayor, come up here, I have something to tell you.

Not long after the news arrived, the mayor came to Li Shiyi.

That's right, I decided to leave in the next two days.

Start? the mayor asked in confusion, Where to go?

Continue to move forward according to the route we planned before, all the way to the capital. What, mayor, have you forgotten?

I haven't forgotten this. The mayor adjusted his glasses, I just don't understand. Why don't we wait until the Type I Corisi biological weapon is hatched?

No need. Li Shiyi shook his head.

I thought about it and decided that it would be better for us to move on. In these apocalyptic times, we must race against time and not waste any time.

After all, there is a high probability that the capital city will still maintain normal order, and it may also have a lot of information and plans. Only when we get there can we make better plans for the next step.

As for the Type I Corisi biological weapons, you don't have to worry. I will just come back alone then. I estimate that the marching speed of these creatures will not be slow. We will see the details later.

What you said makes sense. The mayor nodded and then asked, Then I will make arrangements now.

Okay. Li Shi nodded, and took out a list and handed it to the mayor, These are some new technologies and new weapons that I will soon be able to obtain. You go and discuss it with the people in the Ministry of Military Affairs. How to use these things.”

Okay. The mayor put away the list and left the fourth floor.

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