Thinking of this, Li Shiyi no longer hesitated, took out two lightsabers, one in each hand, and said to the blood wolf: Blood wolf, use your electric current to attack this thing, but it is best not to touch him with your body. The last sentence was added by Li Shiyi himself, because he didn't know what would happen if he touched this portal. If the blood wolf was sucked in, things would be terrible.

Okay. Xue Lang nodded, and a red electric light gathered in his hand, and then he threw it towards the portal. Li Shiyi also rushed forward with a lightsaber.

However, at the next moment, a sudden change occurred. A black, dry, ghost-like claw stretched out from the portal, caught the red electric ball, and then squeezed it with five fingers, and with a crackling sound With a sound, the ball of light was annihilated in the claws.

Then, the sharp claw stretched out a finger and tapped Li Shiyi lightly. The lightsaber in Li Shiyi's hand flickered for a few times before going out.

Li Shiyi's forward momentum stopped abruptly. He held the lightsaber in his hand and retreated to the side of the blood wolf while staring at the figure walking out of the portal.

At this time, the figure also walked out of the portal, and Li Shiyi finally saw his whole face.

If Li Shiyi was asked to describe that thing, Li Shiyi would probably think of stick insects.

The same slender body, the same six limbs, but the thing in front of me is upright, while the stick insect is lying on the ground.

Its whole body was the same color as its arms, as black as ink, and its face had facial features similar to those of humans, but its skin was also wrinkled and very dry and black, like cowhide that had been burned by fire.

There is also a tail behind it, which is a bit like a dinosaur's tail. It has no hair and is even close to the length of the creature's upper body. At this time, it is slapping the ground up and down, raising waves of dust.

What is this! Li Shiyi was shocked, and then heard the prompt sound from the system: [Cave creature detected: Gatekeeper, whose combat power is slightly higher than the current host and blood wolf. If they fight, The winning rate is 47.28, please choose the host carefully]

The combat power is only slightly higher than the two of us, but just now it clearly caught the blood wolf's electric ball with its bare hands. After listening to the system's words, Li Shiyi thought quickly, Could it be said that this 'gatekeeper' can Catching the blood wolf’s electric ball just because it’s good at dealing with energy-based attacks?”

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi put away his lightsaber, and then took out the long-lost blood-thirsty battle ax from another dimension.

What is this? It doesn't look like your Blue Star's technological item. After Li Shiyi took out the blood-thirsty battle axe, the gatekeeper kept looking at the blood-thirsty battle ax and even asked. One sentence.

You can actually speak human language? When Li Shiyi heard the other party speak, he was not in a hurry to take action, but chose to communicate with the other party to see if he could get any information.

Human language is still very simple. It's just that there are so many countries and languages ​​on such a small blue star. It's really boring. Why can't you humans be more united? While speaking, the gatekeeper looked at him from time to time. Di Bianhui looked at the bloodthirsty battle ax in Li Shiyi's hand and seemed very concerned about it.

And obviously, it didn't hear the slight insult in Li Shiyi's words.

Looking at the actions of the gatekeeper, Li Shiyi was more sure of his guess. This gatekeeper was probably what he had guessed. It should not have a good way to deal with physical attacks.

If you say what we humans are like, then who are you? Li Shiyi asked coldly, holding a battle ax that coughed up blood.

This time, Li Shi's straightforward and contemptuous words seemed to bring some anger to the gatekeeper, so it roared: Human, pay attention to your wording, I am a great Corisi tribesman, how can I It’s something you, a mere human, can compare to!”

The Corisi tribe. Li Shiyi muttered the name, and then asked, Then what are you here to do?

Earthlings, your intelligence shouldn't be at such a low level. Can't you see such obvious aggression?


Li Shiyi cursed secretly in his heart. At this time, shouldn't the villain just laugh and tell his purpose, and then unintentionally steal more information from the explanation session? Why doesn't this thing in front of him play according to the routine? He even mocked himself for being unlucky.

So, human, do you want to stop me? Before Li Shiyi could speak, the gatekeeper continued, Kill me, and you can destroy this portal and disrupt our clan's plan. How about that? Want to try it?

He's trying to lure me over. Li Shiyi thought in his mind, It wants to kill me? It must be so, but why doesn't it come over? Could it be that?

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi looked carefully at the portal behind the gatekeeper, and then saw traces of blue light floating towards the gatekeeper's body. The blue light was extremely small, and if it weren't for Li Shi If you look carefully, you won't notice it at all.

It seems that either the portal can increase its strength, or it must rely on the portal for some reason. It's simple. I'm in the car now. If it chases me, that's the first possibility. Sex, if you don’t pursue it, then it’s the second possibility.”

After thinking about this matter clearly, a sneer appeared at the corner of Li Shiyi's mouth: I'm sorry, Mr. Gatekeeper, I have no interest in saving the world. Anyway, I don't know how long I can live. You can invade as much as you like. Invade.”

After saying that, Li Shiyi turned around and left. Although Xuelang didn't know what Li Shiyi was thinking and didn't communicate with Li Shiyi, he didn't ask anything and turned around and left with Li Shiyi.

Seeing this scene, the gatekeeper seemed very anxious and even yelled: Hey, humans, are your race so spineless? I want to invade your planet, and the opportunity to stop us is right in front of you. You actually turned around and walked away like this, you are such a despicable race, it makes me feel sick, a race like yours deserves to be invaded!

Hearing these words, Li Shiyi stopped leaving and looked at Xue Lang, who also turned his head and looked at Li Shiyi with a playful smile.

Looking at Xuelang's smile, Li Shiyi asked: Did you see it too?

Xue Lang nodded: He probably can't leave this portal, and he should be a little afraid of physical attacks. I saw that he had been looking at the weapon in your hand just now, and he seemed to be very concerned about it.

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