Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 177 Dinner Party

Forget it, let's not talk about the monster. We will investigate it carefully when the time comes.

After exhaling, Li Shiyi put down his thoughts related to the scorpion, and then he and Qiangwei took a leisurely walk in the refuge camp while chatting.

The design of these refuge camps is also very interesting. The upper floors of different buildings are connected by simple bridges, so that people do not need to go downstairs and then go up again when they want to go to another camp.

Hundreds of high-rise buildings were connected together like a city built in the sky. Li Shiyi and Qiangwei had a different feeling walking on this bridge that looked fragile but was actually very stable.

Soon, the dinner to welcome Li Shiyi began. Due to the supplement of meat presented by Li Shiyi, the dinner table was full of meat dishes, with only a few vegetarian dishes that could be used to relieve fatigue. After all, this place is not like Li Shiyi's fortress, you don't have to worry about food and drink.

In the evacuation camp, it takes a long time to eat meat, and there is a limit.

In fact, even this time, the people in the shelter were very confused as to why they suddenly had such good food. After all, they did not know that the shelter was about to join the fortress. Even if Li Shiyi came, they did not think that the shelter wanted to welcome him. Such a person made the whole camp party with him.

Of course, they would not question it. Who wouldn't be happy if they had meat to eat? Since it was ordered by the people above, just eat it and that's it. Why bother with so much?

The order they received was to eat and drink without worrying about tomorrow. Everyone would have a day off tomorrow.

Under such an order, everyone no longer suppressed themselves. People ate, drank, laughed, and cried wantonly, releasing their emotions freely under the influence of alcohol.

During this banquet, Li Shiyi also saw the difference between a refuge camp and a fortress. Whether it was Qiangwei, the old guys mentioned by Qiangwei, or people like Han Feng, they were all like friends. There is no distinction of status at that time.

Who sits with whom is not determined by status. You can sit wherever you want. Just like the old guys mentioned by Qiangwei, as the highest-status people besides Qiangwei, they are not with Qiangwei and Li Shiyi at this moment. Not sitting together, but in another building next to them with those warriors.

Of course, it was Qiangwei who told those people that this banquet would not talk about things, but only about friendship. Otherwise, those people would definitely sit together with Li Shiyi and discuss things while eating. And that is what Li Shiyi least wanted to do. One of my favorite things.

Li Shiyi and Qiangwei were very subtle, and I didn't know what Sun Lu and those people said. In the end, Li Shiyi and Qiangwei occupied a whole table, and the others sat at another table.

Even though Qiangwei pretended to be angry and ordered them to come over, they dealt with it happily, and in the end, Li Shiyi and Qiangwei were alone at the table.

At the dinner table, Qiangwei looked at Li Shiyi with helplessness and spread his hands: You saw it too, I can't help it. I wanted to sit over but they wouldn't let me. You see, they packed that table deliberately. , it must be Lulu’s bad idea.”

Li Shiyi didn't speak, just looked at Qiangwei with a smile.

Hey, you don't suspect that I arranged this, right? Looking at Li Shiyi's expression, Qiangwei suddenly realized something and hurriedly explained, I didn't ask them to do this. The two of us have been doing this this afternoon. Together, I have no chance to make such an arrangement. Besides, what’s the point of me doing this?”

What if you plot something against me? After speaking, Li Shiyi picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth with a smile.

You, hum! At this time, Qiangwei also realized that Li Shi was just teasing her, and angrily picked up a chicken leg and started to chew it.

On the other side of the table, Sun Luzheng was eating while pulling the soldiers to look at Li Shiyi and Qiangwei.

Look, I just said there is something wrong with the two of them, right? Even though her mouth was almost full of food, Sun Lu was still able to speak clearly.

Indeed. The soldier sitting next to Sun Lu nodded, I never thought that the boss would be surrendered one day.

That's the boss of the fortress. You haven't seen that fortress. It's so big. He must be very powerful to have such a big fortress.

Speak as if you have seen that fortress. The soldier rolled his eyes and picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

I've never seen it, but Brother Han Feng has. He told me. Sun Lu finally swallowed the food in her mouth at this time. She leaned into the soldier's ear and whispered, I heard He said that Mr. Li gave that fortress to my sister as a betrothal gift.

Really or not? The soldier looked at Sun Lu with an expression of disbelief.

Li Shiyi and Qiangwei also turned their attention to Sun Lu at this time. Although Sun Lu tried to lower her voice when she said this, Li Shiyi and Qiangwei both have ears that are far beyond ordinary people. Naturally, they Hear it clearly.

Sun! Lu! Qiangwei, who couldn't bear it, raised her voice and shouted out Sun Lu's full name word for word. I can't stop your mouth even if you eat it. If you spread rumors again, I will sew your mouth shut. Come on, you don’t need to eat either.”

Sun Lu, on the other hand, showed a bright smile at Qiangwei, trying to get through with being cute.

Seeing Sun Lu like this, Qiangwei also burst out laughing: Okay, I'll eat yours, but don't talk nonsense anymore. If you spread rumors again, I'll be really angry.

Yeah. Sun Lu nodded quickly, and then concentrated on the chicken legs on the plate.

Looking back, Qiangwei's eyes met Li Shiyi's eyes again, and then she looked away calmly: Why are you always looking at me?

Because you are beautiful. Li Shiyi said this very straightforwardly.

Qiangwei's hand, which was about to pick up the vegetables, paused slightly after hearing these words, and then picked up a piece of meat into the bowl.

I'm not such a casual person. If you are so good at talking, you can tell that you are lying. I will not be fooled by you. Although Qiangwei said this, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly and quietly turned red. But her cheeks betrayed her.

I didn't lie to you, I told you the truth.

Oh, eat quickly. Aren't you greedy for so many delicious foods? Qiangwei angrily put a piece of meat into Li Shiyi's bowl, then lowered her head and pretended to eat seriously.

That’s probably what the saying “beautiful and delicious” means.

Li Shiyi did not say this sentence, he just said it silently in his heart, and then he lowered his head and started eating.

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