Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 186 Lover’s Gift Package

Moreover, in fact, this scorpion energy armor is still controlled by the system, which ensures that Qiangwei cannot threaten Li Shiyi's safety.

Of course, Li Shiyi didn't have such worries. After all, since he chose Qiangwei, he would believe in Qiangwei.

I really didn't expect that there are so many good things hidden in the system, even the gatekeeper core.

Li Shiyi picked up the brand new scorpion energy armor from the box and placed it in front of him. The center of the armor was a gatekeeper energy core.

The style of this armor is also different from Li Shiyi's. In addition to its black color, some additional red lines are added.

In addition, the lines of the armor also appear softer, not as tough as Li Shiyi's.

I never expected that this scorpion energy armor is available in men's and women's styles.

After saying that, Li Shiyi put the armor back into the box. After thinking for a while, he decided to take out the small box inside alone.

As for this big pink heart-shaped box, Li Shiyi stuffed it back into another dimension.

After all, it would be too shameful to use it as a gift.

When Li Shiyi left the bedroom, he found Qiangwei leaning on her chin and staring at his door.

Is this the gift you gave me? Qiangwei asked when she saw Li Shiyi coming over with a box.

Li Shiyi walked quickly to Qiangwei, then handed the box to Qiangwei and said, Of course it's yours, open it and take a look.

Qiangwei didn't hesitate and opened the box directly. The first thing that caught her eye was the brand new red and black Scorpion Energy Armor.

It's so beautiful. Qiangwei took the Scorpion Energy Armor in her hand, unfolded it, and stared at the armor in front of her.

I didn't expect you to make one specially for me. You're so kind. Holding the armor in her arms, Qiangwei smiled at the user.

Besides this, there are other things in the box. Take a look.

Is there anything else? Qiangwei blinked, lowered her head and looked into the box again, and saw two gene-enhancing potions.

What is this? Qiangwei held two potions in her hands. The potions inside showed a beautiful blue color under the influence of the light.

This is a gene enhancement potion. Li Shiyi explained to Qiangwei, With these things, you will be as powerful as me.

As powerful as you? Qiangwei put down her hand and looked over at Li Shiyi, Then you are not afraid that I will do something to you?

Facing Qiangwei's teasing, Li Shiyi was naturally not shy: Then what do the beautiful Miss Qiangwei want to do to me?

Actually, no matter what you want to do to me, I am willing to accept it.

Li Shi leaned back on the chair, spread his hands and feet, and sat on the chair in a large shape.

Come on, Rose, ravage me as much as you like, I won't resist.

After Li Shiyi performed this operation, Qiangwei blushed with embarrassment.

Who wants to ravage you? That's nonsense. Qiangwei spat and turned her head away.

That room is for me. I'm going to change my clothes and try on this armor.

Qiangwei picked up the armor again and showed it in front of herself.

Your room? Li Shiyi was stunned for a moment.

You didn't prepare a room for me, did you? Do you plan to let me live on the first floor, or do you want me to live in the same room as you?

As she spoke, Qiangwei walked up behind Li Shiyi, put her hands on Li Shiyi's shoulders, leaned down and whispered in Li Shiyi's ear.

Could it be that you want to do something to me?

Li Shiyi never expected that Qiangwei would make such a bold move, and his body became a little stiff for a moment.

You have a beautiful idea, I will not live in the same bedroom with you.

Just when Li Shiyi reacted and reached out to hold Qiangwei's hand, Qiangwei pulled away and sat back in her seat.

Hahaha, look at you, I won this time. Qiangwei sat on the chair and looked at Li Shiyi's deflated look with a smile.

Okay, hurry up and arrange a room for me.

Alas. Li Shiyi, who knew that he had been tricked by Qiangwei, sighed, and then stood up helplessly.

Wait a minute, I'll go clean it up for you.

After speaking, Li Shiyi walked towards the empty room next to his bedroom.

After entering the room, Li Shiyi looked around and took out some furniture from the different dimension space.

These furniture are all brand new. As early as when he was in Sioux City, Li Shiyi collected some brand new furniture in the furniture store and placed them in a different dimension.

Originally, he planned to replace the furniture himself later.

After all, as the apocalypse continues to develop, it is unknown whether there will be an opportunity to collect furniture in the future.

Unexpectedly, these furniture came in handy this time.

After arranging all the furniture, Li Shiyi nodded with satisfaction, then opened the door to the room and leaned against the door.

Come and take a look, Qiangwei, if you're satisfied with it.

Did you arrange it so quickly? Qiangwei stood up and walked over, I didn't see anyone moving anything in there. Did you already arrange it?

With that said, Qiangwei had already walked into the room.

As expected, you have already arranged everything.

As she spoke, Rose walked into the house and touched the furniture.

I have to say that Li Shiyi's aesthetics is quite good. Under his decoration, this room already has a touch of luxury.

Although this room didn't look like a girl's room because it wasn't specially prepared, it was enough.

At least in Qiangwei's opinion, this room has greatly exceeded its expectations.

So, Qiangwei jumped slightly from the ground and lay down on the double bed.

Feeling the softness of the big bed, Qiangwei said lazily: You are quite thoughtful. With this big bed, my sister can live in it.

Li Shi simply did not consider Sun Lu because there were all big beds in the different dimensions.

But Qiangwei had already said so at this time, so naturally he would not tell the truth.

Of course, you don't want to see who I am.

Thank you then. Qiangwei jumped off the bed, walked up to Li Shiyi, and gently pecked Li Shiyi on the lips.

Just think of it as a reward for you. Okay, let's go eat now.

After saying that, Qiangwei walked towards the restaurant.

Didn't you say you wanted to try the gift I gave you? Li Shiyi touched his lips, and then asked towards Qiangwei's back.

If you're hungry, go eat first and change when you come back. Qiangwei didn't look back, she just raised her hands above her head and waved, You should come over quickly, the sky is big and eating is the biggest thing.

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