Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 114 Heart-to-heart talk

By the time the physically and mentally exhausted Xue Lang returned to the park, it was already early in the morning, and Li Shiyi had not slept, waiting for Xue Lang to return.

Xue Lang, have you got the things? Seeing Xue Lang return, Li Shiyi controlled the robot and asked.

I got it, boss. With that said, Xuelang handed a box to Li Shiyi.

Li Shiyi took the box, then held it with one hand and opened the box with the other hand. There were fifty test tubes inside, each test tube was full of red liquid.

Fifty test tubes. Fang Xiuqi said that the blood in this test tube can be used to make at least a hundred werewolf potions. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, this box is 5,000 opportunities for werewolf transformation, how powerful is this Power.

Li Shiyi shook his head in admiration, then closed the box and handed it to Xue Lang: Here.

Boss, what are you doing? Looking at the box handed to him, Xue Lang didn't understand what Li Shiyi meant, Why did you give it to me?

Everything here is your blood, of course it is up to you to dispose of it. Li Shiyi shrugged and said noncommittally.

But, boss, you asked me to take this thing back, don't you want to use its power? Xue Lang looked at the robot in front of him, with a hint of confusion in his tone.

I have no intention of using it. I asked you to get it back. Firstly, I want to weaken the power of the Evolutionary Land. Secondly, this is your blood and should not be allowed to fall into the hands of outsiders.

Boss Xuelang heard Li Shiyi's words and shouted with some emotion.

You don't want to cry, don't, don't, don't. I'm not doing these things to comfort you or bribe you, but I simply think this is how it should be. Don't think too much.

Yes. Xue Lang suppressed his emotions and nodded vigorously.

Li Shiyi controlled the robot to turn its head and glanced around the simple basement dug by the werewolves. Then he sat on the blood wolf's bed and patted the seat next to him with his hand: Come here and sit.

The blood wolf nodded, then walked to the side of the robot and sat down.

Have you met your father? the robot turned its head and looked at the blood wolf and asked.

I saw it. When this topic was brought up, memories came flooding back, and Xue Lang's mood became depressed again.

Tell me, what happened? Seeing the condition of the blood wolf, Li Shiyi vaguely guessed something.

I killed him. Xue Lang replied.

What? Although Li Shiyi also guessed that something very special must have happened that night, he never expected to hear this ending from Xue Lang's mouth.

But then he thought about it, if he were replaced by a blood wolf, he might make the same choice, and then Li Shiyi felt relieved: Tell me, what exactly happened.

Yes. Blood Wolf nodded and continued, My father, the boss of Evolution Land, told me many things and told me everything sincerely.

He killed my mother as soon as I was born so that she wouldn't become my weakness.

He has been helping me lay out my plans since I was a child, hoping that I could carve out a niche for myself. But then the apocalypse came, and all his plans were useless.

At this time, he met Professor Fang. At that time, Professor Fang's research was almost completed. Then my father provided him with funds, space, equipment and manpower, and asked Professor Fang to use me as an experimental subject for transformation.

He said that if the transformation succeeds, I will be the most powerful and perfect creature in the doomsday. If it fails, then I will die. It is better than dying in the doomsday.

In the end, he injected a large amount of my blood, which was also mixed with a lot of viruses. He said that in this way he could have the same power as me and qualify as my trial.

But what he said is right. If it was before, it would be really difficult for me to defeat him, but now... Xue Lang did not finish his words, but raised a hand, and condensed a red electricity in the palm of his hand. ball.

He saw my new power, and then took the initiative to meet my attack. I, I actually didn't want to kill him, or I didn't know how to face him. In the end, he made the choice for me.

He also said, let me live in this doomsday with hatred and anger. If I hadn't met you, the boss, I might have lived like he said.

But now I feel that by following you, maybe my future will be different.

After listening to Xue Lang's words, Li Shiyi only had two words in his mind: ridiculous.

Is this something a human can do?

Li Shiyi couldn't understand Xue Lang's father's paranoia at all. He shook his head and looked at the sad Xue Lang with mixed feelings in his heart.

It's hard to imagine how you would face it if something like this happened to you.

Li Shiyi controlled the robot and stretched out his hand, trying to put his arm around the blood wolf's shoulders, but the body of the blood wolf was too tall. In desperation, Li Shiyi could only do the next best thing and just patted the blood wolf. Wolf shoulders.

I really didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Li Shiyi wanted to comfort Xuelang, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to say them out, and in the end he just turned into a sigh.

It's okay, boss, there's no need to comfort me. Everything has passed and everything is over. Xue Lang looked in the direction of the robot, grinning widely, but in Li Shiyi's eyes, Whether this is a smile or a need remains to be verified.

That's good. Li Shi nodded.

After Xue Lang smiled, he lowered his head again. Li Shiyi keenly saw the confused look in Xue Lang's eyes.

You are, do you have anything else on your mind? Li Shiyi asked.

I Xue Lang raised his head and looked at Li Shiyi, then lowered his head again, and then he shook his head, It's nothing.

It's okay, just tell me. If you call me big brother, we are already a family. You can talk to me about anything. After saying that, Li Shiyi patted Xuelang on the shoulder.

Brother, do you think I'm still a human being? I look like this now, and I can't change back like those guys who used my blood. Am I a monster?

So you're worried about this. Li Shiyi shook his head, Of course you are no longer a pure human, but you are not a monster either. If anything, you are a brand new species, or an evolved human.

I am a brand new species, an evolved human being. After hearing Li Shiyi's words, the blood wolf blinked and began to think about the meaning of these two words.

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