Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 142 Energizing the Body

As the gatekeeper changed, the system's beep sounded again [Energyized body detected. This body is immune to physical attacks and can only rely on powerful energy attacks to cause effective damage to the opponent. After system evaluation, it is recommended that the host as soon as possible Evacuate]

I really didn't expect that I would use this ability on such a planet and in such a place. As a human being, you can push me to this point. You are enough to be proud. The gatekeeper looked at Li Shiyi and Xuelang in front of him and said viciously. I don't know if it was because his body was electrified, but the gatekeeper's voice became a little electric.

Why are you speaking with an electric tone? Are you an electric eel? Li Shiyi mocked.

Feel it to your heart's content. This is a level of technology that you have never been exposed to. If you can see such a scene before you die, you will die without regrets. The gatekeeper did not pay attention to Li Shiyi's ridicule. Instead, he was talking to himself.

[These words sound like a villain, so why didn’t you reveal more information earlier?] Li Shiyi secretly complained in his heart, but what he said was different: I didn’t expect you to be so powerful. Ah, if you had told me earlier that you were so powerful, we wouldn’t have fought, and you wouldn’t have to be like this, right? In that case, we’ll leave.”

After saying that, Li Shiyi turned around and left, and Xuelang quickly followed.

You can't leave anymore. I paid such a heavy price to become like this, how can I let you leave! These words were passed into Li Shiyi's ears along with the sound of huge electric current.

Hearing the sound of electric current approaching, Li Eleven and the blood wolves rolled in their own direction, barely dodging the attack from behind.

The reaction is quite fast. The attack failed. The gatekeeper looked at Li Shiyi and Xue Lang who were squatting on the ground and said without any emotion.

At this time, Li Shiyi also understood that the attack just now was just the gatekeeper bumping into them from behind. Now the gatekeeper has arrived in front of them. At this speed, Li Shiyi and Xuelang wanted to Leaving was obviously out of the question.

Seeing this scene, Xue Lang took off his scorpion armor and threw it to Li Shiyi: Boss, please wear it. My defense ability and recovery ability are stronger than yours. You need this more than me.

Li Shiyi was not pretentious. He knew that this was not the time to care about each other. He took over the Scorpion Armor and was about to put it on, but how could the gatekeeper give him this opportunity? Seeing that neither of them were wearing Scorpion Armor at this time. The Scorpion Armor raised his hand and threw two electric balls at the two of them.

The moment the electric ball flew over, the blood wolf changed. His body became streamlined, similar to the structure of a cheetah. The double ribs opened pores for heat dissipation, and the exoskeleton also grew out. Then he fiercely Kicking off the ground, with the help of the powerful force provided by the exoskeleton, he instantly rushed towards Li Shiyi and grabbed Li Shiyi to avoid the electric ball.

And Li Shiyi quickly put on the Scorpion Armor the moment he landed.

Interesting, you can actually change the shape of your body freely. It seems that you are a creature with strong evolutionary potential. It was genetically modified with the Corisi virus. How lucky that even our species can do this. There are not many, I didn’t expect to meet one here, if I can capture you, I will have the opportunity to advance.”

Corisi virus. Li Shiyi repeated the name, Just now he called himself the Corisi tribe. What is the special relationship between this virus and their race?

These words were whispered by Li Shiyi to himself, because he knew that even if he asked, the other party would not tell him.

After putting on the Scorpion Armor, Li Shiyi stood up and thought about the method of fighting. According to the system prompts, the gatekeeper in this state no longer has the disadvantage of being afraid of physical attacks, not to mention powerful energy attacks. ,absolutely not.

For a moment, Li Shiyi realized that he had no means to hurt the opponent. Could he only take the blood wolf back to another dimension? However, Li Shiyi felt that if the gatekeeper could not be solved this time, the opponent would definitely do it next time. If a more powerful existence is sent, there will be no chance.

Li Shiyi squeezed the blood-thirsty battle ax in his hand, and suddenly seemed to remember something. He took the blood-thirsty battle ax in front of him and glanced down: I even forgot that this thing can be upgraded. Look. It’s time to take a gamble.”

Li Shiyi used 50,000 energy crystals to upgrade to another dimension before, and gave him another 4,000 for killing the scorpion. Now Li Shiyi has more than 14,000 energy crystals in his hands, which is not enough to upgrade the blood-thirsty battle axe. .

System, can you temporarily upgrade the Blood Thirsty Battle Ax? I don't have enough energy crystals now, so I'll just rent it, okay? Li Shiyi called out to the system in his heart.

[The host does not have this permission] Li Shiyi responded with a cold prompt from the system.

System, I am in a crisis situation now. You have also seen this thing. I think you should also very much hope that I can kill it. If what I said is right, I hope you can open this permission to me temporarily. That’s okay too.”

[Agree to the host's request, temporarily open the first stage permission of the Bloodthirst Battle Ax, consume 1000 energy crystals, last 24 hours, do you agree?]

Agree Li Shiyi was refreshed and immediately consumed the energy crystals to temporarily upgrade the blood-thirsty battle axe.

Later, the upgraded blood-thirsty battle ax panel also appeared in front of him:

[Name: Bloodthirsty Battle Ax]

[Stage: 1 (temporary)]

[Energy crystals required to upgrade to the next stage: 1357/100000]

[Description: Temporarily unlock partially sealed weapons]

[Ability 1: Hunger and Thirst Slash (Level 1), consumes one energy crystal to generate an energy slash]

[Ability 2: Attack amplification, strengthen the attack made by this weapon. When the energy is like this weapon, all attacks of this weapon will be accompanied by this energy]

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi handed the blood-thirsty battle ax to Xue Lang and said to Xue Lang: Try it. Then Li Shiyi opened the use of the blood-thirsty battle ax to Xue Lang.

After the blood wolf took over the blood-thirsty battle axe, and as Li Shiyi gave him the authority, he accidentally injected his own electric current and swung the blood-thirsty battle ax, launching a red sword-like attack.

With this, Li Shiyi's energy crystals also decreased a little.

And this attack also attracted the attention of the gatekeeper: I have long felt that there is something wrong with the thing in your hand. Sure enough, there is something wrong. What is it? It is impossible for your Blue Star technology to make such a thing. As he said, , a look of fear appeared in the gatekeeper's eyes.

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