Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 128 Willow Evolution

In this way, two of the three super creatures in Sioux City have been taken under Li Shiyi's command, and the down payment for this octopus is particularly simple, because this octopus has initially evolved simple wisdom equivalent to that of a child.

This level of intelligence is enough for it to suppress its animal nature, and when facing unintelligent creatures, it can defeat its opponents through wisdom. However, when facing highly intelligent creatures such as humans, it will also become peaceful. Children are just as easy to deceive.

Yes, although it sounds a little embarrassing to say it, Li Shiyi is lying to children.

Sitting in the car, Li Shiyi suppressed the subtle feeling of guilt in his heart, then got out of the car, walked to the lake, then raised his head, faced the huge octopus in front of him, and said, Xiao Hong, send the blood wolf to come back.

Okay. Xiaohong replied, controlling the body on the tentacle, and then used another tentacle to send the blood wolf to the shore.

After the blood wolf returned to the ground, Xiao Hong did not take back his tentacles. Instead, he extended his tentacles to Li Shiyi, and then a small tentacle stretched out from it. This tentacle and it were used to control zombie corpses. The tentacles used are the same.

After the tentacle stretched out, it pointed at Li Shiyi's hand. Li Shiyi hesitated and stretched out his hand. He believed that the props given by the system would make Xiaohong not do anything to him. Harmful things.

The moment Li Shiyi's hand came into contact with Xiao Hong's extended tentacle, a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

Under the influence of this tentacle, Li Shiyi felt that his heart was connected with Xiaohong. This connection would not allow them to see each other's memory. Although it is difficult to describe this feeling, this feeling For a moment, Li Shiyi was able to communicate with Xiao Hong through this tentacle.

At this moment, some information related to Xiaohong was passed from the tentacle.

It turned out that Xiaohong was a pet raised by someone in Sioux City. For some unknown reason, its owner abandoned it and released it into this lake.

As a marine creature, Xiaohong was originally unable to survive in fresh water, but at the moment it was about to die, the end came. Under the combined action of bloody sunlight, moonlight, and viruses, Xiaohong's body gradually evolved. , and finally turned into what Li Shiyi sees now.

And Li Shiyi also knew the abilities it now possesses.

The first one is this kind of tiny tentacles. Xiaohong can control some creatures with low intelligence through these tiny tentacles. The point is here, no matter how powerful the opponent is, as long as the intelligence is not high, Xiaohong can control the opponent. This ability is particularly powerful in the end of the world where zombies are rampant.

Moreover, this tentacle can also allow Xiaohong to communicate with different organisms, and can also maintain the activity of organisms, just like the corpse of the zombie.

The second ability is that Xiaohong's body can secrete a special pheromone, which can protect other organisms from the influence of viruses and promote the evolution of other organisms. This is why various aquatic organisms in this lake have produced certain levels of pheromone. reasons for evolution.

Third, its tentacles have extremely powerful strength and regeneration capabilities, and the suction cups on the tentacles also have extremely powerful suction.

Of course, the information about these abilities was summarized by Li Shiyi himself after Xiaohong described what he did to Li Shiyi. The current Xiaohong is not enough to make such a summary.

In addition, Li Shiyi believes that Xiaohong should also have great evolutionary potential. Although he may not be as perverted as the blood wolf, he will definitely not be too weak, otherwise the system will not give out high potential creatures judgment.

Obviously, the system's criterion for judging whether a creature uses a thinking identification device is whether the creature's potential is strong enough, not its strength.

The existence of the mutated willow tree is a good proof of this. Even though the blood wolf has made great progress during this time, its genes have reached a completely perfect level, it has also gained the ability to bioelectricity, and its speed and strength have also been greatly enhanced. , but now the blood wolf is still no match for the mutated willow tree.

And if the battle in the valley that day had enough time for Li Shi to plant the mutated willow trees, the battle would probably end quickly.

But even so, the system still did not require Li Shishi to use the thinking anchoring device on the mutated willow tree, which explains the problem.

Wait, a thought anchoring device?

Li Shiyi suddenly thought, is it possible that the system did not provide a thinking anchoring device because the mutated willow tree is a plant and has no thinking, but only relies on instinct to act?

But even if the thought anchoring device cannot be used, Li Shiyi believes that the system should have other items that can be used to control the mutant willow tree. Moreover, it is very strange that plants can activate themselves. Looking at it this way, the mutant willow tree Whether or not there is any thinking is also a question worth thinking about.

After communicating with Xiao Hong for a while, Li Shiyi learned that Xiao Hong could not leave the lake for the time being, so he gave up the idea of ​​taking Xiao Hong away, and then asked Xiao Hong for some of the substances secreted by Xiao Hong that can promote evolution. The pheromone liquid left with the blood wolf.

After leaving the lake, Li Shi divided the pheromone into two parts, and then gave the smaller part to Xue Lang, asking Xue Lang to take it to the shelter and give it to Professor Sun and Professor Fang for research, while he took the The remaining pheromones returned to the different dimensional space.

After returning to the different-dimensional space, Li Shiyi came to the mutated willow tree with pheromones. Looking at the willow tree in front of him that was disguised as withered, he said to himself: Willow tree, willow tree, let me see what you have. There isn't enough potential.

After speaking, Li Shiyi planted the willow tree on the ground, then mixed the pheromones and production accelerating fluid into the water, and poured it into the soil at the root of the willow tree.

After doing all this, Li Shiyi immediately ran to a place a hundred meters away from the willow tree, because the willow tree was still uncontrollable. If Li Shiyi got too close, he would inevitably be attacked by the willow tree.

Not long after, under the influence of water and soil, the mutated willow tree regained its vitality. Countless red willow branches swayed gently, and the scene was spectacular.

It didn't take long for the pheromones and production accelerating fluid to exert their effects, and the willow tree began to become taller and thicker, and many new willow branches grew.

These new willow branches are different from the original willow branches. What grows on them are not sharp thorns, but willow flowers. They look the same as those before the end of the world, but they are also red.

There are also some new willow branches with small holes growing on them, but Li Shiyi doesn't know what these holes are for yet.

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