Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 17 Meteorite fragments arrive at your door

Damn, what a bad luck!

On the way, Li Shiyi cursed while driving.

If he had known that thing was going to turn into a zombie, he wouldn't have kept it in his pocket!

Not only did it stain his clothes, it also made him very nauseous.

All the previous joy of planting and grazing was gone.

By the way, should I announce this news?

At this time, Li Shiyi was thinking in his heart.

Different from before, after all, this is huge news.

It’s almost like the sky is falling!

If they all turned into zombies, it would definitely be a fatal blow to humans!

You know, there are more than 4 billion people who fainted because of the bloody sun this time.

accounting for more than half of the world's total population.

Once a zombie outbreak occurs, it is likely that most of the remaining humans will die.

Li Shiyi couldn't bear it, after all, they were all his compatriots.

Just when Li Shiyi was about to announce the news, he suddenly thought: No! It cannot be announced!

Whether anyone will believe it is not a question for now.

It would be terrible if you were detained for spreading rumors!

Not to mention a few days of jail time, if a zombie outbreak happened, wouldn't he have no choice but to wait for death?

He doesn't have any hacking skills to ensure that he won't be caught by the country's people!

Even if some people believe it, it will only increase their sense of panic and make it known to everyone, which is not worth the loss.

To sum up, Li Shiyi finally rejected this idea.

As long as you can survive the zombie outbreak, why do you care so much?

After figuring it out, Li Shiyi galloped all the way to Wang Zhiming's abandoned car factory.

Anyway, there is no one in the car factory, and there are no animals around. Even if there is a mutation, they will not be attacked immediately.

Moreover, the traffic in the depot is developed, and if the situation is not right, you can retreat.

It is the best hiding place.

After arriving at the depot, Li Shiyi drove directly into the depot.

Although he doesn’t know how long it will take for the zombies to break out, Li Shiyi must be fully prepared.

Food and weapons have been secured.

Now there is no defense.

He doesn't think the current car body is indestructible.

The body, engine, tires, everything needs to be replaced.

The strong body can resist the invasion of zombies.

Tough tires can ensure the driving of the car.

A super powerful engine can provide the power of the car.

These must all be upgraded!

It sounds simple, but upgrading requires materials.

He has no materials at all now, which gives Li Shi a headache!

Boom boom~

At this moment, bursts of roaring sounds were heard outside the depot.

With many years of experience, Li Shiyi also knew that this should be the sound of a truck, and the tonnage of the truck was definitely not small, and there was more than one truck.

somebody is coming?

As the roar became louder and louder, Li Shiyi became confused.

At the same time, Li Shiyi drove and hid.

After all, he had already recycled all the stuff in the car factory, and it wouldn't be good if anyone found out.

On the other side, the roar of the truck disappeared, and Li Shiyi knew that the truck was parked outside.

Li Shiyi didn't know who was coming, and he didn't prepare to go out. He just stared at the door of the car factory warily.

Anyone who comes in must pass by there, so that he can see clearly who is coming.

Kameda-kun, Makino-kun, they have disappeared for a long time, we have cut off contact with them!

At this moment, a vulgar and lame voice sounded.

And, soon, another voice responded: Baga! How can they act without permission? What if the target is exposed? Contact them immediately using the emergency contact method!

Hi! Kameda-kun!

Yueren? Are they also looking for meteorites?

After hearing the conversation between the two, Li Shiyi looked solemn.

He originally thought that only Yue himself was looking for meteorites, but he didn't expect that Yue himself was still looking for meteorites.

I just don’t know what they want meteorites for?

Is it the same as him? Can it be recycled?


The system is not so cluttered!

Li Shiyi shook his head, unable to understand for the time being.

Kameda-kun, we have found 8 fragments of the Dainichi meteorite, and we only need the last one to collect them all. When the time comes, the plan can begin!

Tian Yejun, don't be complacent! Before we get the last meteorite, we can't be careless! The people of Xia are very cunning, we must be on guard!

Hi! Kameda-kun!

The two voices came again.

Huh? So that meteorite is not complete? It's fragments!

Li Shiyi’s heart sank!

Just say how could a meteorite be so small!

It turns out that all he got was a fragment!

There are eight meteorites left!

Li Shiyi continued to eavesdrop.

Tian Tianjun, ask them to unload all the meteorites. The Xia people are very strict in checking, especially for our people from the Great Moon Empire. They are simply hostile! We can't let them discover the meteorites!

Hey! Kameda-kun!...Hurry up and unload the meteorite!

Kameda-kun, is there any risk in putting the meteorite here? What if someone from the Xia Kingdom discovers it...

Don't be afraid, no one has been to this depot for more than a year! It's absolutely safe!

At the same time, at the gate of the depot, a short, wretched-looking man named Yue entered the depot carrying a stone.

That's a meteorite!

Li Shiyi's pupils shrank for a while!

What am I carrying in my hand these months if it’s not a meteorite?

He had just recovered the meteorite and couldn't forget it!

One piece, two pieces...eight pieces! Damn it! I really got it this time!

Li Shiyi's heart beat rapidly as he counted the meteorites being carried in, and he couldn't even hide the joy on his face!

This is so cool!

He happened to be short of resources, so someone came to his door!

It's like you have to go through iron shoes to find it, and it doesn't take any effort at all!

Afterwards, Kameda-kun and Tano-kun, who had been chatting outside, entered the car factory.

Although they know the depot is safe.

But just in case, I was still prepared to come in and investigate.

Kameda-kun! Look! There are traces of a car here!

As soon as Tian Tianjun entered the depot, he found wheel marks.

They hadn't noticed it before while chatting, but now they looked carefully and saw it at a glance.

Kameda on the side narrowed his eyes and noticed the tire tracks under his feet.

Baga! Someone! Find him for me! We must find him!

Kameda-kun was furious. Just now he had promised that this place was absolutely safe.

As a result, he was slapped in the face the next second!

If we hadn't been careful, the meteorite might have really disappeared!

How could he not be angry?

On the other side, Lord Tiano saw the angry Kameda and directly summoned all Yue himself outside.

This car factory is still very large. Although there are no various mechanical equipments, there are still many cement platforms and cement pillars blocking their view.

For a time, a large number of Yue people poured into the car factory.

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