I will figure out a solution for these bat monsters. The rest of the plan remains unchanged and continues to be implemented. After thinking about it, Li Shiyi gave such an order.


After hearing the answers from everyone present, Li Shiyi turned around and left the monitoring room.

Mr. Li should be planning to take Mr. Blood Wolf to deal with those bat monsters. Professor Fang sighed as he watched Li Shiyi disappear from the door.

Yeah, speaking of it, if it weren't for Mr. Li, we might have died in the hands of the giant scorpion. Hearing Professor Fang's words, Professor Sun couldn't help but sigh, and these words also made the teacher The other commanders present also nodded in agreement.

Mr. Li has already set off. We must also do our part in the work, at least share part of it for Mr. Li. Professor Fang said as he left the monitoring room, preparing to go back to continue research, while others also They all followed him and left the monitoring room.

On the other side, Li Shiyi had already led the blood wolf to ambush the monsters on the only way forward. In addition to the two of them, there were many soldiers from the shelter hidden in the abandoned buildings on both sides. They decided to There's an army of these monsters lurking here.

At this time, Li Shiyi and Xuelang were sitting in the chariot, staring intently at the picture transmitted back by the robot.

Visually, the monsters will arrive at the target location in one minute. Please be prepared. Seeing the approaching monster army on the screen, Li Shiyi said in the headset.

This is a newly established communication system inside the fortress. Although electromagnetic pulse destroyed almost all electrical appliances before the end of the world, and communications were destroyed long ago, after the fortress was established, with the efforts of experts, the internal communications of the fortress were very fast. It was perfected, and the headphones worn by Li Shiyi and the soldiers at this time were the product of communication recovery.

After hearing Li Shiyi's voice, the soldiers in the buildings on both sides were also ready to fight.

Just as Li Shiyi said, dozens of seconds later, the monsters appeared in their field of vision and would soon arrive at their location.

Don't panic, everyone, according to the pre-plan, you must wait until the monsters arrive at the predetermined location before taking action. I repeat, you must wait until the monsters arrive at the predetermined location before taking action.

After speaking, Li Shiyi did not hear the soldiers' response in the earphones, and this was also planned in advance. Li Shiyi sat in the car and was not worried that his voice would be discovered, but the soldiers just hid in the car. We are in a building, so we should try to remain silent as much as possible without making a sound.

In the remaining ten seconds, all the warriors almost held their breath. In their feelings, this period of time seemed as long as ten minutes. Finally, the frontmost scorpion arrived at the predetermined position. .

Do it! Seeing that the opportunity was ripe, Li Shiyi issued an order in the earphone, and he himself came outside the car with a Gauss rifle.

Surprisingly, Li Shiyi's chariot was parked on a roof. I really don't know how he drove it up.

Also getting off the car with him was Xue Lang. After Xue Lang got off the car, his body changed rapidly. A pair of wings grew out from behind him, and his body became streamlined. Then he jumped up and rushed into the air. Those monsters.

The soldiers who had been lying in wait for a long time also took action. They threw plastic barrels down one by one. They exploded immediately after hitting the monster. The liquid in them filled the street and gave off a pungent smell.

Yes, it was gasoline. On this hundreds-meter-long street, gasoline was flowing everywhere, covering almost all the monsters.

Then, some of the warriors took out fire and threw it to the ground.

More than a dozen tinders fell on the gasoline on the street surface almost at the same time. For a moment, flames shot up into the sky, and the entire street was submerged in a sea of ​​flames. The painful roars of monsters echoed everywhere.

Seeing such a scene, the soldiers standing on the building shouted as if to vent their anger: Burn, burn, burn these damn monsters!

While roaring, many soldiers picked up their firearms and poured bullets at the monsters on the street.

At the same time, Li Shiyi was holding a Gauss rifle, squatting next to the tank and constantly sniping at monsters in the air. Fortunately, although these monsters were flexible, they were not small in size. Li Shiyi relied on the strength obtained by two strengthening Reaction speed makes it easy to hit them.

Santana on the side was also on full fire at this time, with all weapons extended out of the car body, constantly attacking the bat monsters. In a short time, Li Shiyi and the chariot had killed hundreds of bat monsters. .

The blood wolf's results were no lower than Li Shiyi's. At this time, his body was surrounded by a barrier composed of electric current. This barrier was a new use of bioelectricity customized by the shelter's researchers for the blood wolf. As long as this barrier is there, he can resist the ultrasonic attack of the bat monster, which is why he dares to rush over directly.

In addition to blocking ultrasonic waves, this barrier can also attack creatures it touches. Many bat monsters have fallen into the sea of ​​fire due to paralysis after touching the barrier.

Of course, the barrier is not the blood wolf's main force. At this time, with the electric ball in his left hand and the lightsaber in his right hand, he is slaughtering the monsters like melons and vegetables. Although these monsters have been avoiding the blood wolf, they are still It couldn't match the speed of the blood wolf, and ultrasonic waves had no effect on the blood wolf, which made the scene look like a one-sided massacre.

Speaking of which, Xue Lang has been paying attention to the situation on Li Shiyi's side. Every time a bat monster tries to attack Li Shiyi, Xue Lang will fly over and kill it first. After all, Li Shiyi has no way to protect against ultrasonic waves.

Of course, Li Shiyi could actually solve these crises himself, but he did not refuse Xuelang's kindness.

However, just when everyone thought that they might be able to deal with all the monsters except the giant scorpion this time, something unexpected happened to them.

I saw one of the four scorpions at the front raised his head and let out a piercing cry, and then the little monsters who were not dead gathered towards the middle, one by one, and one by one. One, and the lizard monsters carrying turtle shells were suppressed by low-level scorpion monsters.

After these monsters came together, the places where they touched each other began to squirm, and then they slowly grew together under this squirming.

What are these monsters doing? Li Shiyi, who had been paying attention to the ground battle situation, suddenly had a bad feeling after seeing this.

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