Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 20 The blood moon comes and something strange happens

After recovering the wheat, Li Shiyi spent 20,000 energy reserves to exchange for two pieces of 100*100 high-quality soil.

According to the system prompts, plant growth can be accelerated and crop quality improved.

Li Shiyi handed the wheat seeds to the robots and asked them to renovate the soil and plant them.

After doing all this, Li Shiyi returned to the car.

By this time, the sun had completely set.

Instead there was a round bright moon.

Why is this moon so weird?

In the car, Li Shiyi looked at the full moon in the sky and murmured to himself.

For some reason, Li Shiyi always felt that the moon tonight was a little strange.

But if I really asked him to tell me something strange, he couldn't. In short, it was very strange.

And his eyelids were beating constantly, as if something was about to happen.

Looking at the moon, Li Shiyi gradually fell into sleep.

In his dream, the whole world was infected with zombie disease, and a large number of zombies were chasing him.


With a loud shout, Li Shiyi woke up from his dream, only to realize that it was a dream.

Li Shiyi patted his chest and wiped the sweat off his head.

Not to mention, the dream is really very real.

Then, he turned on his phone and glanced at the time. It was almost twelve o'clock.

Just as he was about to put down his phone and go back to sleep, Li Shiyi suddenly felt his heart beating violently.

what happened?

Li Shiyi was a little confused, thinking that he didn't have a heart disease!

Why did my heart suddenly sting?

The next second, Li Shiyi realized something was wrong.

Everything around him turned blood red, as if he was in a sea of ​​blood.

Upon noticing the changes around him, Li Eleven immediately looked up at the sky.

Seeing something strange in the sky, Li Shiyi said: The moon has also turned blood red? Are zombies really coming?

Li Shiyi had to wonder. Last time the sun turned blood red, causing most people in the world to suddenly coma. This time the moon turns blood red, will zombies appear?

No one knows the answer.

After a few minutes, the moon returned to normal.

But from this moment on, something weird happened.

Sioux City, hospital.

Oh, I was asked to work overtime again today, and I was told to go dancing with my best friend tonight.

A female nurse at the front desk complained to her companion.

Originally, she wasn't supposed to work overtime today. She had made appointments with a few brothers to go to the disco, but the head nurse gave an order and asked her to work overtime.

She felt very unhappy.

Looking at her complaining colleagues, another female nurse comforted her: Oh, calm down, calm down. There are too many patients these days. Our hospital is short of manpower. Otherwise, it will allow you to work overtime. !”

Although the female nurse complained, she had no choice but to survive.

And it was not easy for her to get into a municipal hospital through connections. She didn't want to lose her job just to go to a disco.

I can only stay on duty with peace of mind.

At this time, the head nurse came over and said to the female nurse who had complained before: Xiao Li, go to the ward and check on the patient's condition.

Okay, Sister Zhang.

Facing the head nurse, Xiaoli was angry but did not dare to vent her anger, so she could only obey humbly.

To be honest, Xiaoli also resisted coming to see these patients.

I don't know when, these people's bodies began to fester, and their whole bodies exuded a foul odor.

There were also instructions from above not to publish this information, otherwise it would definitely cause panic among the Chinese people.

So ordinary people don't know this information at all.

However, ordinary people don't know what these people are like. As a nurse in the hospital, how can she not know?

Along the way, Xiaoli came to the ward cursing and put on a mask.

There are three beds in the ward, filled with people who have fainted from the bloody sun.

These people's bodies were covered with abscesses, ulcers occurred in many places, and their bodies were filled with a foul odor.


Even though she was wearing a mask, she was almost nauseated by the stench and couldn't stand it at all.

There are still living people here, they are no different from corpses.

Holding back her nausea, she went from ward to ward.

Her task is to check whether these people's condition has worsened.

It was obvious that these people were getting more and more seriously ill.

The flesh on his face also began to fester, and there was more and more rotten flesh on his body.

She remembered what the dean had said before: if these people are found to be getting sicker, close the windows to prevent them from coming into contact with sunlight.

Just as she was about to close the window, she suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in her heart.

However, it soon returned to normal.

She didn't take it seriously either. She thought it was because she was too tired from work recently, so her heart couldn't bear it, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

Then, she noticed that everything around her turned blood red.

The wards, beds, and the patients on the beds all turned blood red!

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she had seen something wrong, but when she opened her eyes again,

I found that the surrounding area was still bloody.

She knew that this was not an illusion, but real.

When I looked up, I saw a blood moon hanging high in the sky, dyeing the whole world red!

It's over! If I'm hit by the blood moon, will I faint?

Xiaoli said anxiously while retreating.

These people had fainted when exposed to the blood sun before, so would she also faint when exposed to the blood moon?

Thinking of this, she regretted a little. If she had known it, she would not have come to work overtime even if she quit her job.

When she thought that she would be like them in the future, Xiaoli couldn't help crying.

Click, click, click.

At the same time, the sound of bones rubbing together sounded.

Xiaoli, whose eyes were red from crying, also stopped crying and stood up to look for the source of the sound.

Click, click, click!

The sound grew louder and more pronounced.

Xiaoli easily found the source of the sound, which was the fainted patients.

The patients on these beds began to twitch all over, and all parts of their bodies were deformed.

The clicking sound before was the sound of bones dislocating.




The three people on the hospital bed made strange sounds together, their facial expressions were extremely ferocious, their eyes kept rolling, and their limbs began to undergo strange deformations.


Seeing the patient with deformed body and screaming strangely, Xiaoli screamed.

She has worked in the hospital for so many years, and she has seen a lot of strange symptoms.

But this was the first time she had seen this kind of rotten and deformed body.

A wave of fear suddenly surged into my heart.

She wanted to run away from this horrible place.

But who would have thought that his legs were not up to par, and immediately became weak, and he collapsed on the ground.


The weird sounds became louder and louder, and suddenly, the patient on the bed moved...

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