Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 69 Entering the Town Center

Liu Chen has never been a person who likes to waste, and the value of a dozen energy crystals is indeed not low, and there is no reason to abandon them.

So after guessing that even the people from the Yicheng Research Institute would not waste time taking away the energy crystal in this situation, Liu Chen discussed with the Macaw and released it to collect the spoils.

However, considering the nature of macaws as foodies, Liu Chen was not sure how many energy crystals he could bring back.

But no matter what, even if it is eaten by the macaw, it is better than leaving it there and waiting for it to dissipate.

Of course, compared to energy crystals, Liu Chen valued evolutionary energy balls more.

It's not that the evolutionary energy ball is more useful to him, but it can make evil ghosts evolve.

A dozen evolutionary energy balls can theoretically create a dozen E-level evil ghosts. This result is really scary.

Therefore, Liu Chen would rather take out the evolutionary energy ball and let all the energy in it dissipate over time than leave it there and leave it to the evil ghost to improve.

Putting aside the struggle between human evolvers themselves, letting evil ghosts become stronger will do absolutely no good to anyone.

The Macaw stayed at the battlefield where it had just been taken out without attracting anyone's attention, and the convoy continued to move forward.

After learning from this experience, Zheng Tiansheng no longer dared to be careless and began to send people to scout the road ahead.

After successfully avoiding several villages with a large number of evil ghosts, the group finally arrived near Duliu Town.

After arriving here, the speed of the vehicles began to slow down, and finally stopped.

There are a lot of evil ghosts in Duliu Town, at least dozens of them. Such a large group of evil ghosts is far beyond what ordinary evolvers and survivors can deal with, so everyone can only park their cars outside the town. Then choose to walk.

The damn thing is that the mutated fire spirit fruit is not growing outside the town, but in the flower bed in the center of the town. Otherwise, no one would have to take this risk.

At this stage, entering towns is the most dangerous thing to do, and the larger the towns, the more so.

This is also the reason why Liu Chen firmly does not want to travel through the urban area of ​​Jincheng City. In such a large municipality, it is difficult to calculate the number of evil ghosts in it. It is conservatively estimated that there are thousands.

A group of evil ghosts of that size, even if Liu Chen was protected by a chariot, would not be able to last for more than a few minutes. It would be no different from seeking death.

However, Liu Chen didn't really care about the dozens of evil ghosts. With his current strength, even if he couldn't defeat them and wanted to run away, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Liu Chen was just a little worried about whether there would be an E-class evil ghost here, and what the mutant beast guarding the mutant fire spirit fruit was.

Although the macaw overheard a lot of secret things from Zheng Tiansheng, Zheng Tiansheng never revealed the specific information about the mutant beast. He only roughly knew that the mutant beast was very powerful. Zheng Tiansheng once tried to take it away. That mutated fire spirit fruit not only failed in the end but also cost more than a dozen people.

So in the past few days, Zheng Tiansheng has been looking for other survivors with strength nearby, hoping to use them as temptations to lure away the terrifying mutant beast. As a result, after searching around, he happened to find the people from Yicheng Research Institute.

After getting to know each other, Zheng Tiansheng was pleasantly surprised to find that this group of people was the best bait. Not to mention the number of people, they were also very powerful in combat. They should be able to fight with the mutant beast for a while, which was enough. Give him a chance to take away the mutated fire spirit fruit.

This is what Liu Chen learned about Zheng Tiansheng's purpose, so what Liu Chen has to do is to wait for the opportunity. It is best to destroy Zheng Tiansheng's plan. The best result is to let the other party become the bait to lure away the mutant beast. .

If he really couldn't do it, then Liu Chen couldn't care about anything else and could only show his full strength and grab it directly.

The area of ​​Duliu Town is actually not that big, but because it is located between Beijing and Jincheng, the economy was very developed before the end of the world, with many high-rise buildings and shops, which was a bit stronger than those backward counties.

But now that the apocalypse is coming, Duliu Town is also in deathly silence. There are vehicles parked in disorder on the streets, which gives Liu Chen and the others enough cover.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of evil ghosts. Fortunately, the number was not large, usually around six or seven.

And because Zheng Tiansheng has been here once, he knows many places that are suitable for hiding.

Under his leadership, the group of people managed to avoid the evil ghosts and crossed over, finally reaching the flower bed in the center of the town.

This time, everyone felt something strange without waiting for Zheng Tiansheng to speak.

First of all, the most obvious difference from other places in the town is that the temperature here is very high.

Although it is summer now, due to the purple radiant energy between heaven and earth, the Ice Age is beginning to arrive. The south is not yet greatly affected, but the temperature in the north is already very different from the normal summer temperature before the end of the world. different.

Take the Tianjin-Beijing boundary as an example. In this season before the end of the world, it was at least about 30 degrees above zero.

But now, the temperature is only a dozen degrees above zero.

Although it's not that cold, it's definitely not hot.

But when he arrived near the flower bed in the center of the town, Liu Chen clearly felt a hot breath. The temperature here was actually thirty or forty degrees, or even higher.

This unreasonable phenomenon is of course caused by the mutated fire spirit fruit.

At this thought, the three doctors from Yicheng Research Institute began to be unable to conceal their excitement.

Originally, according to the opinions of Liu Chen and Lieutenant Sun, Dr. Qian and Dr. Wang could just stay in the car. After all, they were not evolvers and had not received any combat training. Coupled with their age, they could not even Ordinary young and middle-aged survivors are far inferior.

Letting them come in together will undoubtedly be very dangerous.

But the tempers of these two doctors were really a bit stubborn, especially knowing that the extremely rare mutant plant was right in front of them. They couldn't hold it back, so they finally followed them together.

However, Liu Chen left Chen Yu and Liu Xiner in the chariot and did not bring them in.

However, Liu Chen could also understand the mood of Dr. Qian and Wang, because in fact, even he himself was the same, and his heart was burning.

In his previous life, he never had the opportunity to fight for mutant plants, and he might not even be qualified to see them with his own eyes.

Therefore, in this life, he was actually able to participate in the fight for mutant plants, and he also possessed strength beyond others, so he had a great chance of grabbing it. Even though Liu Chen had always been indifferent, he was inevitably a little excited at this time.

Finally, after walking for about ten meters, a plant that was bright red and exuded a hot aura appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It's that mutated fire spirit fruit...

Here comes the second chapter, please continue to support me~

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