A wry smile emerged from the corner of Han Feng's mouth: We did want to dig underground fortifications at first, but the apocalypse broke out so quickly that there was no time for us to prepare. We had no choice but to choose high-rise buildings as campsites.

So that's it. Li Shiyi showed a look of surprise, Then you just said downstairs that this is your headquarters, which means your commander is here, right?

Yes, the boss is waiting for you on the top floor.

Boss? Li Shiyi noticed Han Feng's wording, which made him feel a little strange.

Along the way, Han Feng gave him the impression of a soldier. Even if he was not a serving soldier before the end of the world, he should have had military experience, so the word boss should not come out of his mouth.

After all, when he introduced himself before, he said that he was the captain of the seventh team of the third team, so the supreme commander of the shelter must not be Han Feng's direct boss. When he introduced the commander who was at least two levels higher than himself, , logically speaking, he should address the other party by his official title.

With such questions, Li Shiyi followed Han Feng and took the elevator to the tenth floor.

After the elevator door slowly opened, Han Feng made a gesture to Li Shiyi again and guided Li Shiyi out of the elevator.

Then, he led Li Shiyi through the corridor for a while and came to the door of a house.

Secretary Sun, I brought someone here. Han Feng knocked on the door and shouted to the other side of the door.

This scene surprised Li Shiyi. He originally thought that the other party would arrange a welcome ceremony no matter what, but Hanfeng's words I brought the person here always made Li Shiyi feel that the other party was holding his hand. See the feeling of leadership.

Of course, Li Shiyi wouldn't pay too much attention to such superficial things. After all, it was the end of the world, so it was understandable that everything should be kept simple.

After a few seconds, the door was opened from the inside, and what appeared in front of Li Eleven was a girl who looked young, that is, she had just grown up.

There was a smile on the girl's face, and she looked at Li Shiyi with her big eyes: Are you the boss of the fortress outside? You are so young. What are you wearing? Armor, you are quite handsome.

What surprised Li Shiyi was that, whether it was affected by the other person's emotions, this girl gave him the illusion that he was still living in the days before the end of the world.

Hearing Secretary Sun's words, Han Feng showed an awkward smile on the side: I'm sorry, Mr. Li, Secretary Sun's temper is like this. I didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive me.

Nothing. Li Shiyi shook his head, and then looked at Secretary Sun, Yes, I am the boss of the fortress. My name is Li Shiyi.

Li Shiyi, what an interesting name. After chanting Li Shiyi's name, the girl turned around and waved to Li Shiyi, Come in, the boss is waiting for you inside.

Han Feng also said to Li Shiyi from the side: Mr. Li, it is not convenient for me to go in here. You can just follow Secretary Sun.

Okay. Li Shi nodded, and then followed Secretary Sun into the room.

After entering the room, Secretary Sun led Li Shiyi to the door of a room: Go in, the boss is inside.

Just me going in by myself? After hearing Secretary Sun's words, Li Shiyi asked with some confusion, Aren't you afraid of what I will do to your boss after I go in?

Hmph, you sound like you can beat our boss. Although Li Shiyi said something that looked like a threat, Secretary Sun didn't pay attention at all. Instead, he raised his chin proudly, Our boss is very powerful. How can you be her opponent?

Then I want to have a good experience. Secretary Sun's words aroused Li Shiyi's interest, and then with a smile, he opened the door to the room and walked in.

However, what Li Shiyi never expected was that there was a woman in the room.

There was a huge desk in the room, and behind the desk was a chair. At this time, a woman was sitting on the chair, staring at Li Shiyi with burning eyes.

She was wearing a red short top with a black lining and a pair of ponytails combed behind her head, which made her look extremely smart. However, even such an ordinary hairstyle did not affect her beauty. At this time, her long legs were in perfect shape. Stacked on the table, the tight-fitting jeans outlined beautiful lines, and the combat boots on her feet also added a touch of heroism to her. She was playing with a dagger in her hand.

For a moment, Li Shiyi didn't come back to his senses. Since entering the apocalypse, he hasn't seen such a beautiful person for a long time. Even the people in the fortress have long been consumed by this apocalypse. It's like losing its color.

Is the boss of the fortress a pervert? A clear voice sounded in Li Shiyi's ears, bringing Li Shiyi's attention back to reality.

I'm sorry, I just didn't expect to see such beauty in this apocalyptic world. Li Shiyi smiled and said, Won't you invite me to sit down?

Please. Upon hearing Li Shiyi's compliment, a smile appeared on the woman's face. Then she raised her chin and pointed to the sofa aside, You look quite handsome.

Thank you. Li Shiyi walked to the sofa and sat down.

My name is Qiangwei. After Li Shiyi sat down, Qiangwei was the first to speak.

Li Shiyi. Li Shiyi responded simply.

Li Shiyi? Qiangwei raised her eyebrows, A very interesting name.

Your secretary said so too. Perhaps due to Qiangwei's influence, Li Shiyi also relaxed at this time, and his eyes stayed on Qiangwei's face.

Qiangwei happened to look at Li Shiyi at this time. After meeting Li Shiyi's eyes, she did not show shyness, but showed a smile: Can you fight?


Hearing Li Shiyi's words, Qiangwei showed an interested look, took a pair of long legs off the table, supported her chin with her hand and said to Li Shiyi: Gives?

Qiangwei has been playing with the dagger since Li Shiyi entered the door, and her outfit looks like she is prepared for battle. Although she is wearing jeans, Li Shiyi can tell that it is just a superficial appearance. It is actually made of a material that is flexible and does not affect movement at all.

Obviously, Qiangwei was capable of fighting, but what Li Shiyi didn't expect was that the first thing Qiangwei said to him was to make gestures.

Yes, yes, but I'm worried that I will hurt you. At this time, Li Shiyi naturally would not refuse. He was not worried about failure at all. Although he said that he was afraid of hurting the other party, it was just a polite word. That’s all.

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