Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 161 Mutated Fruit Matures

But no matter how worried Liu Chen was, he couldn't find any solution. In the end, he had no choice but to turn to the big black dog for help.

General, go and find where the parrot is. I'm worried something might be wrong with it.

Liu Chen patted the general's big head and ordered in a low voice.


The general let out a low cry to indicate that he understood, then moved quickly and rushed out of the small building like a black lightning bolt.

Mutated beasts usually have a sense of each other, especially the big black dog and the macaw who have been together almost all the time. They are already very familiar with each other. It is much more efficient for the general to search for them than Liu Chen.

Moreover, Liu Chen didn't think anything serious would really happen to the macaw, because ever since he met that silly bird, Liu Chen had discovered more and more unusual things.

Macaws seem completely different from ordinary mutant beasts.

It's just that Liu Chen is not a scientist and has not conducted in-depth research, so he cannot accurately tell the reason for this difference for a while.

After leaving the matter of finding the macaw to the general, Liu Chen returned to his room and began to water the mutated plant with the liquid from the evolutionary energy ball.

The color of the two mutated fruits has become bright red, and the energy fluctuations they emit are becoming more and more intense, making the temperature in the entire room become hot, like inside a sauna.

This made Liu Chen realize that the two mutated fruits were about to mature, and it would only take a few hours for them to completely mature and fall off.

Therefore, Liu Chen simply decided not to rest tonight, and stayed next to the mutated fire spirit fruit to carefully guard it.

Because under normal circumstances, when the mutant fruit matures, the rich energy fluctuations will attract mutant beasts. Although he was now in the gathering place, not in the wild, and it was logical that he would not be sensed by the mutated beasts, Liu Chen also did not dare to be careless.

These two fruits are real good things, and they are of great importance to Liu Chen.

The birth of a top fire-evolver, and the fact that both his parents can become evolvers, are of vital significance to Liu Chen's plan for the next apocalypse, and there is no room for any accidents.

The night passed quickly.

Liu Chen broke open an evolutionary energy ball from time to time and slowly poured water on it. Near dawn, the mutated fire spirit fruit finally changed.

First, a dazzling red light surged from the entire mutated plant, as if a small sun suddenly appeared in the room, causing the temperature to start to soar crazily again.

Even though Liu Chen's physique was amazing, he couldn't bear it in the end. He guessed that the highest peak temperature was probably close to one or two hundred degrees.

Fortunately, we had already guessed that this would happen, and there were no flammable or explosive objects placed in Liu Chen's room, so it didn't have much impact.

Moreover, this temperature peak disappears as quickly as it appears.

After the red light slowly disappeared, a violent energy fluctuation began to surge. After a few seconds, everything returned to normal again.

The mutated plant suddenly seemed to shrink several times, turning into the appearance of a small seedling.

At the root, there were two fruits with vaguely flowing fiery red light lying there quietly, but the mutated fruits finally matured and fell off.

Liu Chen stepped forward and took it in his hand. His tentacles were warm, and he could clearly feel the majestic energy inside.

Chen Yu... what kind of surprise can you give me?

Liu Chen murmured, and couldn't help but have a flash of excitement and excitement in his eyes.

After rebirth, being able to take under one's wing those top evolvers who were arrogant and arrogant in the previous life is a very fulfilling thing. However, that sense of accomplishment is far less than that of creating a person who is the pinnacle of those people in the previous life. At some point, more powerful evolvers will emerge.

Ever since he met Liu Chen, the life trajectory of the overlord Rain God in his previous life has obviously completely shifted. Originally, Liu Chen had wondered several times whether it would be because of himself that there would be no more people in this life. The overlord Rain God is born.

After all, the birth of a truly strong man is no accident, and requires many chances and coincidences.

But after obtaining the Mutated Fire Spirit Fruit, Liu Chen realized that not only would the overlord Rain God in this life not disappear, but would instead appear in this apocalypse in an even more stunning manner.

There is no slight difference between the evolved person created by the evolution potion and the one created by the mutated fruit.

However, Liu Chen was not very sure whether Chen Yu could successfully evolve.

In his previous life, he had never obtained a mutant fruit at all, and many things were just heard from hearsay.

The two parents shared a mutated fruit to evolve, and Liu Chen was very sure of success, but the energy contained in a whole mutated fruit was so shocking and terrifying that most people simply couldn't bear it.

However, as an ordinary person, Chen Yu's body strengthening level has almost reached the limit. He is only stronger than some evolutionists. This strong physique is the source of Liu Chen's confidence in letting Chen Yu use this mutant fruit. .

He carefully packed the glassware that the two mutated fruits had prepared long ago. In fact, according to normal circumstances, in order to maintain the energy of the mutated fruits to the maximum extent, it is best to store them in special boxes, but Liu Chen now has There is no such good thing anywhere, so it can only be replaced with other items.

Anyway, he planned to use it for Chen Yu and his parents today, so he didn't have to worry about energy loss.

After putting the mutant fruit away, Liu Chen poured some liquid from the evolutionary energy ball into the smaller mutant fire spirit fruit.

This mutated plant can continue to grow fruit, and the effect will be the same, without the so-called continuous decrease in energy.

However, Liu Chen couldn't know how long it would take for the fruit to bear fruit and grow to maturity. It must not be short.

Otherwise, a single mutated plant could continuously create top evolvers, and the human survivors would not have to struggle so hard.

As soon as Liu Chen walked out of the room, his parents and Chen Yu had already woken up.

In this apocalypse full of confusion and danger, few people can really sleep as solidly and peacefully as they did before the apocalypse. Only children like Liu Xiner can sleep soundly and are still dreaming sweetly. among.

After washing up and saying hello to his parents and others, Liu Chen hurried out of the small building without even having time to eat breakfast.

Just now, a soldier came to report that there was another disturbance in the gathering place...

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