Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 191 The Secret of the City Center (Part 1)

That's it. Li Shiyi touched his chin, It seems that we have to go out in the afternoon. There should be some secrets in the city center of Baiquan City.

Okay, let's go if you say so. At this time, Qiangwei had already finished eating the chicken drumstick in her hand.

As she spoke, she kept moving her eyes back and forth between Li Shiyi and the other chicken leg.

Here you go. Li Shiyi looked at Qiangwei and placed the plate with chicken drumsticks in front of Qiangwei.

You're so kind, I love you, okay. Qiangwei smiled happily while kissing the chicken legs.

Soon, the lunch time was over, and since Li Shiqiangwei and Xue Lang both had evolved physiques, they had no intention of taking a nap and took a short rest before setting off again.

Blood Wolf, are you talking about whether what happened this time has anything to do with the Kelisi Ecological Transformation Group?

In the car, Li Shiyi was talking to Xue Lang while driving.

It's hard to say, because we haven't seen whether there will be other changes in the Corisi ecological transformation group. If it can continue to change, it is not impossible.

Krisi Ecological Transformation Group, what is that? Qiangwei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked confused while listening to the conversation between Li Shiyi and Xue Lang.

The Corisi ecological transformation group is a very special kind of monster. We have encountered it in Sioux City before. I will explain the details to you after I return to the fortress.

Okay. Qiangwei leaned back on the chair helplessly. Since she couldn't understand the conversation between Li Shiyi and Xuelang, she began to close her eyes and rest.

Soon, the first dilapidated building appeared in front of Li Shiyi and others.

The degree of damage to this building is not very high. Only the top part has fallen off. It seems that if it were not too high, it might not have any problems at all.

It starts from here. We must be careful and be alert to possible dangers at any time.

After hearing Li Shiyi's words, Qiangwei and Xuelang both sat up straight and looked around with high vigilance.

Li Shiyi also slowed down and drove towards the city center of Baiquan City.

Li Shiyi could always see various zombies along the way. After a while, he suddenly spoke.

Have you noticed that the zombies here are uglier than those we have encountered before?

Ugly? Qiangwei asked doubtfully, Aren't they all pretty ugly?

What I mean is that the degree of mutation is getting higher and higher, and there are more organs with unknown meanings in the body. Li Shiyi, who felt that he had used the wrong words, quickly explained.

When you say that, it seems like it is indeed the case.

After listening to Li Shiyi's words, Qiangwei also kept observing the zombies around her.

Look at that zombie, another leg has grown on his thigh, but the new leg is not coordinated at all. If you look at him, he will fall down every time he takes a step.

Li Shiyi looked in the direction of Qiangwei's finger and soon discovered the zombie.

In addition, there is a cluster of fleshy sprouts growing out of the eyes of a zombie. It seems that this cluster of fleshy sprouts is not under its control at all.

Its field of vision was severely obstructed, and it would bump into something from time to time.

There is also a zombie that has grown two heads, but the thinking of these two heads does not seem to be very unified.

So this zombie kept doing some meaningless movements in place, with its limbs doing their own thing without any cooperation.

There was also a zombie that had a tree-like thing growing out of its mouth. The thing looked so heavy that the zombie could only bend down, let the tree touch the ground, and then drag it away. .

And obviously, with the existence of this tree, this zombie cannot eat at all.

What are these things? Looking at these strange scenes, Qiangwei couldn't help but hugged her arms.

The deeper they went, the more strange and terrifying the three of them felt.

The horror is not that they are afraid of these monsters, but that these monsters are too weird.

It feels like the organs on their bodies each have their own purpose and are not a whole at all.

Gradually, more and more broken buildings began to appear. In addition, Li Shiyi also discovered some abnormalities on the life scanning interface.

From the very beginning, the signs of life around here were all red. I have never seen anything like this before.

Li Shiyi looked at the group on the life scanning interface and frowned.

Is it possible that there are too many zombies around here? Qiangwei asked Li Shiyi.

No. Li Shiyi shook his head, We have encountered a wave of zombies before, but even then, the life scanning interface could distinguish them point by point, instead of being so continuous. red.

At this moment, several people heard a strange sound.

What's the sound? Qiangwei said while looking out the window.

What's on the ground? After observing for a while, Qiangwei suddenly exclaimed.

Li Shiyi also discovered something strange on the ground under Qiangwei's reminder.

At this time, the ground below Santana was no longer completely bare, and many places were covered with a red substance that looked like the flesh and blood of some kind of creature.

And because the ground also showed a red color under the bloody sunlight, and because several people focused their attention on those strange zombies, no one had noticed this problem before.

After discovering this question, several people frowned.

How about we go back and bring more soldiers then. Qiangwei suggested.

It's not necessary. Li Shiyi shook his head, Don't worry, no matter what happens, I can guarantee our safety.

Qiangwei didn't continue talking when she heard what Li Shiyi said.

And Li Shiyi's reliance is naturally the different-dimensional space.

Under forced circumstances, even if he reveals some of his secrets to Qiangwei, Li Shiyi will protect her. There is no doubt that.

As they went deeper, the damage to the buildings became more serious, and the red biological tissue on the ground began to spread along the walls to these ruins.

No trace of the ground could be seen underneath the car. The red tissue had formed something like muscles on the ground, and it felt soft when the wheels rolled over it.

On the life scanning interface, except for their three hotels in the middle, everything was blood red, and the three of them were overlapping with that blood red.

The things on the ground are alive. What is displayed on the life scanning interface is probably this thing.

Li Shiyi suddenly stopped the car and looked solemnly at the slightly undulating biological tissue on the ground.

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