Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 168 Conversation

In other words, they want us to go to the city to meet their boss? Li Shiyi, who was exercising on the training ground, stopped and looked at the teacher at the door, Is that what they said?

Yes, Mr. Li, that's what they said, the mayor replied.

Taking a deep breath, Li Shiyi thought for a moment, and then walked towards the door: Then who do you think is more suitable to let go?

Seeing Li Shiyi coming over, the mayor quickly turned sideways, let Li Shiyi walk out, and followed Li Shiyi step by step.

Logically speaking, the other party's power is far inferior to ours. Even if we meet, we can just go. But the other party clearly said that they want to meet the top leader of the fortress. It seems that there is something to talk about, and there are some things that we cannot I make the decision privately, so...

Understood. Li Shiyi sat down on the chair, picked up the water and drank a few sips. Although the mayor did not finish his words, the meaning was actually expressed very clearly.

That said, you still think it's better if I go, right?

Hearing Li Shiyi's words, the mayor seemed a little embarrassed: That's it, Mr. Li, we also know that with your current status, it is not appropriate for you to see the other party in person, but we thought, no matter what the other party said, The leader of the only refuge in Baiquan City, and

Okay, okay. Before the mayor could finish speaking, Li Shiyi interrupted him, I understand what you mean. It's just that the other party is also the leader and I am also the leader. Only by meeting me can I show my respect for the other party. And you are also worried that you won’t be able to make the final decision when discussing things with the other party, so let me go directly, right?”

Yes, yes, that's what I mean. After hearing Li Shiyi say what he wanted to say, the mayor nodded with relief.

Mayor. Suddenly, Li Shiyi stood up and faced the mayor directly.

What, what's wrong, Mr. Li? The mayor was startled by Li Shiyi's sudden movement and subconsciously took half a step back.

Mayor, do you think I am a domineering person, or that I am a moody person?

Li Shiyi stared into the mayor's eyes and asked.

Why do I always feel that, except for Professor Fang and Professor Sun, both you and the commanders seem to be afraid of me? Have I ever done anything to make you afraid?

Of course not. Mr. Li, you saved all of us. We are all very grateful for what you have done. After listening to Li Shiyi's words, the mayor was a little scared. It seemed that he was really worried about Li Shiyi. Eleven has some fears.

Then why are you so afraid of me? Li Shiban sat on the armrest of the chair, folded his arms and looked at the mayor, Just like you are now, you seem to be very afraid of me. I am very curious about what you are afraid of. What, are you afraid of my power, or are you afraid that I will kill you, or are you afraid that I will take back all your rights, or are you afraid that I will expel you from the fortress?

Me. The mayor was stunned, not knowing how to answer Li Shiyi's question.

Li Shiyi shook his head and said, You don't need to answer. I know it's probably all the factors I just mentioned, because this entire fortress is under my control, but what I want to tell you is that I don't Will do that.”

I cannot manage such a large fortress by myself, and you are professionals in this area, so I have put all these rights in your hands, which means that I trust you.

We have been cooperating since the end of the world. After such a long time, you should also know me. I don't care about rights. I am not a moody person. I will not do anything to you for no reason. You face Don’t always be cautious when I’m with you, I won’t do anything excessive to you just because of your word or decision.”

Speaking of this, Li Shiyi suddenly walked to the window and looked at the scene outside the window: You know, mayor, now I have no friends except the blood wolf. In order to maintain the image of the Holy Son, I can't be with the fortress. Too much contact with people and you treating me like a tyrant makes me uncomfortable.

At this moment, the mayor seemed to see a hint of loneliness in the young man in front of him.

In short, everyone's purpose is the same, just to survive in the apocalypse. If you want to do this, you are indispensable, so I hope you can stop being so afraid of me.

What I need is not your fear, and there is no loyalty between us. What I need is that you do what you should do and maintain the operation of the fortress. That's all, so you can feel free to do what you want. Do what you should do and make the decision you think is right, do you understand?

The mayor lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked at Li Shiyi: I understand, Mr. Li.

Okay, you go and make arrangements. I can meet with them. It's no problem. Li Shiyi looked at the mayor. He didn't know if his words were useful, but he could only say so much.

After hearing Li Shiyi's agreement, the mayor left.

The final meeting place was arranged in Baiquan City, and the other party sent a heavily armed team to the gate of the fortress to greet Li Shiyi.

The soldiers were standing in front of the fortress at this time, looking at the huge metal monster in front of them with curiosity, confusion and envy.

Do you think this thing was made by aliens? Does it look like a UFO to you?

I don't think so. Let me tell you, it might be a weapon developed secretly by our country. I remember they said yesterday that this thing is called a fortress. And didn't you see the people there yesterday? They weren't aliens either. ah.

Okay, okay, you two, stop talking, keep your appearance, remember what the eldest sister said, don't let others look down on us.

Yes, Captain.

Yes, Captain.

Not long after, the door of the fortress opened, and Li Shiyi, dressed in black armor, slowly walked out.

I have to say that the aesthetics of the system are quite good. The shape of the giant scorpion armor is actually very majestic. The angular shape combined with Li Shiyi's very handsome face has quite a visual impact.

I'm a good boy, this armor is kind of cool.

More than just a little handsome, he's so handsome. Can that man withstand the temptation of armor?

In this way, amid the whispers of the Baiquan City soldiers who came to greet them, Li Shiyi walked up to them.

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