Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 9 The ugly apocalypse

Liu Chen's eyes changed, thinking that his appearance had scared someone, but when he turned around, he found that the first floor of the drugstore was completely empty, and the scream seemed to come from the second floor.

Liu Chen frowned slightly, and just when he was about to ignore it and continue looking for medicine, a burst of men's lewd laughter and persuasion also sounded from the second floor.

Little girl, you don't have to scream. No one will save you even if your throat breaks. So you should just obey your brothers and let them love you. Hehe.

That's right. Brother Hao is right. If you know what's going on, you'd better cooperate. Otherwise, Brother Hao will be angry and throw you out to feed those monsters.

Little girl! The world has changed. Now everyone has too much time to take care of themselves. No one will come to save you, so you should accept your fate honestly. As long as you take good care of Brother Hao, you will have food and drink and someone to protect you in the future. , wouldn’t it be nice?”

Xiao Yu... Just follow them. In this apocalyptic world, what else is more important than surviving? Don't worry, I won't dislike you...

As soon as these men finished speaking, the woman's voice sounded again: Yang Bin, are you a beast or a man? Are you going to help other men ruin your girlfriend? Why did I blindly fall in love with you in the first place!

Due to the extreme anger and despair, the woman's originally pleasant voice actually sounded a bit sad at this time.

...Xiaoyu, I can't help it! You don't know what kind of person Brother Hao is. In this end of the world, he is the only one who can protect us. Haven't you always said you love me? Sacrifice for your lover. , this is the greatest thing about love!”

Get out of here! Why didn't I, Chen Yu, see that you are a scumbag!

Looking at the originally handsome and familiar face in front of him, but now it became unfamiliar and disgusting, Chen Yu completely understood at this moment what it meant to feel despair.

It's okay that the terrible apocalypse has come, at least there are still loved ones by my side. But she never thought that the man she loved so much, the man who kept saying he loved her more than anything, would now give her to another man as a plaything, and the reason was just to live happily by following him!

Chen Yu was just a girl who was just twenty years old. She had not graduated from college yet and was at the age where she longed for love the most. But this blow made her see what true cruelty was, and she was completely desperate.

Damn it! Don't waste time with this little girl. You all should go out. Although it doesn't make much sense for the Overlord to force his bow, I must kill her today!

A man with a strong build and a shiny bald head with a scorpion tattoo became obviously impatient. He waved his hand and gave instructions to everyone.

Hey, then we won't disturb your happiness, Brother Hao. We'll wait for you below!

Several other carefree men laughed lustfully, and after taking a few reluctant glances at Chen Yu's slim figure, they all walked out of the room.

At this time, the handsome young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses suddenly flashed a look of pain in his eyes, but he still stood up, looked at Brother Hao with some embarrassment and said: Brother Hao, Xiaoyu is still here You must show some mercy to those who have not been dealt with...

Hey, you are still a virgin? This is not easy!

Brother Hao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and his eyes towards Chen Yu became even hotter.

Yes, so Brother Hao, you...

Chen Yu's boyfriend Yang Bin murmured again, but before he could finish, Brother Hao suddenly waved his hand and said: Don't worry, I will return it to you after I've played with it. At most, it's just a layer of film missing. , in exchange for my protection, not only will you not suffer a loss, but you will also make a lot of money.

Listening to the conversation between the two men, Chen Yu, who was firmly tied to the chair, showed no change in his expression from the beginning to the end, as if what the two men said had nothing to do with him. The big man who was originally full of spirituality His eyes also lost all their sparkle at this moment, and his whole person seemed to have turned into a walking zombie without a soul.

The saying that there is no greater sadness than heartbreak is the most appropriate portrayal of Chen Yu's state of mind at this time.

Brother Hao, please don't forget your promise...

Yang Bin seemed a little worried, but at this moment, several of Brother Hao's men came up, grabbed him, and pulled him out of the room.

Hey, little beauty, brother is here...

Seeing that everyone had walked out of the room and closed the door, Brother Hao finally couldn't bear it any longer, and with a lewd laugh, he rushed towards Chen Yu.

Before the end of the world, Brother Hao could only look at this kind of top-notch beauty with covetous eyes. He was just a little gangster. Under the suppression of the law, even if he had an idea, he would not dare to implement it.

But when the end of the world came, everything changed drastically.

After being comatose for several hours because of the sudden purple light, Brother Hao woke up and found that his body had undergone some magical changes, giving him extraordinary strength. He could even lift a few hundred kilograms. Things lift easily.

Naturally, he didn't know that he had become a rare powerful innate evolver due to the radiation energy, but he realized that his destiny had changed.

As a result, Brother Hao quickly relied on his tyrannical strength to gather some survivors of the original gang, became a veritable boss, and occupied this neighborhood as his own territory.

At first, because of the ability of the Evolver, Brother Hao's confidence became extremely inflated, and he even felt that he was invincible. It was only after encountering a monster with four arms that Brother Hao realized that after the end of the world, not only would most people die, but some terrifying monsters would also appear inexplicably.

After losing nearly ten of his men and finally killing a monster at the expense of being injured, Brother Hao realized that this apocalypse was not as simple as he imagined, so he began to become cautious and began to lead his men People prepare necessary food and medicine to deal with future crises.

Unexpectedly, after arriving at the pharmacy, he encountered Yang Bin and his girlfriend Chen Yu hiding here.

He had known these two people before, and Yang Bin was still a rich second generation before the end of the world. His status was many times higher than that of Brother Hao, so even if Brother Hao had dirty thoughts about Chen Yu, a little beauty, he still Don't dare to show it at all.

At that time, the power of the Yang Bin family could easily kill him with just one finger.

But now everything is different, so under the pleasure of animal desire and revenge, Brother Hao proposed to let Yang Bin give Chen Yu to him for fun, on the condition that he protect the safety of these two people from now on.

Originally, Brother Hao only wanted to humiliate Yang Bin when he proposed this condition, but he didn't expect that the latter would be so spineless. After thinking about it for a while, he agreed, which is why the scene just happened.

As Brother Hao pounced on him and felt the stench of smoke, alcohol and sweat mixed with him, Chen Yu's body stiffened suddenly. Although his eyes were still empty, a tear slipped quietly from the corner of his eye.

At this moment she really wanted to die, but she couldn't even do that...

Damn it! I really can't stand listening to it anymore!

And just when Brother Hao had just torn off Chen Yu's clothes and was preparing for the next move, a helpless curse suddenly came from outside the door.

Then, after a short burst of fists, kicks and groans, the door was kicked open with a bang, and a person strode in.

It was Liu Chen.

Presented Chapter 2~

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