Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 204 Zhao Chengkong

There were not many people in the tent, only four. Apart from the sneak attacker and the vendor who were injured by Liu Chen, there were two more people.

One of them was a middle-aged man with a calm demeanor. He was sitting on a chair sipping tea before Liu Chen came in. Even if Liu Chen shot and injured the attacker, the man's expression did not change at all, and not only did he not put down the tea cup in his hand, , even the hand holding the teacup didn't even tremble. His calming and nourishing skills alone were obviously extraordinary.

Behind this middle-aged man, stood a thin man. After Liu Chen saw him, he first felt familiar, and then after looking at him carefully, he couldn't help but whisper: You...are that one? breeze?

Liu, it's rare that you still remember me! The thin man said coldly with undisguised hatred in his eyes.

Liu Chen shrugged and said, I'm not surprised that you are alive, but I am really surprised that you appear here. What's that guy's name? Well, Zheng Tiansheng, right? Why isn't he with you?

This thin man was none other than one of the survivors that Liu Chen met on his way to the Capital Research Institute with Dongfang Ying and three other doctors from the Yicheng Research Institute.

The mutated plant Liu Chen obtained, the mutated fire spirit fruit, also has a great relationship with this group of people.

The leader of the survivor team was named Zheng Tiansheng. He originally planned to use Liu Chen and others to obtain the mutated fire spirit fruit, but in the end he fell short and gave it to Liu Chen at an advantage.

Zheng Tiansheng's team at that time was almost wiped out. Only this man named Xiaofeng risked his life to rescue Zheng Tiansheng.

After that, the two sides never met again.

Unexpectedly, Liu Chen was really surprised to see the other party again in this paradise sanctuary in Jincheng today.

Haha, thanks to your great blessing, my eldest brother is still alive and well, and he wants to peel off your skin and drink your blood every day. Xiaofeng said through gritted teeth.

Without Liu Chen, not only could he and Zheng Tiansheng get the mutated plant, but they would also not have to lose all the power they had worked so hard to establish. I am afraid that a large-scale gathering place has been built long ago, and it is impossible to rely on others like now.

Therefore, in the hearts of Zheng Tiansheng and Xiaofeng, the person they hate most in their lives is probably Liu Chen.

My blood doesn't taste that good.

Liu Chen smiled faintly and didn't care at all.

In this apocalypse where people are about to eat people, it is normal to have enemies. In the worst case, they will be killed completely, but there is no need to worry about it at all.

Liu Chen, are you the temporary person in charge of gathering place No. 2?

At this time, the imposing middle-aged man sitting on the chair suddenly spoke.

Yes, who are you?

Liu Chen nodded and did not conceal his identity.

He had now vaguely guessed the identities of these people, and if there were no accidents, the news about the mutated plants that the old man with the goatee had said was simply a trap laid against him.

It's just that the other party didn't expect Liu Chen to be so alert. Liu Chen discovered this game before it could succeed.

I, Zhao Chengkong, currently occupy the second position in Tianying. The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

These guys are indeed from the Sky Eagle gathering place!

Liu Chen's heart suddenly thumped. Although he had already made some guesses, Liu Chen was still a little surprised when the other party confirmed it personally.

It wasn't that he was just surprised by the identities of these people, but that the other party had obviously set up a trap before he came to this paradise refuge. The things contained in it were quite intriguing.

Especially since the other party obviously knew his identity.

But Liu Chen was a little relieved that there seemed to be no special relationship between the Sky Eagle gathering place and this paradise sanctuary. Otherwise, when he entered the first-floor garage, he could have been easily captured.

Liu Chen couldn't deal with those machine gun fortresses now, unless he brought the super tank over.

And since these people can't rely on the power of the Heavenly Refuge, Liu Chen doesn't have anything to worry about.

The evolution level of Zhao Chengkong, the second commander of the Sky Eagle gathering place in front of him, is indeed not low. He has obviously reached the E-level threshold and can be regarded as a top expert today.

However, in Liu Chen's eyes, it was far from enough, even if Xiao Feng, who was already at the peak of F level, was added to the mix.

In this heavenly sanctuary where the use of firearms is not allowed, Liu Chen, who is holding an alloy sword, is not even close to being invincible.

Therefore, Liu Chen simply found a chair and sat down without hesitation, looked at Zhao Chengkong and said, Tell me, what do you mean? If you have nothing to say, then I will simply send you on your way.

If there was still some room between the No. 2 gathering place and the Sky Eagle gathering place before, and they did not have to fight to the death, then after what happened just now, even if the Sky Eagle gathering place wants to reconcile, Liu Chen is not going to let each other go.

Those who want to plot against themselves and those around them have only one simplest solution, and that is to send them to see the King of Hell.

Haha, Leader Liu has such a loud tone. No wonder he acts so unscrupulously. Our people kill whenever they say. Do you really think that they will capture our gathering place of Sky Eagles?

Sensing Liu Chen's attitude that he didn't take them seriously at all, Zhao Chenggong's eyes clearly flashed with anger, but he quickly regained his composure and just snorted coldly.

Liu Chen shook his head and said: It's not that I am unscrupulous, but that your people are unscrupulous. If they hadn't struck first, they wouldn't have died.

He had already learned about the sudden battle from Chen Lei. The reason was that after the elite team from the Sky Eagle Gathering Area appeared again, they insisted on driving Chen Lei and others away, saying that the grain depot was the territory of the Sky Eagle Gathering Area.

Naturally, Chen Lei and others would not agree, but while they were arguing with the other party, a member of the elite team at the Sky Eagle gathering place suddenly opened fire, trying to kill Chen Lei on the spot.

Fortunately, Chen Lei was very alert at the time and managed to avoid it.

Afterwards, Chen Lei's side naturally chose to shoot, but Tianying's team obviously did not expect that Chen Lei and others were so powerful and had so many firearms in their hands, so they were killed on the spot in an instant.

Therefore, in this matter, no matter from any point of view, what Chen Lei and others did was not excessive. They did not intend to kill people at all at first. It was just that Tianying's team was looking for death.

However, the people at the Sky Eagle Gathering Area obviously didn't think so, so Zhao Chengkong snorted again and said: There is no need for Chief Liu to say those useless things. Now I only want to inform you of one thing. Our commander-in-chief is compassionate and does not like to bully the weak. Therefore, as long as your gathering place No. 2 pays compensation, this matter can be cleared up in one go. If not, don’t blame us for bulldozing your entire gathering place.”

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