Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 1 System activation, binding chariot

Xia State, Su City.

Used car dealership.

I said, Xiao Li, are you going to sell this car or not? If not, tell me earlier! Don't delay my business!

A fat man with a fat head and big ears and a shiny face spoke.

His eyes were filled with impatience.

Opposite the fat man, stood a handsome and handsome young man.

The young man's name was Li Shiyi. Because he was poor, he had no choice but to come to a second-hand car dealer and prepare to sell his only property-an old-fashioned Santana.

Li Shiyi knew that although his Santana was a bit old, it could still be sold for two thousand yuan!

But the fat man knew his current situation, that he was living in embarrassment and urgently needed money.

So he was confident, as if he was sure to be defeated, and he was only willing to pay three hundred yuan!

If it were normal times, Li Shiyi would have left long ago, and would have even scolded you harshly, You are a shit-eater!

Want to buy his car for 300 yuan?

But not now, because he can no longer uncover the pot!

Otherwise, I wouldn’t come here to sell the car!

Li Shiyi was very confused!

If you don’t sell it, you won’t be able to open the pot again!

If you sell it, it will be a huge loss!

Oh, forget it, let's sell it first! We'll get through the current difficulties first!

Li Shiyi was thinking in his mind, and finally planned to sell the car!

Just as he was about to speak, an electronic synthesized sound suddenly appeared in his mind.

After hearing that voice, Li Shiyi was extremely excited.

He said with high spirits: Humph! Damn fat man, I won't sell it to you! You want to buy my car for three hundred yuan, you are eating shit!

After saying that, Li Shiyi quickly ran out of the second-hand car store and returned to his Santana.

After that, he started the car, and after the fat man chased him out panting, he could only see the taillights!

After a few scoldings, he gave up!

On the other side, Li Shiyi drove to a deserted valley!

Haha, I didn't expect that it has been so many years! System, you are finally here!

After turning off the car, Li Shiyi hugged the steering wheel and laughed.

In fact, he is not a person from this world, but has traveled from the earth.

It’s been three years since I traveled through time!

Because I firmly believe in the saying in online novels that there must be a system for time travel!

Li Shiyi believes that the system will arrive soon!

This wait is three years!

But fortunately, he is still waiting!

It was precisely because he heard the sound of the system just now that he didn't sell Santana.

With the system in place, what kind of cars can be sold?

Li Shiyi asked in his mind: System?

Ding! The god-level chariot system has been activated and is starting up!

The same electronic synthesized sound as before appeared in Li Shiyi's mind.

Sure enough, he heard it right, his system was really here!

Li Shiyi was so excited that he wanted to recite a poem right away!

At the same time, before he started singing, the system's voice appeared again: Ding, remind the host that the host's world will enter the doomsday era in three hours. Please prepare in advance!



Li Shiyi swallowed!

The excitement just now has completely disappeared!

Isn't it?

I just got the system, and you told me that the end is coming?

You haven’t started enjoying it yet!

Li Shiyi made crazy complaints!

Ten minutes later, Li Shiyi finally regained his composure.

He thought clearly, instead of spending time complaining, it would be better to prepare early!

Moreover, he has one more advantage than others. He knows in advance that the end is coming!

The end of the world? I don't know which kind? Will there be zombies?

Li Shiyi thought in his heart.

He had seen a lot of doomsday-themed movies before. It might be the appearance of zombies, or it might be a sharp drop in global temperature, etc...

These can all be called the end of the world!

By the way, food, I need to stock up on food!

No matter what kind of apocalypse it is, Li Shiyi knows that food is always the most important!

So, Li Shiyi quickly started the car again and headed to a supermarket in the city.

On the way, Li Shiyi downloaded various online loan apps on his mobile phone.

I borrowed hundreds of thousands of yuan from it in one go!

Looking at the balance of hundreds of thousands on his phone, Li Shiyi grinned.

Normally, he would never touch these things even to death!

After all, these things can make huge profits and kill people!

But it’s different now!

The end is coming soon!

By then it’s too late to save your life, so who will care about your money?

With money, Li Shiyi walked very smartly and quickly entered the supermarket.

Is your boss here? I want to purchase a large amount!

Li Shiyi didn't talk nonsense to the clerk and directly asked him to call the boss out.

After a lot of shopping, Li Shiyi stuffed his Santana full!

After buying food, Li Shiyi returned to the valley again.

It took more than an hour to go and come back.

Now there's just over an hour left until the end.

With food, Li Shiyi's sense of security has improved.

But soon, Li Shiyi frowned again.

Although the food problem has been solved, personal safety is also a big problem!

After all, he doesn't have a house, so he usually eats, drinks, and sleeps in the car.

And this Santana is already old, not to mention encountering zombies, even ordinary people can dismantle it!

The safety hazard is huge!

By the way, isn't there still a system? I remember it was called a god-level chariot system.

Li Shiyi was frightened by the doomsday just now and just went to collect food.

Forgot that a system existed.

So, Li Shiyi quickly asked the system: System? Tell me what functions you have?

Return to the host. This system needs to bind a chariot before it can be used. It is detected that the host has not bound the chariot yet. Please bind the chariot quickly!

The system responded quickly.

After hearing this, Li Shiyi was stunned!


What chariot?

tank? Supercar?

But he only has one Santana, and it's an old Santana!

Li Shiyi focused on his Santana and asked the system: System, can my Santana be used as a tank?

There is no way, now Li Shi has only a dead horse to be a live horse doctor!

Return to the host, okay!

The system answered.

Hearing the system's answer, Li Shiyi was so happy that he couldn't even hide his excitement!

Good thing he didn't sell Santana just now!

What happened to Santana?

Santana can also be a chariot!

Then, Li Shiyi said excitedly: Okay, let's bind this Santana!

As soon as Li Shiyi finished speaking, a virtual panel appeared in front of him!

Do you want to bind Santana as a chariot? Host, please choose carefully. Once bound, it cannot be changed!

Li Shiyi did not hesitate and directly chose yes!

The end is coming soon, and he doesn't have much time left.

Besides, besides Santana, does he have any other choice?

Ding, congratulations to the host, you successfully bound the chariot Santana! From now on, your chariot will be infinitely upgraded!

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