Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 170 Three-pronged approach

Is there something you need in the evil ghost's body? Xiaoying was completely stunned.

Although she has strong combat power and has killed a lot of evil ghosts, she has never really dissected the body of evil ghosts, so she naturally does not know the existence of energy crystals and evolutionary energy balls.

That's right!

Liu Chen nodded and said, It's just inside the evil ghost's head and abdomen.

With that said, Liu Chen handed an energy crystal and an evolutionary energy ball that he had already prepared in his pocket to Xiaoying.

Liu Chen couldn't do everything personally, and now he didn't have a strong master, so even if he knew Xiaoying was Wei Renxiong's confidant, Liu Chen could only make do with it now.

And he was not afraid that Wei Renxiong would know the secrets inside the evil ghost's body. In fact, Liu Chen had already guessed that many scientists should already know about the existence of energy crystals and evolutionary energy balls.

After all, they must have dissected the corpses of evil ghosts, and such things are not that hard to find.

There is also a high-tech research institute in the Jincheng gathering place. They are even studying mutant beasts, let alone evil ghosts.

So Liu Chen guessed that Wei Renxiong already knew the secrets inside the evil ghost's body, but he was not sure about the uses of these two things for the time being.

If given the chance, Liu Chen wouldn't mind sharing with the scientists at the Jincheng gathering place that energy crystals can create evolutionary potions.

Although he has already cooperated with the Lincheng Research Institute, the distance between the two parties is quite far. If the Jincheng gathering place can produce evolution potions on its own, it will not be a bad thing for Liu Chen.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Chen was naturally not afraid of Xiaoying leaking the content of this conversation to Wei Renxiong.

I see.

After carefully looking at the shape and characteristics of the energy crystal and evolutionary energy ball, Xiaoying did not ask Liu Chen what he wanted these two things for, but just nodded lightly.

After that, Liu Chen didn't stay long, chatted with Xiaoying for a few more words and then left.

The shortage of food made Liu Chen think about it for a while and decided to adopt a three-pronged approach.

Let Zhao Wuliang and Chen Lei organize an evolver collection team to collect food near Jincheng. This is one of them.

Then let Xiaoying form a combat team to hunt evil ghosts and collect energy crystals and evolutionary energy balls. This is the second type.

As for the last one left, Liu Chen still didn't give up on that grain depot, so he planned to go there himself to find out the truth.

But before going there, Liu Chen had to let Chen Yu and his parents use the mutated fruit to become evolvers.

Only when they all become acquired evolvers can Liu Chen safely take General Big Black Dog to the grain depot.

When Liu Chen thought of the general, he thought of the macaw that suddenly disappeared. He didn't know if the big black dog had found it.

Back at the small building, the big black dog and the macaw were still missing and had not returned.

In this situation, Liu Chen had no choice but to continue to place his hope on the general.

After finding his parents and Chen Yu, Liu Chen took out the two mutated fruits and told them again the details of how they could become evolvers after being used, but were also dangerous.

In fact, it was mainly for Chen Yu to listen. After all, a mutated fruit could be divided into two halves for use, and Liu Chen was almost 100% sure.

This means that there is no risk at all for his parents to become evolutionaries. At most, it is a matter of how far the evolutionary level can be achieved.

But Liu Chen never wanted his parents to become fighting evolvers. As long as they had some ability to protect themselves and their physical fitness could be greatly improved, it would be enough.

But Chen Yu was different. A whole mutated fruit could create a powerful evolver, but there was at least a 50% chance that he would not be able to withstand the violent power and die miserably on the spot.

Therefore, Liu Chen must let Chen Yu make his own choice.

I choose to use.

Chen Yu's choice did not change at all from before, which was also expected by Liu Chen.

After experiencing so many things, Chen Yu is no longer the ignorant girl who loves fantasy. She knows better than anyone else that if she wants to survive in this damn apocalypse, she must have strong strength.

And more importantly, Chen Yu knew better that only when she became equally powerful could she be able to keep up with Liu Chen's footsteps.

Compared with these, a fifty percent chance of death is nothing at all.

Okay, then you can evolve once more, and then I will help you use this mutable fruit.

Feeling Chen Yu's determination, Liu Chen didn't waste any more words. He nodded and looked at his parents and said, Mom and Dad, come with me. I'll help you evolve first.

Xiao Chen, your dad said that after becoming an evolver, you can not only become younger, but also stay younger for many years. Is it true or false? Mother Liu asked excitedly.

As a woman, no one likes to stay young forever, and Mother Liu is no exception.

Therefore, she didn't care about whether it was dangerous or not at all, she just wanted to confirm these things.

Father Liu also said beside him: Don't worry, how could I lie to you about this kind of thing? Xiaochen, after your father and I become evolutionaries, will I also have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth? I can blow up a person with one punch. A car?”

Seeing that his parents' attention had wandered a bit, Liu Chen suddenly felt a headache, but he still answered honestly: Mom, it's true that evolved people can become young or maintain their youth. My father doesn't. I’m lying to you, and the higher the evolution level, the longer it will last. Dad, it’s hard to say whether you can fly in the sky and escape from the earth in the future, and it’s not certain whether you can blow up a car, but you will definitely be much stronger than ordinary people. That’s it.”

That's good, that's good...

The old couple became more and more excited, without any signs of nervousness or fear.

Liu Chen could completely understand his parents' emotions, because in his previous life, he knew better than anyone else how eager an ordinary survivor was to become an evolved person.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is a chance for them to become evolutionaries, they will be very happy to give everything for it.

In the apocalypse, ordinary survivors are no different from ants, but once they become evolved, they will be separated from the mortal world forever. No one can bear this temptation.

However, being too excited was not a good thing for using the mutant fruit, so Liu Chen could only chat patiently with his parents, explaining the evolutionary direction and characteristics of the evolver.

It took nearly an hour for Liu's father and Liu's mother to finally recover from the excitement and slowly become calm.

Upon seeing this, Liu Chen took out a mutated fruit and began to operate it carefully...

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