But at this time, he was also worried about whether the big willow tree could subdue such a powerful No. 0. Although as long as it was entangled by the big willow tree, there was almost no possibility of breaking away with strength, but this No. 0 had unlimited evolutionary potential after all. God knows what it would evolve into. What strange ability to redeem the big willow tree.

But no matter what, Li Shiyi wanted to try it. The system plug-ins have been distributed. Wouldn't it be a pity if he didn't try harder.

Seeing Li Shiyi escaping, Zero immediately chased after him, but it was never able to catch up with Li Shiyi's Santana. Instead, it maintained a speed that was almost the same as Santana's.

At this time, Li Shiyi also understood something. As Fang Xiuqi said, the strength of No. 0 lies in its evolutionary potential, and purely in terms of basic data, No. 1 may really be better.

After all, No. 1 can move at supersonic speed, and although No. 0's speed at this time is not slow, it is still far behind the speed of sound.

However, during the chase, Li Shiyi discovered that No. 0's body began to change, and two fleshy wings gradually extended from the back. The wings were not big and did not seem to be used for flying, but after being stretched out, Zero can be given some lift to speed it up.

Moreover, its running posture changed from legs on the ground to all fours. Looking at its running posture, Li Shiyi thought of another animal in his mind, that is, the cheetah.

In other words, during this process, Zero had transformed his body into that of a cheetah to increase his speed. At the same time, he also discovered that several pores appeared on both sides of Zero's abdomen, which were erupting outwards. With white water vapor.

Not only did it imitate the cheetah, but it even solved the problem of the cheetah's overheating. It's such a terrifying creature.

But precisely because of this, Li Shiyi became more determined to capture it.

At the same time, Li Shiyi finally arrived at the location of the big willow tree, and then he swerved and parked the car next to the big willow tree, aiming the front of the car at No. 0.

Is this what you rely on, human being? Seeing that Li Shiyi stopped running, No. 0 also stopped, and his body gradually returned to its original appearance.

Not only can it evolve, but it can also eliminate unnecessary shapes after evolution. This kind of creature is simply a miracle. At this moment, the most appropriate adjective that Li Shiyi can think of for Zero is miracle. , is the miracle of life.

And Li Shiyi's determination to capture No. 0 has become more determined as No. 0's abilities are gradually demonstrated.

War mode, activate. Without hesitation, Li Shiyi activated the war mode, then mobilized all the firepower equipment equipped on the tank at once, and then concentrated the firepower to pour out towards Zero.

The rail gun once again made a contribution. Zero did not have as strong a speed as No. 1, so the shell directly hit Zero. This time, Li Shiyi aimed at the legs. He hoped to use this method to make Zero The number was incapacitated to facilitate his capture.

At this time, Li Shiyi also had a trace of doubt in his heart. Fang Xiuqi said that the basic values ​​​​of No. 1 far exceeded No. 0 in all aspects, referring to the time when the two were first born, but they have been obtained for so long, and Zero The number should not be at this level.

Could it be that for last night's action, the Evolution Land successfully used the Gene Collapse Potion on it? After thinking about it, Li Shiyi felt that this was the only explanation that made sense, because he wanted to use the Gene Collapse Potion on Zero. It is not an easy task, so Li Shiyi did not take into account the damage that the Evolution Land may have caused to No. 0 last night.

But now it seems that maybe it is what I imagined.

While Li Shiyi was thinking, Zero was also moving quickly. Two huge round bone structures were seen extending from his arms, and then he put his arms in front of himself to resist the attack. , and in front of these two pieces of bone, all attacks except the electromagnetic cannon were ineffective. Even the nano laser cannon was unable to destroy these two pieces of bone armor in a short period of time.

Although the electromagnetic gun attack was effective, Li Shiyi wanted to capture the leader alive, so he did not dare to cause excessive damage to him for fear of accidentally killing the opponent.

Behind the skeleton, where Li Shiyi could not see, changes were still going on. It could be seen that No. 0's right leg that had been interrupted before had been reattached, and there were growths on the outside of its legs. A hard crust.

He actually evolved an insect exoskeleton.

The moment the exoskeleton was completed, the werewolf took action again, and at this time, its speed was enough to avoid the electromagnetic railgun shells.

Is this the only way? Li Shiyi sighed, stopped the tank's firepower, then opened the window, took out an ordinary rifle, and launched an attack on Zero.

When No. 0 saw Li Shiyi taking out this ordinary firearm, although he was a little confused about the reason why Li Shiyi did this, he still ignored the attack of the firearm and rushed straight towards Li Shiyi.

At the moment when its outstretched claws were about to touch Li Shiyi, Li Shiyi had just finished shooting the last bullet, and the car window closed in an instant, and Zero's claws slapped hard on the on the car window.

After this claw, Zero was surprised to find a wound on his body, and the location of that wound was exactly where Li Shiyi's last bullet hit.

You actually have a gene-destroying potion! After discovering that he was injured, No. 0 yelled angrily at Li Shida. However, at this time, the gene-destroying potion had begun to take effect, and No. 0's body quickly became weak. The newly evolved abilities are also fading rapidly.

Seeing this, Li Shiyi smiled. The reason why he wanted to use this ordinary gun to attack No. 0 was because he was sure that the opponent would not avoid this level of attack. The last bullet of this gun was a specially made one. Yes, what is stored inside is the Gene Destruction Potion.

With its ability restricted, No. 0 had already begun to think about retreating. However, it was too late to escape at this time. The branches of the willow tree were attracted by the smell of blood on its body and had entangled it, and began to secrete digestive juices. To corrupt Zero.

Li Shiyi naturally couldn't let Zero die like this. He quickly used the nano laser cannon and the electromagnetic gun to cooperate with each other to interrupt the connection between the willow tree and the willow branches wrapped around Zero, and then sent a robot to drag the cocoon-like Zero. The horn sped away from the willow tree.

Seeing that Zero was successfully rescued, Li Shiyi took a deep breath, and then gave the command to the chariot to automatically attack the willow tree for felling. He got out of the vehicle with the thought anchoring device in hand and came to Zero's around.

Then he took out his lightsaber and chopped off the branches covering Zero's forehead, placed the thought anchoring device on it, and gave the order: From now on, I am your master, and you must obey all my orders.

After giving the command, the thought locking device flashed a few times and then stopped responding.

At the same time, a weak voice came from inside Willow Cocoon: Yes, my master, I will fully understand your orders.

Hearing these words, Li Shiyi breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, the operation to capture No. 0 came to a perfect end.

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