Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 173 Meeting Gift

In this regard, Li Shiyi and Qiangwei are quite similar. As leaders, they don't make too many decisions. What Li Shiyi does in the fortress is just general planning. The rest Everything is left to the mayor and others.

So, we are quite similar. I don't care much about those messy things in the fortress. But speaking of it, I feel that your shelter was not established by a government organization before the end of the world. Your city How long is it?

They were so unlucky. On the day of the bloody sun, their city government inspection team happened to be inspecting a rural area. They were all knocked down by the bloody sun and turned into zombies. Qiangwei raised her eyebrows and said with a hint of regret.

Our shelter was established later. It was a small group at the beginning. I was already the leader of our small group at that time. Later, more and more people joined and it gradually became It’s like this now.”

So that's it. Li Shi nodded, indicating that he understood.

Then you asked me to meet, what is the specific matter? Half an hour had passed since Li Shiyi entered the room, and at this time, the two finally talked about the topic.

I didn't ask you to meet, it was those old guys who wanted to find you. When your big fortress came over at first, we all planned to run away. We thought it was an alien flying saucer. Later, some people came out from there. Yes, we didn’t leave.”

Later, those old guys, those who are actually responsible for managing the shelter, said they wanted to make contact with you. I don't know what to say, but it was nothing more than exchanging information, trading supplies, or joining you. Right. Qiangwei said with a nonchalant tone.

Join us? Li Shiyi raised his eyebrows, You don't seem to care much about this matter?

I can't say I don't care, but the original intention of establishing this shelter was to let more people survive. But now it seems that your fortress is obviously stronger, so joining you is the right thing to do.

Then you don't want to continue being the boss of Black Rose?

If you don't want to do it, don't do it. I will stay here by myself when the time comes. The remaining things in this city are enough for me to live on. When she said this, Qiangwei was looking down at the dagger in her hand. Instead of looking at Li Shiyi.

It was obvious that she didn't mean what she said.

You mean, you don't want to join the Fortress, why?

Maybe I'm used to being free and loose. I can guess that after joining the fortress, I will definitely have to hunt, search for supplies, work, and be disciplined like everyone else every day. I don't want that.

Hearing these words, Li Shi nodded. He believed that this was Qiangwei's true thoughts, so he smiled.

What if I allow you not to do the above things?

What if you don't do that? I'll be your bed-warming maid. I'm telling you, don't even think about it. Qiangwei pointed the dagger at Li Shiyi and said in a feigned way.

What are you thinking about? Do I look like that kind of person? And if I have any plans for you, do you think you can escape now?

Li Shiyi's words were certainly not a lie. With the Scorpion Energy Armor, even if everyone in the Black Rose came together, they would not be Li Shiyi's opponent.

Although I can't defeat you, if it's really a desperate fight, you can't defeat me as easily as you did just now.

Obviously, although Qiangwei lost just now, she relied on her skills and believed that even if she was not as good as Li Shiyi physically, she could still deal with Li Shiyi with her skills, enough for her men to rush in and save her.

At this moment, Li Shiyi raised his right hand, and blue electric light surrounded his hand, condensing into an electric ball.

Now, do you still think you have a chance? Holding the electric ball, Li Shiyi looked at Qiangwei with a smile.

Although Qiangwei didn't know what was in Li Shiyi's hand, she could feel that it was extremely dangerous and not something she could resist.

This, what is this?

This is the highest-tech crystallization of our fortress. It's the only one in the world. Putting away the electric ball, Li Shiyi took out the lightsaber from his waist and threw it to Qiangwei.

Try this thing. Just press and hold the button on top. Be careful on the side of the mouth and don't point it at yourself.

After catching the lightsaber, Qiangwei stood up, followed Li Shiyi's instructions, carefully pointed the direction of the opening outside the window, and then pressed the button.

In an instant, a beam of light more than one meter long emerged from the hilt of the sword.

What is this? Qiangwei held the lightsaber and gently touched the lightsaber with the dagger in her hand. Then she heard a chi sound and a crack appeared in the contact part between the dagger and the lightsaber.

This! Qiangwei was so shocked by the scene in front of her that she was speechless. Obviously, this lightsaber was beyond her understanding.

This is a lightsaber. I didn't bring anything else with me this time. Since you like it so much, I'll give it to you as a meeting gift. Seeing that Qiangwei couldn't put it down, Li Shiyi simply gave it to her. The lightsaber was given to her.

Really? Are you really going to give me such a powerful thing? Qiangwei, who was studying the lightsaber, suddenly raised her head and looked at Li Shiyi with disbelief.

Of course it's true. I told you, this is a meeting gift.

Well, since you gave me a gift, I can't be stingy, so I will give you this dagger. Qiangwei carefully put away the lightsaber, then took out a leather scabbard and inserted the dagger into it. , and threw it to Li Shiyi.

This dagger is very precious. It is the best knife in our shelter. Not to mention cutting iron like clay, it is definitely easy to chop down a zombie. Since you like it so much, I will give you this gadget as a meeting gift. After throwing the dagger to Li Shiyi, Qiangwei put her hands behind her back, imitated Li Shiyi's tone, and repeated what Li Shiyi had just said.

Of course, she also knew that her dagger was far from comparable to a lightsaber. The red color that had just faded quietly crept onto her face again, adding a hint of girlishness to her.

Naturally, Li Shiyi didn't want to miss this kind of scenery. He raised the dagger and pretended to look at the dagger towards the sun, but in fact he was looking at the roses behind him.

In that case, I would like to thank Boss Qiangwei for the dagger. Just when Qiangwei started to feel a little uncomfortable, Li Shiyi put away the dagger and put it on his waist, smiling at Qiangwei.

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