Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 92 Remarks on the launch

Before I knew it, the book had been released for a month and a half, and it was time to hit the shelves.

To be honest, this book's performance is not good, and it is even the worst performance since Mad Cow wrote a book.

But it is also the book that Mad Cow wrote with the most care.

The reason for this situation may be that the mad cow itself has limited abilities.

There were many times during this period when Mad Cow thought about whether to just cut it off and start a new book.

In particular, I also experienced a severe cold that lasted for nearly a month. I felt groggy every day and struggled to sit in front of the computer, but I still had to weave the story. The feeling was really too difficult.

But in the end he gritted his teeth and persisted.

There are two main reasons for this choice.

One is that Mad Cow himself particularly likes apocalyptic novels, and has always had the desire to write an apocalyptic novel. Now he is on the road to realizing his wish, and he is really unwilling to give up easily.

Secondly, Mad Cow is also a little reluctant. He always feels that this book may one day be published, but this opportunity depends on the strong support of readers.

Therefore, Mad Cow here hopes that readers who really like this book can support it with a genuine subscription. After all, this is business writing, and everything depends on performance.

Whether we can have the opportunity depends entirely on everyone's support.

Subscribing to support this book may only cost you a pack or two of cigarettes or a few bottles of drinks at most, but for the author, it is the greatest support and motivation.

Due to the limited level, this book will inevitably have many unsatisfactory aspects. Mad Cow will definitely try its best to write it. If you have any good suggestions, you can also leave a message and tell Mad Cow. Mad Cow will respond as soon as possible. Go read and figure it out.

Without further ado, I would like to ask all readers to subscribe and support the next book, so that we can write this story together.

Thank you!

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