Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 213 Serial Game

Liu Chen's expression suddenly changed, and with a quick movement of his body, he rushed straight to the second floor.

Originally, in his and Xiaoying's plan, Xiaoying went up to the second floor first not to fight with Mr. Hu, because according to the information they currently have, Mr. Hu used some means to conceal his true evolutionary level. , looks like an ordinary person, but in fact he is a powerful master, possibly even stronger than Xiaoying.

Therefore, it was obviously very dangerous for Xiaoying to fight him alone. Liu Chen just asked Xiaoying to go upstairs to confirm whether Mr. Hu was here. After all, Liu Chen had never seen Mr. Hu before, and he would not be able to recognize him even if he faced him face to face. .

Unexpectedly, Xiaoying changed his plan for some unknown reason. Not only did he start fighting with the opponent in an instant, but he also sounded like he was obviously at a disadvantage.

As soon as he rushed into the hall on the second floor, Liu Chen's eyes couldn't help but suddenly condensed.

I saw at least a hundred people in the originally empty hall at this time, two-thirds of them were soldiers armed with firearms, and the others were more casually dressed, but everyone had something strong about them. The energy fluctuations are obviously all evolved.

The number was no less than twenty!

Obviously, the other party had already anticipated the beheading plan that Liu Chen and Xiaoying would implement tonight, so they deployed heavy troops here.

In fact, this is simply a game, a series of games.

But how did the other party know that they were coming to Gathering Place No. 1 tonight?

Someone else snitched? Or did you guess this?

If it was the latter, then the IQs of people like Mr. Hu were too astonishing, but if it was the former, Liu Chen couldn't think of anyone who would leak this action plan.

Those who participated in the meeting at that time can be regarded as Liu Chen's current confidants, and everyone's interests are closely related to the No. 2 gathering place. If something happens to Liu Chen, it will definitely not be of any benefit to them.

No one yet knows that the source of the Type I evolutionary fluid Liu Chen made is the evolutionary energy ball in the evil ghost's body, and they all think it is really the potion made by Liu Chen. Naturally, only Liu Chen himself knew the secret recipe of this potion.

And dealing with Liu Chen means that they will never have a ration of Type I evolutionary fluid from now on. This is definitely a huge disaster for the evolvers and is more important than anything else.

Therefore, anyone who has a little bit of brains and wants to become stronger and stronger will not choose to betray Liu Chen at this time.

Unless they are sure to get the formula of Type I Evolutionary Fluid from Liu Chen's mouth, they will lose more than they gain.

These thoughts flashed through Liu Chen's mind quickly, and now he couldn't quickly analyze what was going on. He could only quickly step forward and help Xiaoying up, who had fallen to the ground.

Xiaoying's condition was a bit bad, her pretty face was extremely pale, she vomited a large mouthful of blood, her aura was much weaker, and her injuries were obviously serious.

what happened?

Liu Chen checked Xiaoying and found that he had no external injuries, but that his internal organs had been severely shaken.

Obviously, when they started fighting just now, there was a collision of pure energy between the two sides, and Xiaoying was defeated, so that was why it looked like this.

That thin middle-aged man is Mr. Hu. He was the one who made the move just now. I guess he has already reached the E level. Xiaoying took a deep breath and said reluctantly.

This must be Major Liu Chenliu, right? I, Hu Bufan, am now the temporary person in charge of Gathering Area No. 1.

As soon as Xiaoying finished speaking, he saw a thin man in casual clothes among the group of evolvers walking two steps forward, looking at Liu Chen and nodding with a smile.

Liu Chen glanced at the unattractive middle-aged man, then gently put Xiao Ying down and leaned against the wall, then looked at him a few times and said, Mr. Hu, right? I've heard about his reputation for a long time. I have to say, you're so hidden The method of breathing is something I have never seen before in my life, and it is truly amazing.”

Even though Hu Bufan was standing in front of him, Liu Chen still couldn't see the slightest bit of purple in the other person's eyes, which was completely different from other innate evolvers.

However, as Xiaoying said, this Hu Bufan gives people a vague feeling of threat. Of course, Liu Chen's evolutionary level is much higher than Xiaoying's, so he only has a little feeling at this time, not very obvious.

Could it be that this Hu Bufan is also an evolved person?

Liu Chen suddenly came up with this guess.

According to normal circumstances, except for Liu Chen's side, it is impossible for others to evolve acquiredly, because the evolution potion has not been successfully developed yet.

However, this is not absolute.

The reason is simple. Mutated fruit can turn an ordinary person into an evolved person.

If Hu Bufan had obtained a mutated fruit by chance and withstood the violent transformation energy, it would not be impossible to eventually become an acquired evolver.

Haha, isn't it the same with Mr. Liu?

Hu Bufan did not clearly respond to Liu Chen's temptation, but the meaning of this sentence had already proved Liu Chen's guess.

Other innate evolvers may not feel the difference in Liu Chen, except for the top evolvers like Fang Potian who can feel it, but acquired evolvers are different.

Perception will become more acute among people of the same kind.

And in a certain sense, the evolved people are truly the same kind.

it is as expected……

Liu Chen's heart skipped a beat, but his expression didn't change much. He just looked at Hu Bufan and said, No need to talk nonsense. I just want to ask you, is it your fault that Colonel Wei is trapped somewhere else?

That's right!

Hu Bufan did not deny it at all, but nodded generously, and then showed a sarcastic smile and said: An ordinary person who is not even an evolver is no longer qualified to sit in this position in this end of the world, so I send him When he went down, he didn't use any other means to at least make him look decent, and it also made our friendship possible.

Liu Chen couldn't help but mocked: Having a friend like you is such a blessing in life...

Hu Bufan pretended not to hear the contempt in Liu Chen's words, and said again: Major Liu, you have seen what is going on now. I know you are powerful, but you alone want to defeat or kill so many of us. There is no possibility. Of course, you may have a chance to escape, but Miss Xiaoying can only stay here.

Liu Chen's expression remained unchanged and he continued to say calmly: What is Mr. Hu's purpose? You might as well say it clearly.


Hu Bufan clapped his hands and said with a smile: I just like to deal with cheerful people like Major Liu. If that's the case, then I said, take three-quarters of the grain from the grain depot and send it to me. Then give me the formula of the Type I Evolutionary Fluid, and then I can ensure that you and Miss Xiaoying return to the No. 2 gathering place safely. How about it? Isn’t this a very generous condition?

Thanks to Qidian Book Friends, Master Huahua, for your reward and support~

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