Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 207 Anjia Shop

Facts have proved that although not everyone is afraid of death, the vast majority of people are afraid of death.

So under Liu Chen's threat of death, the sneak attacker quickly told everything he knew.

It's a pity that this person's status is not high, he is just like the kind of handyman around Zhao Chengkong, and he doesn't know much.

He did know that he deliberately arranged this matter. In fact, as soon as Liu Chen arrived at the Paradise Sanctuary, the people in the Sky Eagle Gathering Area had already received the news, so the old man with the goatee staged a scene of selling news about mutant plants.

The purpose of this layout is of course to kill Liu Chen. After all, there is no way to make too much noise in the Paradise Sanctuary, otherwise he will face the other party's wrath.

The relationship between the Sky Eagle Gathering Place and the Paradise Sanctuary is not very good. They only cooperate in certain aspects, so Zhao Chengkong naturally does not dare to do whatever he wants here.

The best way is to lure Liu Chen to a good place to ambush and kill him.

Naturally, what can attract an evolver like Liu Chen are some rare treasures, and mutated plants are undoubtedly one of them.

Originally, their plan was very good, and Liu Chen was already tempted. However, he was cautious by nature and never trusted strangers, so he finally discovered something unusual about the other party.

But what Liu Chen didn't expect was that the news about the mutated plant was not fabricated by the Sky Eagle gathering place, but actually existed.

Moreover, the people in the Sky Eagle Gathering Area also sent out manpower to get it, but in the end they lost their troops and had to give up temporarily.

On this point, the old man with the goatee never lied to Liu Chen, but only changed some details.

In addition, Liu Chen also roughly learned the strength of the Sky Eagle gathering place from the opponent's mouth.

There are about five hundred warriors in the entire gathering place. Although it is not many, it can be regarded as a tyrannical force at this stage.

Moreover, these soldiers have also been trained. Although they are still some distance from real soldiers, they are still much stronger than others.

Because the Skyhawk Security Company, the predecessor of the Skyhawk Gathering Area, originally hired many veterans and asked them to serve as training instructors. After the doomsday came, a few of these instructors were lucky enough to survive, and even became evolutionaries.

In addition, the Sky Eagle Gathering has been vigorously recruiting evolvers. So far, the number of evolvers in the Sky Eagle Gathering is close to 30. Among them, the three commanders are the strongest, especially the Grand Commander. A master who has reached E level.

The other two commanders are also half-step E-level masters. In addition, there are two great guardians who are also half-step E-level masters. They are the two power evolvers who just dealt with Liu Chen with Zhao Chengkong.

These two people were obviously very unlucky. Although their strength was far from invincible, they could still be regarded as figures. Unfortunately, they met Liu Chen and died here before they could make a name for themselves.

Two of Tianying's top five masters were lost as soon as they met Liu Chen. Even the second commander, Zhao Chengkong, would have ended up not much better if he hadn't run fast enough.

This is a big blow to the strength of the Sky Eagle gathering place, and the next actions will become even crazier.

After asking for what he wanted, Liu Chen did not kill the other party, but left him here to fend for himself.

Anyway, Zhao Chengkong and Xiaofeng had already escaped, and Liu Chen was not afraid that his news would be leaked.

As expected, the Paradise Sanctuary does not prohibit fighting with cold weapons. Even if Liu Chen made a lot of noise here, no one would take care of it.

As long as firearms are not used, Paradise Sanctuary simply turns a blind eye.

After briefly cleaning the blood on his body, Liu Chen returned to the second underground floor and went straight to the old man with the goatee.

Of course, Liu Chen had no reason to let go of the person who set up a trap for him.

In particular, he has learned that the old man with the goatee's status in the Sky Eagle gathering place is not low. Although he is not as good as the three commanders and the two guardians, he is still one of the top leaders, which makes it even more difficult for the other party.

But what Liu Chen didn't expect was that the old man with the goatee might have heard some rumors or was too cautious. When Liu Chen arrived at the old and broken tent, the building was already empty.

Even the stall disappeared. Liu Chen spent a bullet to inquire about a nearby vendor and learned that the old man with the goatee had left for a while, and he didn't know where he had gone.

This guy is really a thief...

Liu Chen shook his head and stopped pursuing the other party. Instead, he finally reached the largest tent in the center.

Sure enough, there was a sign on it that was exactly the same as what pockmarked Lao Jiu told him. This was Anjia's shop and an entertainment venue that also sold information.

The old man with the goatee didn't deceive him about this matter.

Liu Chen did not go in immediately. Instead, he walked around a few times and bought a few things to change his outfit before entering the tent.

If the Sky Eagle Gathering Group can plan to deal with him here, then it has obviously grasped his whereabouts. This means that there is a spy in Gathering No. 2 who has been informing the other party.

Although Liu Chen failed to ask Zhao Chengkong who the mole was, he must have something to do with pockmarked Lao Jiu.

Because coming to this paradise refuge was the advice given to him by pockmarked Laojiu.

However, Liu Chen could not yet determine whether the mole was Pock-faced Lao Jiu himself or someone close to Pock-faced Lao Jiu, but for the sake of safety, it was better to dress up in disguise.

No one can say for sure whether this so-called Anjia store is still a bureau.

But Liu Chen guessed that there was little possibility of a problem here, because when he was buying things just now, he also made a vague inquiry about Anjia's store. This was indeed a place for selling information, and it didn't seem to be a paradise refuge. The affiliated force actually belongs to another mysterious force, and the two parties only have a cooperative relationship.

Preliminary judgment showed that the mysterious force behind the Anjia store should not be the gathering place of Tianying. Otherwise, Zhao Chengkong would not have had to escape just now, because as soon as he entered the door, Liu Chen discovered that the guards in the Anjia store turned out to be With a gun.

Although it is just an ordinary pistol, it still has powerful lethality.

The space inside Anjia's store is very large, and it is connected to many tents, creating some independent spaces.

Sir, what service do you need? Beauty? Wine? Or delicious food?

As soon as Liu Chen walked in, a sweet-looking girl with a slim figure came up to her and asked softly with a moving smile.

Liu Chen naturally had no interest in this, so he simply said straight to the point: I want to buy some information.

A strange color flashed in the girl's beautiful eyes. After sizing up Liu Chen again, she nodded and said, Please follow me...

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