Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 197: Serving as a warning (Third update)

Brother Liu, I don't think I can agree to Mr. Hu's conditions no matter what.

Seeing Liu Chen's sudden silence, Zhao Wuliang thought that the other party was considering whether to agree, so he said nervously.

Oh, then you're not afraid that Mr. Hu will bring the army from Gathering Area No. 1 to attack us? They have tanks. Liu Chen said with a half-smile.

Zhao Wuliang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid that a large number of survivors will starve to death due to lack of food. Moreover, Gathering No. 1 didn't give us any help with this batch of food. On the contrary, He also instigated Li Feng and others to launch a rebellion, which is simply crazy, and I can't say anything to give them any advantage.

Whether he was on Liu Qi's side, later on Wei Renxiong's side, or now on Liu Chen's side, Zhao Wuliang's nature has not changed at all. He is still doing everything for the survivors in the gathering place.

In ancient times, Zhao Wuliang was definitely the kind of hero who cared about the country and the people, and in the apocalypse, he was a rare thing.

This kind of quality can be called noble. If it were before the end of the world, Liu Chen would also admire him very much. But now is the end of the world, and Zhao Wuliang's temperament is not a good thing. This is why he can't get it from Liu Qi or Wei Renxiong. Reasons for reuse.

However, Liu Chen had no interest in discussing such pitiful topics with Zhao Wuliang. He had no intention of distributing food to Gathering No. 1.

There is no reason why the things you have worked so hard to get should be given to others in vain.

By the way, Brother Zhao, how is Zhao Ying doing? Liu Chen suddenly changed the subject and asked.

When Li Feng escaped, Wei Daxiong was killed, and the remaining officers were arrested, including Zhao Wuliang's sister Zhao Ying.

For the sake of Zhao Wuliang, Liu Chen did not abuse Zhao Ying and locked her up alone. He also ordered Zhao Wuliang that if Zhao Ying promised not to work for Wei Renxiong anymore and chose to stay at the No. 2 gathering place, Liu Chen can write off all the past things.

In fact, Liu Chen himself doesn't like Zhao Ying's character, but now the crisis at gathering place No. 2 is at hand, and it is a time when there is a shortage of manpower. If people like Zhao Ying are willing to fight for gathering place No. 2, Liu Chen will let them go. There is nothing wrong with a horse.

Of course, the premise is that they sincerely submit, otherwise even if Liu Chen doesn't kill them, he will inevitably keep them imprisoned.

Well, you know Yingying's bad temper, Brother Liu. She probably won't be able to turn around for a while, so let's lock her up for a while. Zhao Wuliang shook his head helplessly.

For his sister, the only relative in this world, Zhao Wuliang really had no choice at all.

The only blame is that before the end of the world, he and his parents pampered this sister too much, but now she is completely spoiled.

Then let's lock it up for now. Where are the others? Liu Chen was also a little helpless.

Although Zhao Ying is Zhao Wuliang's younger sister, as long as she doesn't submit, Liu Chen won't be able to let her out for a day.

Faced with Liu Chen's decision, Zhao Wuliang was not dissatisfied at all, and continued: That guy Jia Ren chose to submit immediately, but I don't think he can be wanted. He is a guy without any moral integrity. When the time comes, If we attack the Sky Eagle gathering place, I'm afraid he will be the first to surrender.

Well, I heard from Lin Ke and the others that this Jia Ren is indeed not a good person. In this case, let's just kill him. But before killing him, he should parade on the street to let others know about provoking unrest in the gathering place. His fate will serve as a warning to others. Liu Chen said calmly with a sharp light in his eyes.

Jia Ren even used mortars to attack the small building at that time, almost threatening the safety of his parents. This made Liu Chen have murderous intentions for a long time, but he just had too many things to take care of these days.

Understood. Zhao Wuliang nodded without making any objection.

In the entire Jincheng gathering place, except for Wei Renxiong and Li Feng, there are few people who like a bad-tempered guy like Jia Ren, so killing him is a very satisfying thing.

Where is Lieutenant Wu Xin? Are you still prepared to fight to the death? Liu Chen asked again.

Liu Chen took a closer look at the people who took the lead in causing the turmoil this time. And he felt that the lieutenant named Wu Xin was pretty good. At least he had a bottom line in doing things and was not as unscrupulous as Li Feng and Jia Ren.

Moreover, Wu Xin is not weak in strength. He is an orthodox soldier and is a top student who graduated from the Command Academy. He is extremely capable in leading troops in combat and can be said to be a rare talent.

Therefore, if this person can be brought under his control, the strength of Liu Chen's side will be significantly improved again.

In the apocalypse, powerful evolvers are not uncommon, but commanders who can lead troops in battle are extremely rare.

As time goes by, the number of evil ghost groups is getting larger and larger. With a commander commanding the army in the gathering area, the combat power they can exert will increase at least several times.

But Wu Xin seemed to be die-hard loyal to Wei Renxiong. Liu Chen sent several people to recruit Wu Xin, but the latter scolded them all.

However, the relationship between Wu Xin and Zhao Wuliang was very good, so Liu Chen finally gave the task of subduing Wu Xin directly to Zhao Wuliang and asked him to do it.

Ahem, that guy Old Wu is born to be stubborn, and it's hard to change the things he's set on. But he seems to have gained some enlightenment in the past two days. Brother Liu, please give me some more time, and I will definitely persuade him to understand.

Speaking of this, Zhao Wuliang said nervously: Brother Liu, Wu Xin is different from Jia Ren. He is not only upright and kind, but also very capable. You must not kill him because he temporarily refuses to submit.

Liu Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this: Brother Zhao, in your eyes, am I a murderous person?

Zhao Wuliang pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, Huricide is far from the norm, but I find that Brother Liu, you are much more murderous now than before. You were not like this when you first came to the gathering place.

Liu Chen was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, he realized that this was really the case.

At the beginning, he always felt that the darkness of the apocalypse was already making people desperate, so there would be less internal fighting among the survivors and more vitality. Maybe there would be a day when this apocalypse would end completely.

But as one incident after another happened, Liu Chen found that not only did his approach not bring any benefits, but he also encountered more and more troubles.

In this case, Liu Chen simply didn't bother to care about the fate of others. As long as he and the people around him lived well, it was enough.

As for those who don't have eyes and want to provoke people who have ill intentions towards themselves, simply kill them all to avoid future troubles.

Don't worry, I won't kill Wu Xin, but I'm not very patient, so he'd better figure it out quickly. Liu Chen pondered for a moment and said.

Don't worry, Brother Liu, I'll go find Lao Wu right away. Zhao Wuliang didn't dare to hesitate, and after saying that, he stood up and left.

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