Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 217 Teammates who are like pigs

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The golden dagger and the alloy sword collided together, and there was a harsh metallic sound. Liu Chen's arms shook slightly. Although he neutralized the opponent's blow, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

The energy contained in these golden daggers is astonishing. Liu Chen's evolutionary level is one level higher than Hu Bufan's. At this time, he still feels a slight numbness in his arms, which shows how powerful he is.

If he were to be replaced by a power-type evolver who was also only at the E-level, he might not be able to withstand this blow.

This made Liu Chen helpless for a while. The advantages of power-type evolvers are only most obvious in the early stages. As time goes by, as the evolutionary level of the evolvers gets higher and higher, the advantages of power-type evolvers will become more and more obvious. The less, or even completely disappear.

After reaching the level of overlord evolvers, there are already very few power evolvers, and they are basically all supernatural or mysterious types.

However, this does not mean that the evolution of the power system is really that weak. In fact, the strength of each system is still related to the evolver itself, and has little to do with the direction of evolution.

Top strong men can appear in every evolutionary direction. Among the overlords in the previous life, there was one who was from the power system. The fighting power is so strong that even against the top evolvers of the gold, thunder and even mystical systems, they are not inferior at all.

But no matter what, at this stage, Hu Bufan, who has the ability to evolve the metal system, can definitely be regarded as a truly top master, even more terrifying than the Sky Eagle Commander Ling Yuntian.

It's not that Ling Yuntian's strength is worse than Hu Bufan's, but that both are power evolvers, and Liu Chen is a whole level higher, which gives him an overwhelming advantage over Ling Yuntian.

This is also one of the main reasons why Ling Yuntian was seriously injured in one blow just now. Due to carelessness and poor evolutionary level of the same family, Ling Yuntian's defeat was a bit depressing but it was not unjust.

However, this also convinced Liu Chen that Hu Bufan was indeed an evolved person, and the reason why he became an evolved person was probably because he accidentally ate a mutated fruit that contained metal energy.

With a wave of his hands, another piece of golden light emerged, and Hu Bufan fired a second blow.

After discovering that Liu Chen's power was really strong, Hu Bufan obviously changed his strategy. This time, the golden energy no longer condensed into the shape of a dagger, but instead turned into a batch of one-inch golden flying knives, which looked like more than a dozen. , roaring and attacking Liu Chen again.

The attack speed of the metal superpower is also famous for its fast speed, and he was in front of Liu Chen in an instant.

But this time, Liu Chen did not choose to rely on strength to defeat the opponent's attack. Instead, he reached out sideways and pulled over an evolver who was about to take the opportunity to sneak attack him.

In the face of Liu Chen's powerful power, although this sneak attack evolver was already at the peak of F level, he was still far from being able to compete, and was instantly pulled in front of him by Liu Chen.

Puff puff!

The sound of the penetrating weapon entering the body was heard simultaneously with the screams. Amidst the blood spattering, the body of the evolver who was used as a human shield by Liu Chen was cut into pieces by those golden flying knives, and he died tragically on the spot.

At the same time, the energy of the golden flying knife had been exhausted and dissipated in the air.

Seeing this scene, Hu Bufan's eyes were filled with tears and his face began to turn pale.

Firstly, after launching two powerful attacks, the energy in his body was greatly consumed. Secondly, he was also angered by Liu Chen's method of defusing the attacks.

Using his hand to block his flying knife, he not only easily deflected the attack, but also killed a master on their side. This situation really made people want to vomit blood.

And the next scene made Hu Bufan really want to vomit blood.

After seeing Liu Chen showing off his might, not only blocking Hu Bufan's two attacks, but also taking the opportunity to use his sword to kill three more evolvers in front of him, Ling Yuntian, who had just recovered a little not far away, suddenly had a strange look in his eyes. Then he shouted at the men he brought to the gathering place of the Sky Eagles.


After hearing the order from their commander-in-chief, and the people gathered in Tianying who were already frightened by the strength shown by Liu Chen, they did not hesitate at all after hearing the words, and followed Ling Yuntian directly. The gun-wielding soldier guarding the window jumped out and actually chose to escape without fighting.

Some of the gun-wielding warriors were from the Sky Eagle gathering area, so they naturally followed the commander when they saw this.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, the number of people in the entire hall was reduced by one-third.

Damn! What a bunch of rats!

Hu Bufan was so angry when he saw this that he almost lost his temper. At this moment, he finally experienced what it means to be a pig teammate who fails to succeed but fails to succeed.

No matter how strong Liu Chen is, there is still a limit after all, and the energy in his body is not infinite.

If Ling Yuntian's group also chooses to fight to the death, they will be able to defeat Liu Chen even if they fight to the end.

But these guys were scared away by Liu Chen, which suddenly turned the battle against Hu Bufan's side.

However, not many evolvers came to participate in the operation at the Sky Eagle gathering this time, and apart from Ling Yuntian, there were only two F-level peaks, not even a half-step E level.

The real elites are the masters from the provincial capital gathering places brought by Hu Bufan.

With four half-step E-levels, several peak F-levels, and an E-level version of himself, Hu Bufan felt that his side was still capable of fighting.

Of course, without Ling Yuntian, an E-level evolver, things that were once a sure thing have become impossible to accurately predict the outcome.

So the more Hu Bufan thought about it, the more he hated him. Especially if Ling Yuntian hadn't wanted to torture Liu Chen and suddenly walked over to attack Liu Chen, then no matter whether he agreed or not in the end to Liu Chen's conditions, under the threat of those gun-wielding soldiers, Liu Chen Chen would never dare to act rashly, and the initiative was still firmly in their hands.

Liu Chen was able to tear off the special handcuffs, but he would never be able to survive under the fire of so many firearms. There was no doubt about this.

As a result, because of Ling Yuntian, the firearms suddenly lost their shock value, and finally ended up like this.

The most annoying thing is that that guy caused such a big trouble, but in the end he was scared away without even daring to fight. It can be said that he has deceived his teammates to the highest level.

Taking a deep breath, Hu Bufan did not continue to take action, but shouted loudly: Liu Chen! No matter how strong you are, you can't compete with so many gun-wielding soldiers. In the end, if you corner me, the worst is possible, and the No. 1 gathering will happen. We don’t want the land anymore, so we will shoot you to death. Do you want this result?”

The fish is dead and the net is broken? I don't think it will be...

Liu Chen kicked an evolver next to him until he vomited blood and flew out. Then he smiled faintly and suddenly exerted force on his legs. At the same time, there was a loud bang on the ground, and his whole body flew straight towards Hu like an arrow from a string. Go away extraordinary.

At the same time, the dozen or so bullets on the ground that Liu Chen had withdrawn from his pistol suddenly floated strangely into the air, and were fired out in a flash of light.

Liu Chen's trump card, telepathy attack, which he had never used, finally showed his fangs again at this moment...

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