Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 203 Missile Launch

Your sister? The mayor thought for a moment and then responded, Are you talking about Sun Lu?

Yes, it's Sun Lu. Li Shi nodded, As I said just now, I want to hold a grand wedding in the fortress, so I need to discuss it with you.

Here. The mayor looked a little embarrassed, If you want me to be a witness, that's fine, but I'm really not good at planning weddings.

That's right. Li Shiyi touched his chin, In that case, you can find some talents in this field in the fortress to handle this matter.

As for the wedding, there is no need to keep it secret. I can tell everyone so that everyone can be happy in advance.

Okay, I'll do it right now. After saying that, the mayor said goodbye to Li Shiyi and returned to the third floor to get started on the matter.

After the mayor left, Li Shiyi called Commander Qi up again.

Commander Qi, now that we have missiles in the fortress, I am going to counterattack back to Sioux City and try to see if I can solve the Corisi ecological transformation group. I called you here to ask for your opinion.

I think your idea is right. Commander Qi nodded, After all, that thing has an impact on the surrounding environment all the time.

Naturally, the sooner we deal with it, the better. And I think we can take advantage of this opportunity to use missiles to eliminate the zombies lying between Sioux City and Baiquan City in one fell swoop.

Then we can also study the dormant Corisi ecological transformation group you mentioned.

That makes sense. Li Shi nodded, Besides that, do you have any suggestions for this operation?

No. Commander Qi shook his head, This operation involves direct long-range artillery strikes. As long as we can hit accurately, there will be no problem.

And you also showed me the missile's operating system before. It is very simple and intelligent, so the missile's hit rate is not a problem at all.

And we also have maps of the surrounding area in our hands, so we can accurately determine the coordinates of the strike point.

The only thing that needs to be considered is that the specific power of the missile is currently unknown. We only know that the explosion coverage range is one thousand meters, but it has not been verified, but this is not a problem.

After all, our enemies are just a group of unintelligent monsters. They have no technological means to defend against missiles, and they have no power to resist missiles.

We only need to launch it once to determine the power of the missile. After that, the next strike can be reasonably planned according to the power of the missile.

What you said makes sense. Li Shi nodded, Whether it is the wilderness or the Kelisi ecological transformation group in Sioux City, they are all within the strike range of our missiles.

In that case, prepare to strike.

In just a few minutes of conversation, the missile launch plan was determined.

And this plan also indicates that a large number of zombies will die.

And the secrets of the Corisi ecological transformation group may also be revealed.

Li Shiyi has been waiting for this day for a long time.

The first target was set in the wilderness between Baiquan City and Su City.

The reason for choosing this place was mainly because the distance between this location and the fortress was relatively close, which made it easier for them to observe the effect of the missile.

Subsequently, news of the upcoming missile launch was spread throughout the fortress.

After all, this kind of thing can boost the morale of the fortress and show the strength of the fortress, and the launch time is set for the next day.

For this strike, Li Shiyi also specially arranged for some robots to go near the explosion site to facilitate data recording.

Early the next morning, the coordinates of the specific attack location were sent to Li Shiyi.

Then Li Shiyi brought up the missile control interface on the control console and entered the coordinates.

Then, a button appeared on the screen with the word launch written on it.

I never expected that I would have the right to launch missiles.

After all, the target of the attack this time was zombies, so Li Shiyi didn't have any psychological burden. He smiled slightly and pressed the launch button.

At the same time, many fortress residents had come outside the fortress to watch the missile launch.

Following Li Shiyi's movement, a window opened on the top of the fortress. After a while, a missile flew out of the window with dazzling fire, causing a commotion among the residents.

Look, it's a missile. The missile flew out.

I'm not blind, I saw it. Don't disturb me. I want to see the explosion.

It is said that the explosion coverage range of this missile is one thousand meters. I don't know if it is true or not.

It must be true. Fortress has lied to you about this kind of thing. Besides, from the past to the present, when has Fortress ever lied to us? And there are not enough high-techs. One missile is nothing.

makes sense.

As people talked, the missile flew to the predetermined location, landed, and exploded under everyone's gaze.

In an instant, fire shot into the sky. Centered on the impact point of the missile, powerful shock waves and flames spread rapidly to the surroundings. Even from the location of the fortress, the fire was clearly visible.

A few seconds later, the sound of the explosion also came over. Although it was far away, the sound was still very deafening.

Fortunately, the people in the fortress were well prepared and wore sunglasses and sound-isolating headphones according to the explosion photo viewing guidelines given by the fortress.

Of course, there are also people who do not have these things or do not believe in science. In short, no matter what the reason is, there are indeed some people who do not follow the requirements.

The result was strong tinnitus in their ears, severe pain in their eyes due to exposure to light, and tears constantly flowing out.

Of course, these consequences must be borne by themselves, after all, the fortress has already given a reminder.

The scene of the explosion was also recorded by the robot from all directions, and after the picture was processed, it was played on large screens throughout the fortress in a form that would no longer cause damage to human eyes.

And these pictures were also sent to the mayor and others.

Of course, Li Shiyi didn't care about these things. What he cared about was whether the sleeping Kelisi ecological transformation group was affected.

This time, the attack was deliberately chosen far away from the sleeping Corisi ecological transformation group, with the purpose of retaining it for research.

After all, it is rare to encounter one in such a sleeping state. It would be a pity if it was blown up.

But the impact of the missile explosion was not over yet, and the robot could not get in. Li Shiyi could only wait patiently for a while.

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