Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 134 The War Begins

As soon as the light flashed, there was something in Li Shiyi's hand. According to the system's description, this should be a blueprint, but in Li Shiyi's eyes, this thing was more like a Rubik's Cube.

At this time, Li Shiyi was holding a dodecahedron in his hand. Li Shiyi looked at it over and over several times. He still had not studied it well, but he could feel that this thing was still driven by consciousness. As long as he looked for it, Good location to use it anytime.

In this way, the people in the shelter will be saved. It's not that Li Shiyi is so kind and wants to save them, but in Li Shiyi's plan, he needs the power of these people to help him fight the apocalypse.

At this moment, Li Shiyi sensed that the robot he left in the shelter was activated, so he connected his consciousness to the past.

What's wrong, mayor, what's the matter? After the consciousness connection was completed, Li Shiyi opened his eyes and saw the mayor pacing back and forth in the office anxiously.

Mr. Trader, we are in trouble. Hearing Li Shiyi's voice, the mayor hurriedly came over, The search team I sent to monitor the situation in the valley came back. They brought back intelligence that the people in the valley were A giant scorpion and a lot of strange monsters crawled out of the ground.

As soon as these monsters appeared, they headed straight in one direction. That direction is exactly where our shelter is. It seems that your previous analysis was correct. If Lin Feng's team can come back, it is indeed because those monsters are coming back. Use them to show the way.”

I understand. You now notify the people in the shelter to gather and prepare for transfer. I will ask the blood wolf to pick you up later. Don't ask too many questions. There is no time. I will explain to you when the crisis is over. Make preparations now. Let's go. Li Eleven told the mayor all his instructions in one breath, and then returned to consciousness.

After hearing this, the mayor was stunned for a moment. Although he wanted to ask, Li Shiyi was already offline. Without any hesitation, he immediately issued the order according to what Li Shiyi said.

After a while, the broadcast from the shelter rang. The mayor did not hide the situation, but directly told the situation of the monsters in the valley. After all, in this apocalyptic world, people have experienced too much, and their psychological endurance has been greatly increased. Enhanced, the mayor no longer needs to think about how to tell them the facts.

The mayor's words did cause a certain degree of commotion in the shelter, but it only ended with people's verbal complaints. No one made trouble at this time, because those who can survive until now understand the truth. people.

Soon, everyone in the shelter was ready. People had brought their belongings and formed a long line in front of the shelter, waiting for the arrival of the blood wolf.

Not long after, the blood wolf came to the door of the shelter. After people saw the blood wolf, they all stood up and prepared to follow the blood wolf.

Let's go when you're ready. Xue Lang glanced at the long queue and said to the mayor standing at the front.

Okay. The mayor nodded, and then said to Xue Lang: Mr. Xue Lang, please get in the car too. You take a car with me, and we will lead the way.

Okay. Forgive me, Xuelang and the mayor got into the car together. Then, the car started, and the team of relocating the shelter set off in a mighty manner.

At this time, Li Shiyi was standing in the center of the blank area he had cleared these days, holding the dodecahedron in his hand.

Li Shiyi lowered his head and looked at the thing in his hand, then threw it into the air and said Start in his mind.

Then the regular dodecahedron hovered in the air, and traces of blue light burst out from it, extending in all directions, as if scanning the surrounding environment.

When these blue lights touched Li Shiyi, Li Shiyi heard the system prompt: It has been detected that the host is in the area. It is recommended that the host exit the area to facilitate construction.

After hearing this voice, Li Shiyi ran outside, and it didn't take long before he ran out of the blue light.

After he went out, the blue light emitted by the regular dodecahedron changed, and traces of blue light gradually outlined different shapes in the air, layer upon layer. This process lasted for about ten minutes, and a blue light gradually formed. A hemispherical pattern composed of light appeared in front of Li Shiyi.

Subsequently, the system prompt sounded again: the drawing scanning and construction has been completed, and the construction of the fortress has begun. The host is asked to keep sufficient materials during the process. If the materials are not enough, the construction will be temporarily stopped, and it can start again after the host replenishes the materials.

After that, starting from the bottom of the blue light pattern, those blue lights gradually turned into entities, and various construction-related materials stored by Li Shiyi, such as steel, wood, concrete, etc., began to be consumed violently.

After about half an hour, the entire construction process was completed, and less than half of the materials stored by Li Shiyi were consumed. But this was just the beginning. The fortress at this time was a big empty shell, with only The outer structure is still empty inside and needs to be constructed after Li Shiyi designed it.

The exterior color of the entire fortress was black, and Li Shiyi could not tell the material of the outer wall. He took out his lightsaber and carefully scratched the wall of the fortress, but it had no effect. Then he gradually increased the number of He gained strength, but until he exhausted all his strength, he was unable to leave a trace on the wall.

From this, the strong defensive capabilities of the fortress can be seen.

Li Shiyi nodded with satisfaction, then put his hand on the wall of the shelter and gave instructions in his mind: build a water purification system, build an air purification system, build a temperature control system, and build a broadcasting system.

Then a blue light flashed, and Li Shiyi received a completion prompt from the system.

The systems Li Shiyi just built are functional components that come with the fortress and can be integrated inside the fortress. They do not require additional design, so Li Shiyi directly chose to build them.

At this time, the team from the shelter finally arrived. Everyone raised their heads and looked up at the black beast in front of them, their hearts filled with unparalleled shock.

After a while, the mayor and others came to their senses and saw Li Shiyi in front of the fortress.

Mr. Golden Mask, you are waiting for me here. The mayor hurriedly greeted Li Shiyi, got out of the car, and walked to Li Shiyi's side.

Mayor, I am a golden mask and a trader. Under the mask, Li Shiyi said to the mayor with a smile.

What? Upon hearing this, the mayor was stunned.

Yes, you heard it right. I am Golden Mask and a trader. I am the only one in this so-called organization. Now, may I ask the mayor, are you willing to join my organization with all the people in the shelter? With his back to the fortress, Li Shi opened his hands.

Of course I do. Although the mayor was still shocked by Li Shiyi's words, he quickly gave a reply. At this moment, Li Shiyi had already demonstrated that he was powerful enough and beyond. The power of the mayor phenomenon.

Very good. Li Shi nodded, Come in with your people.

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