Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 209 The mysterious Mr. Hu

... As long as Uncle Wei is not crazy, there is no reason for an unknown guy to become the temporary person in charge of gathering place No. 1. It turns out that all this is the fault of that guy named Hu...

Until he walked out of the paradise shelter, Liu Chen still couldn't erase the weird feeling in his heart.

No matter who the man surnamed Hu was, it was obvious that Wei Renxiong, who had always been regarded as scheming, fell into the opponent's hands this time.

Now let alone the fact that Wei Renxiong may not be able to come back alive even if he is trapped in that military base, even if he does come back, big changes may happen to the No. 1 gathering place.

That Mr. Hu would definitely not be able to set up such a scheme based on his own ability, and it is likely that there are people from the provincial capital gathering place involved.

And with the skill of those old foxes, it won't be long before gathering place No. 1 no longer has the surname Wei.

Of course, Liu Chen had doubts about whether Anjia Xiaodian's information was accurate, but there was no need for the other party to deceive him on such matters.

Liu Chen is Liu Chen, and Wei Renxiong is Wei Renxiong. Although the two gathering places in Jincheng are still one in name, they are actually two independent forces after quelling the turmoil caused by Li Feng and others.

So even if someone wants to plot against Liu Chen, there is no need to use Wei Renxiong as a cover.

Although there is still some affection between the two parties, Liu Chen cannot take the risk to save Wei Renxiong.

Therefore, this news is probably true and is not another plot against him.

But this is indeed a big trouble. If the No. 1 gathering place really falls into the hands of the provincial capital gathering place and the Tianying gathering place, it will definitely not be a good thing for Liu Chen.

The strength of Gathering Area No. 2 alone, without the help of Gathering Area No. 1, would be impossible to compete with the opponent.

This is true even if there are already three E-level creatures on Liu Chen's side.

Although E-class creatures are powerful at this stage, they have not yet surpassed the category of thermal-ignoring weapons.

Unless Liu Chen chooses to leave with his parents, Chen Yu and others in a chariot, the other party has no way to do anything to them. But they have just obtained a large amount of food, and the construction of the gathering place is also in full swing. How can Liu Chen May leave.

What's more, there are Lin Ke, Chen Lei and so many other warriors who are already loyal to him. No matter how cruel Liu Chen is, he can't just give up on these people and choose to leave on his own.

Therefore, escape is impossible, and there is only one fight in the end.

After returning to Gathering Place No. 2 with this idea, Liu Chen summoned everyone and started the first real meeting at Gathering Place No. 2.

The topic of the meeting was simple: how to deal with the upcoming crisis.

Liu Chen did not hide anything. Whether it was the cooperation between the Tianying Gathering Area and the provincial capital gathering area, or Wei Renxiong was trapped in a military base in a neighboring province, Gathering Area No. 1 has probably changed, and was captured by Mr. Hu and the provincial capital. All matters under control at the gathering place were informed to everyone present.

Liu Chen has always known that a person's wisdom is ultimately limited. His evolutionary level is indeed much higher than that of everyone here, but in terms of wisdom, it may not be that strong.

Something happened to Colonel Wei?

A cry of surprise suddenly came out, and then a woman with a beautiful face stood up suddenly, an undisguised murderous aura rising into the sky, but it was Xiaoying.

In the battle to quell the turmoil caused by Major General Liu Qi that day, although Xiaoying was seriously injured, he also received considerable benefits. After the injury was completely healed, his strength took another step forward. He is now half-step to E-level, and has already stepped into the threshold of E-level with one foot. He can be regarded as one of the top experts at this stage.

Xiaoying has always been Wei Renxiong's true confidant, and was one of Wei Renxiong's two personal guards in the past. They naturally have a deep relationship with each other, so when they heard something happened to Wei Renxiong, Xiaoying was the first to stand up.

The reason why she stayed at gathering place No. 2 was not because she left Wei Renxiong's side and joined Liu Chen's command, but she was just here temporarily to help Liu Chen.

From the information I have received so far, it should be like this, but the specifics are still unclear. Liu Chen nodded.

No, I have to go back to gathering place No. 1 to see what's going on. Xiaoying thought for a while and made a decision.

Liu Chen was not surprised by Xiao Ying's reaction and did not stop him. He just said: Don't be anxious first. Tell me what you know about Mr. Hu, and then I will go to gathering place No. 1 with you.

Before the meeting started, Liu Chen asked Xiaoying if he knew Mr. Hu. Unexpectedly, Xiaoying actually knew something about Mr. Hu. However, Liu Chen did not continue to ask further at that time. It happened that everyone was here now.

Hearing that Liu Chen was going to follow him, Xiaoying became visibly calmer. After thinking for a while, he said, I don't know the true origin of Mr. Hu. He appeared at Gathering No. 1 after the doomsday. But Colonel Wei and his The relationship is obviously relatively familiar, but this person has never liked to show up in front of others. He usually serves as Colonel Wei's staff. Except for me and Leng Han, there should be very few people in the gathering place who have seen him. Even me and Leng Han, I will not see him more than three times, but each time it is when there is a major change in the gathering place. From this point of view, Colonel Wei should still trust this person very much.

Having said this, Xiaoying paused and continued: I have never seen Mr. Hu take action, but for some reason, every time I see this person, I feel a strong threat. At first I thought it was just my illusion, but after asking Leng Han privately, he found the same thing. From this point of view, I think this person should have very strong strength, but I don’t know what means he used to hide it, so he He will look like a normal person.

Liu Chen frowned and asked, Does Colonel Wei know about this?

Xiaoying nodded and said: I reported it to him, but he just smiled and said nothing. I think he should have known this a long time ago.

Liu Chen smiled bitterly and said: In this way, Colonel Wei should know Mr. Hu very well, and he obviously trusts this person. But think about it, if Colonel Wei doesn't trust him particularly, with his wisdom, It’s impossible to be tricked.”

Liu Chen already had a certain understanding of how cunning and scheming Wei Renxiong was. Even Major General Liu Qi, an old fox, couldn't defeat him at the beginning. He could see some clues.

However, Wei Renxiong's strengths are obvious, and so are his weaknesses. The other party must have taken advantage of these to put him in danger.

Major, just tell me what to do. At worst, we will send troops to knock down the No. 1 gathering place. In this way, the two gathering places in Jincheng can be considered as one again, which is actually good. Lin Ke said from the side.

That's right!

Chen Lei, Sun Ji and others also nodded, and even Zhao Wuliang showed a look of agreement.

They didn't have any friendship with Wei Renxiong, so naturally they didn't care much about the life and death of Colonel Wei. Instead, they got the No. 1 gathering place in their hands. That was the real benefit.

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