Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 156 Dealing with the Evil Ghost Group

Knowing that Liu Chen still had a lot of things to deal with, Chen Lei and Sun Ji didn't talk much. They just asked Liu Chen to quickly arrange something for them to do. They couldn't just join in and just have nothing to do.

Liu Chen thought for a while and let Zhao Wuliang lead Chen Lei and Sun Ji first.

After all, Zhao Wuliang knows more about the situation at Gathering Place No. 2 than anyone else, and Chen Lei and Sun Ji can also become familiar with it as soon as possible.

After sending the three people away, Liu Chen was about to take a look at the situation of the evil spirits outside when a familiar dog barking suddenly sounded.

Liu Chen turned his head and found that the two mutant beasts, General Big Black Dog and Macaw, were back.

How was the harvest this time?

Liu Chen first checked the two guys, and after finding that they were not injured, he felt relieved and asked with a smile.

Master Bird takes action, and naturally he will gain a lot.

The macaw puffed up its plump chest proudly, and then threw a bag to Liu Chen.

When he opened it, he found that the number was not as high as last time, but there were still twenty or thirty. This should be the limit of the number of evil ghosts that two mutant beasts could hunt down under normal circumstances.

After all, it was just an accident last time. The two guys took advantage of the strong harpoon man.

If the macaws also had certain combat capabilities, the number of kills of the two mutant beasts could increase significantly.

It is a pity that so far, the macaw has also eaten a lot of energy crystals, but there is no sign of evolving again. This is much worse than the big black dog.

Due to eating a lot of evolutionary energy balls during this period, General Big Black Dog has not only completely stabilized the level of the E-level elementary level, but is also rapidly moving towards the E-level intermediate level.

You two stay in the building to protect my parents. No one is allowed in. If anyone breaks in, just kill them. I'll go out.

After absorbing all the energy crystals into the chariot system, Liu Chen gave instructions to the two mutant beasts.

Originally, he was still worried about whether his parents would be in danger if he left here in a chariot. After all, no one knew whether Liu Qi, who had escaped, would come back with a kill.

Now that General Big Black Dog is here, there is no need to worry about this.

Unless Liu Qi doesn't come back, he will definitely be seeking death if he comes back.

Woof woof...

Don't worry, car thief. Lord Bird is here to make sure everything is safe.

The two mutated beasts expressed their understanding, so Liu Chen said no more. After going upstairs to talk to his parents, he asked Chen Yu and Liu Xiner to follow him out.

There are a lot of evil ghosts this time. With the help of chariots, it is not difficult for Liu Chen to kill them alone, but it is an excellent opportunity to practice, which can significantly improve the combat effectiveness of Chen Yu and Liu Xiner. promote.

In particular, the mutated fruit was about to mature, but Chen Yu's body enhancement did not seem to have reached its limit. This shocked Liu Chen that the talent of the overlord Rain God in his previous life was really amazing, and at the same time, he also confirmed an idea.

That is, Chen Yu must let Chen Yu's current state reach its limit before he can become an acquired evolver.

In that case, the benefits to Chen Yu will be extremely huge.

Liu Chen is now beginning to look forward to what kind of abnormal evolution he can create by continuously strengthening his body when he was an ordinary person, and then using the mutation fruit to become an evolver after reaching the limit.

Chen Yu and Liu Xiner have always obeyed Liu Chen's words, and they also knew that Liu Chen trained them for their own good, so they naturally would not refuse. However, Liu's father and Liu's mother were a little worried, fearing that Chen Yu and Liu Xiner would be in danger.

This made Liu Chen realize once again that his own son had begun to lose popularity and was far inferior to his default daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

Starting the chariot, Liu Chen and the others quickly drove out of the No. 2 gathering place, and then headed in the direction of the evil ghost group.

Yes, the number is actually more than expected...

After arriving at that place and seeing clearly the situation not far away, Liu Chen was not surprised but overjoyed.

The specific number cannot be calculated for the time being, but a rough estimate is that it may be over a hundred.

Such a large number of evil ghosts would undoubtedly be a terrifying disaster for ordinary gathering places and survivors. But for Liu Chen now, it is all chariot energy.

Of course, Liu Chen couldn't fight with more than a hundred evil ghosts even if he drove a chariot, but he didn't need to fight hard now. He only needed to lure them away from the No. 2 gathering place first, and then slowly Just kill it slowly.

Although there are many, they will all be killed sooner or later.

Liu Chen could have taken Chen Yu and Liu Xiner to join forces with these evil ghosts during the day, and returned to the gathering place to rest at night, killing them all in two or three days.

Liu Chen's only worry now is that there are E-class or even alien ghosts in the group of evil ghosts.

According to normal circumstances, among such a large number of evil ghosts, there is a high probability that that kind of guy will appear, and that will be more difficult to deal with.

But now with the assistance of chariots and monster-killing weapons like alloy sabers, Liu Chen felt that as long as there were not too many, there shouldn't be any big problems.

Chen Yu, go and attract a few of them.

Since the number of evil ghosts is quite large, except for the obviously strong evil ghosts, it is not easy to see other alien evil ghosts even if they are hiding inside.

Therefore, you must go and seduce him to find out.

Evil ghosts have no interest in inanimate objects, such as vehicles and buildings. They must be attracted by something of flesh and blood.

This is not because Liu Chen is cruel, there are many things that must be experienced in the apocalypse.

The day Liu Chen took Chen Yu with him, he had already made it clear to her that whether she could survive and how long she could survive was all up to her.

In the apocalypse, there is no real protection for anyone.

When Chen Yu heard this, she didn't hesitate at all. She took the alloy sword assigned to her by Liu Chen, opened the car door and walked over with her long legs.

Liu Xiner, who was still in the car, was a little nervous, but she didn't say anything.

This is the end of the world. Many of the so-called privileges before the end of the world have long lost their meaning.

Monsters never care whether you are beautiful or not, and they also don't care whether you are cute or not. They will eat you anyway.


Although it was daytime and the evil ghosts' perception was still far from the normal level of sensitivity, Chen Yu still attracted the attention of many evil ghosts by walking over in such a grand manner.

It is instinct for wild beasts to hunt for food, so many evil ghosts roared and rushed towards this direction quickly.

Because several of the figures moved faster than other evil ghosts, and the ferocious aura on their bodies was more compelling. After seeing Chen Yu, they rushed to the front with great excitement.

As for the chariot behind Chen Yu, it was not taken seriously by these evil ghosts at all.

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