Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 183 Shocking Rose for a Hundred Years

In other words, you want to touch the body of a boy who is about the same age as you~

Ah, why are you like this, brother-in-law, how are you? After hearing Li Shiyi's words, Sun Lu suddenly blushed, hid behind Han Feng and sat back on the chair.

Seeing Lulu's actions, everyone around them laughed.

The blood wolf scratched his head again. If he were a human now, he might have turned red with embarrassment.

After laughing, Li Shiyi looked at Han Feng.

Sun Lu looked at Li Shiyi as if she had realized something, and shook her head at Li Shiyi crazily.

Li Shiyi didn't pay attention to Sun Lu's actions, and it was Wang Zha who spoke to Han Feng.

Han Feng, what do you think of Lulu?

Hearing this, Sun Lu blushed suddenly, but she also looked at Han Feng with expectant eyes.

Lulu, she is a very good girl, what's wrong?

Han Feng looked at Li Shiyi with puzzled eyes.

It’s really a piece of wood, Li Shiyi complained in his heart.

I mean, do you like her?

Seeing that Han Feng was really confused about the style, Li Shiyi had no choice but to speak frankly.

This. Obviously, Han Feng did not expect that Li Shiyi would ask him this question on this occasion and at this time.

And Qiangwei also said at this time: You like my sister, right, Han Feng.

I'm sorry. Han Feng stood up and bowed to Qiangwei awkwardly.

Why are you saying sorry? Is it a mistake to like my sister?

Qiangwei sat on a chair and looked at the wind. At this moment, she regained her due momentum as the leader of the shelter.

No, I mean. Han Feng was a little embarrassed at the moment, but he didn't know what to say.

Qiangwei did not expect Han Feng's answer, but continued talking.

What time is it? I don't even know if I can see the sun tomorrow. Why do I care so much?

This is the end of the world. People are dying all the time. You might die, I might die, and my sister might die too.

Do you have to wait until someone dies with regrets and someone lives with regrets?

In this doomsday, no one cares about eternity anymore. What everyone wants is now. Do you understand, Han Feng?

Then, Qiangwei didn't speak anymore. She knew that Han Feng needed time to think.

Sure enough, not long after, Han Feng raised his head, glanced at Qiangwei, and turned around to look at Sun Lu as if he had made up his mind.

Lulu, me.

As soon as the words came to his lips, Han Feng became confused again.

Han Feng, you are still not a man, why should you be so entangled.

Qiangwei was a little angry when she saw this scene.

Sun Lu stood up and looked at Han Feng with expectant and encouraging eyes.

Perhaps it was Sun Lu's eyes that had an effect. Han Feng took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and then grabbed Sun Lu's shoulders with both hands.

Lulu, I like you, please be my girlfriend.


The soldiers brought by Han Feng all around made cheers of joy at this moment.

Obviously, they have been looking forward to this day for a long time, but since Han Feng is their boss, they can't say too much.

It's better now, the boss's boss personally spoke, and the matter was finally resolved.

Sun Lu also laughed happily at this moment: I love you too, Brother Han Feng.

After saying that, Lulu reached out her hand and hugged Han Feng.

Han Feng, on the other hand, tensed his body tightly at this moment, not daring to move.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Han Feng, what are you doing with your hands?

Qiangwei reminded, who really couldn't stand it anymore.

I, I didn't do anything? Han Feng replied while tensing up.

Then you can't do anything?

Ah, do something, do something?

What else can you do? Hug her. She is your girlfriend. Why are you so nervous?

Qiangwei was almost pissed off by Han Feng.

Han Feng finally realized this, slowly relaxed his body, and then reached out to hug Sun Lu.

The moment Han Feng hugged Sun Lu with both hands, Sun Lu's body trembled obviously, and then she said softly: You are really a piece of wood.

After the matter here came to an end, those in the conference room finally agreed on a specific plan, and then Li Shiyi returned to the shelter with Qiangwei.

By the way, we don't have enough cars. How many cars do you have in your fortress?

If we rely solely on our cars, we probably won't be able to bring them all to the fortress by nightfall, and it's not realistic to walk this distance.

Sitting in Li Shiyi's car, Qiangwei frowned and asked Li Shiyi.

What kind of car do you want to take? Just ask them to gather in an open place in an hour. Li Shiyi smiled mysteriously at Qiangwei.

It's an open place. There is a square nearby, which is enough to accommodate everyone, but how are you going to transport them there?

Just do as I say and I'll let you know.

Seeing that Li Shiyi was confident, Qiangwei did not continue to ask any more questions. After getting out of the car, she returned to the shelter.

I'm back.

After a while, Qiangwei walked downstairs and returned to Li Shiyi's car.

Why are you back so soon? Such a short time is not enough for you to explain everything clearly.

Looking at Qiangwei, Li Shiyi asked in surprise

I just gave an order. I didn't explain anything to them. We can just do that kind of thing later.

Then your prestige is really strong, Leader Qiangwei.

Each other.

When everything was arranged here, Li Shiyi took Qiangwei back to the fortress, and the two of them returned to the fourth floor again.

This time, I'll show you something different.

Li Shiyi asked Qiangwei to sit on the chair in the main control room, then got into Santana and turned on the conscious driving mode.

At the same time, the wall on the fourth floor of the fortress gradually became transparent. It was Li Shiyi who turned on the exterior mode.

Are you ready?

Li Shiyi, who was sitting in the car, shouted to Qiangwei, and before Qiangwei could answer, he launched the thunderstorm.

After many days, this huge steel behemoth finally moved its body again, and under the control of Li Shiyi, moved towards Baiquan City.

Ah ah ah, Li Shiyi, what are you doing? We're about to hit you!

Looking at the buildings getting closer and closer in front of her, Qiangwei's face turned pale.

Don't worry, you just have to watch.

After comforting Qiangwei, Li Shiyi continued to drive the fortress towards the building, just like he did in Sioux City.

At the moment of collision with the fortress, the building was instantly destroyed.

The broken stones rolled down the walls of the fortress, failing to stop the progress of the fortress at all.

Qiangwei was also stunned by the scene in front of her.

Is this thing so strong?

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